Chapter 291 The Third Master

The soft and glutinous little breast dumplings' childish words made Chu Youlin couldn't help but laugh.

And this also made him more certain about his idea. He wanted to be Xiaonai Tuanzi's painting teacher and her master.

Chu Chulin looked at President Qin again, with a serious expression and a serious and firm attitude: "President Qin, please rest assured that I will not retreat, I will continue on this road."

Qin Haochen looked at him silently.

Chu Tuolin's sincerity is unabashed, and his sincere words cannot be questioned.

Qin Haochen didn't speak any more and looked down at the small breasts in his arms. It was obvious that he had no objection to this. The only thing left was the wishes of the small breasts.

Chu Tuolin knew that he had passed the test of President Qin, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

But then, he took a breath again, unable to hide his nervousness, and looked at Xiao Naituanzi, "An'an, I want to accept you as my disciple, is that okay?"

Qin Sui'an blinked his round eyes and asked doubtfully: "What does uncle mean, does he mean that uncle will be An An's master?"

Chu Tuolin nodded, "Yes, that's what you mean. I'll be your master, okay?"

"But -" Little Nipple frowned in confusion and clasped her cute little fingers, "But An An already has two masters."

My great-grandfather and master taught me how to play chess, and my great-grandfather and master Gu taught me how to play the piano.

Xiao Naituanzi's words were like a thunderbolt hitting Chu Tailin accurately.

He was stunned and stuttered when he spoke: "An'an, you, you already have a master?"

Qin Sui'an raised his little index finger and middle finger, "Yes, An An has two masters~"

"This, ah, I..." Was he late?

Chu Linlin was so upset that he wanted to beat his chest and slap his thigh. He should have recognized Xiao Nai Tuanzi earlier and accepted Xiao Nai Tuanzi as his disciple earlier!

Seeing that he seemed to have no hope in life, Qin Haochen explained to Xiao Naituan: "An'an has two masters, one is the master who teaches her to play chess, and the other is the master who teaches her to play the piano."

His words brought Chu Tuolin's flying soul back.

Chu Tuolin seemed to be exhausted, "It turns out that the two masters An An mentioned are not in the same industry."

He was so scared that he was sweating all over!
Qin Sui'an didn't know that her words had caused misunderstanding to Chu Tuolin. She raised her little face blankly, looked at her father, and asked softly: "Dad, did An An say something wrong?"

But Xiao Naituan was right, she indeed already had two masters.

Qin Haochen gently raised his lips and smiled, and said softly: "An An is right."

Considering that Xiao Naituan didn't seem to understand the situation at this moment, he said to Xiao Naituan again: "An'an, Teacher Chu Youlin wants to accept you as a disciple, and also wants to be your master and your painting master. Teach you how to draw.”

Qin Sui'an suddenly realized.

She visited Uncle Chu Linlin's painting exhibition and liked his paintings very much. Naturally, she was also very happy that he could teach her to paint.

After reacting, Qin Sui'an immediately nodded his head happily and looked at Chu Tailin with round eyes: "Okay! Uncle will be An An's painting master!"

Finally, Chu Tuolin's heart settled down. He couldn't suppress his excitement, and tears welled up in his eyes: "Okay! From now on, I, Chu Tuolin, will be An'an your master!"

(End of this chapter)

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