My baby is three and a half years old, and I am the favorite of all the wealthy families.

Chapter 296 Is something going to happen to the little breasts?

Chapter 296 Is something going to happen to the little breasts?
The big white goose immediately implemented his idea, looking left and right with his big little eyes, anxiously looking for available drawing paper and brushes.

Qin Sui'an saw its fluffy little head turning this way and the other way. She asked curiously: "Big White Goose, what are you looking for? An'an can help you."

"Gah~ I want drawing paper and a brush!" The big white goose asked her: "Baby An'an, can you get me a piece of drawing paper and a brush?"

"Yes~" Qin Sui'an immediately trotted over to the bodyguard uncle's position and called out in a sweet voice: "bodyguard uncle~"

There are bodyguards on 24-hour patrol everywhere in the castle. As soon as the bodyguards heard Miss An An's little milky voice, they immediately stopped and walked towards her.

The bodyguard knelt down and asked respectfully: "Miss An An, is there anything I can help you with?"

Qin Sui'an blinked his round eyes and asked seriously: "Uncle, An An wants new drawing paper and brushes, is that okay?"

"Of course, Miss An An, please wait a moment." The bodyguard immediately stood up and left.

It took him almost less than a minute to get new drawing paper and brushes and put them neatly on the table in the living room for Miss An An's convenience.

Qin Sui'an curled his eyes happily: "Thank you, uncle~"

"This is what I should do, Miss An An." The bodyguard was so cute that she couldn't help but smile, his serious face melting like an iceberg.

The bodyguard left the living room and continued to adhere to his duties.

The big white goose followed the baby An An to the table, opened its long beak, and picked up the paintbrush on the table.

The imagination is wonderful, but in practice, just controlling the direction of the brush is very difficult.

At this moment, the big white goose wished that he could turn into a human being, and at least have one pair of hands that could freely pick up the paintbrush, instead of having to use its beak to pick up the paintbrush like it is now.

Qin Sui'an saw that not only was it difficult for the big white goose to "hold" the brush, but even when the brush fell on the drawing paper, the drawing paper would follow the brush, making it impossible to draw.

She quickly stretched out her little hands to help the big white goose hold down the drawing paper that was running around, "big white goose, help you An An."

"Gah~Thank you, cub An'an!"

As soon as I said thank you, the brush fell down.

The big white goose didn't envy humans much before. It felt that it had always been the pet of An An's cub, and it was quite happy. It had food, drink, shelter, and freedom.

At this moment, it began to want to cultivate into an adult.

An An's cub's eldest brother Qin Fujia once told it that the reason why it chose to live with the six animals in this life was because it had done bad things in its previous life.

However, An An's eldest brother helped him read scriptures for several days, saying that he would be able to be reincarnated as a human being in his next life.

The next life is still far away, and the big white goose just wants to experience the feeling of having hands in this life.

The big white goose was depressed, but it cheered up, picked up the dropped paintbrush again, and used all its energy to paint the "future" it had just seen.

At the end of a painting, the big white goose put down the paintbrush. He didn't have time to explain to the baby An An, so he picked up the painting and ran towards the restaurant.

The rest of the Qin family were still eating lunch, including Chu Tuolin.

Hearing the hurried footsteps, Qin Haochen instantly had a bad premonition.

These footsteps sounded very much like a big white goose. The big white goose was running towards them in such a hurry. Could it be that something happened to the little nipple?
Qin Haochen stood up immediately and was about to leave the restaurant quickly when he saw a big white goose running into the restaurant with a piece of drawing paper in its mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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