Chapter 295 The Big White Goose’s New Communication Method

The bodyguard stepped forward and helped Teacher Chu Tuolin open the dining chair.

The position where Chu Youlin was sitting was in front of the small breast dumpling.

In fact, he is still a little flattered and feels like an ordinary person who accidentally entered a wealthy family.

If someone had told him a few days ago, or even in the morning, that he would have lunch with the Qin family today, Chu Minlin would have definitely thought that the other person was a lunatic, talking about something crazy.

But at this moment, he was indeed sitting in the castle restaurant of Bay Villa, having lunch with the Qin family's little girl, Mrs. Qin, Mr. Qin, and President Qin.

The Qin family didn't seem to care much about the addition of an outsider. They ate how they usually eat, not paying too much attention to Chu Tuolin, nor deliberately ignoring his existence.

Mr. Qin occasionally looked over to him and asked, "Teacher Chu Lin, is our food still to your liking?"

"It's delicious. Your chef must be a great chef. This kind of craftsmanship can be called Michelin." Chu Youlin told the truth.

He can be regarded as the type of person who is picky about food, and he couldn't find any faults at the Qin family's dining table.

More importantly, there was a cute little breasted dumpling watching the show.

The little breasted dumpling is happy to eat anything, its soft little face is bulging out from the food, and its little mouth chews carefully. It is much cuter than a little hamster.

Although Chu Youlin didn't see her little feet hidden under the dining table, he could figure out that the little breast dumpling must be shaking her little feet happily.

Another prototype of a painting appeared in his mind. He really wanted to put down the tableware immediately, pick up the drawing board and brush, and record the cute scene with a brush.

Chu Tuolin sighed secretly in his heart. If this situation continues, he is afraid that he will develop into a portrait painter of human cubs.

Thinking that this human cub is a small-breasted dumpling, seems to be acceptable?

Qin Haochen first fed the little milk ball, then took her out of the children's dining chair and let her play.

Qin Sui'an's belly was bulging after eating, and he walked slowly out of the restaurant with his short legs.

She returned to the living room and saw the painting her master was about to finish.

Even though it hasn't been fully presented yet, Xiaonuituan can tell at a glance that the master is painting herself again, and also painted a big white goose.

She waved her little hand and called to the big white goose: "Big white goose, look, you and An An are both in the painting!"

"Gah~" The big white goose ran over, stretched out its long neck and leaned towards the painting, "Gah~ It's really a goose! The painting is good!"

The big white goose was very satisfied. Just when he was about to take a closer look at himself in the painting, his small, bead-sized eyes suddenly closed.

It squawked and fell weakly onto the An An cub: "Gah..."

"Big White Goose! What's wrong with you, Big White Goose!" Qin Sui'an hugged it quickly and touched its little head worriedly, "Is the Big White Goose sick?"

"Gah..." The big white goose calmed down, and the sharp stinging sensation finally disappeared. It opened its eyes again and looked at the baby An An, full of worry.

Ben Goose saw that An An's baby was in danger again!
An'an's cub is still young, but only An'an's cub can understand his own goose language. The big white goose is so worried that he wants to cry loudly.

The big white goose looked at the painting and suddenly had an idea!

Yes, humans can communicate through painting, and it can also draw with a brush in its mouth. In this way, An An's family can also know what it wants to say!

(End of this chapter)

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