Chapter 39 He never questions the small breasts
"An An's silver bracelet needs spiritual energy?" Qin Haochen frowned slightly, trying to understand the meaning of Xiao Naituan's words.

Maybe, there is such a thing, otherwise how can he explain that the silver bracelet of the little breasts will protect her?

Qin Sui'an nodded his head vigorously, "Yes~"

Qin Haochen sat in front of the flowers again, "An'an, how long does it take for the silver bracelet to have spiritual energy?"

"Well..." Qin Sui'an shook his little head honestly, "An An doesn't know~"

So she thought she had nothing to do now, so she came over and sat among the flowers.

Qin Haochen did not embarrass the little girl, "Okay, then daddy will stay with you."

At this moment, he no longer dwelled on whether there was any spiritual energy or not, and looked at the flowers.

He was thinking about how he could make the space in the flower bush bigger. He hoped that next time, instead of the little girl getting into the flowers alone, he could accompany the little girl in the flower bush.

Qin Haochen would never question what was wrong with Xiao Nipple. He would only try his best to satisfy Xiao Nipple.

Qin Sui An sat for a while, worried that Daddy would be bored, as if comforting the silver bracelet, she touched it twice gently, "An An, come to the flowers next time~"

Then, she emerged from the flowers.

Qin Haochen helped her little body up, gently patted away the grass clippings on her body, and asked softly: "Aren't you going to stay in the flowers?"

"Come back tomorrow~" Qin Sui'an leaned into Dad's arms and rubbed her little face, "An An wants to stay with Dad even more~"

"Dad thinks so too." Qin Haochen picked her up and walked slowly towards the castle, saying at the same time: "Dad, think of a way to see if you can stay in the flowers with An An next time."

Qin Sui'an looked at Dad and frowned in confusion, "But Dad, the flowers are very small, very small."

After saying this, her round eyes suddenly widened, "Can Daddy become as small as An'an?"

"No." Qin Haochen laughed softly, "But dad can find a way to make the flowers bigger."

"Oh~~~" Qin Sui'an suddenly realized, his eyebrows curved, "Papa is so powerful~"

"Thank you for the compliment, An An." Qin Haochen looked at the small breasts in his arms with a smile in his eyes.

It wasn't until ten o'clock in the evening that the little girl started to feel sleepy, so Qin Haochen took her upstairs to rest.

Mr. Qin has not rested since morning until now. He is sitting in the living room, waiting patiently for something.

Qin Yanyi had to go back to the hospital tomorrow and didn't dare to rest too late. When he saw his grandfather picking up his cell phone from time to time, he asked, "Is grandpa waiting for grandma's call?"

"Your grandma is still on her lunch break at this time. I'll wait until her lunch break is over and then call her." Mr. Qin waved his hand to him, "Go and have a rest, don't worry about me."

On the side, his butler Lin Bo also said: "Don't worry, Master Yan Yi, I will accompany the old gentleman."

Qin Yanyi stopped insisting and went upstairs to rest.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, the alarm clock rang on the phone on time.

Mr. Qin hurriedly picked up his mobile phone, turned off the alarm clock, and then skillfully made a call.

A few seconds later, a slight coughing sound came from the receiver of the mobile phone.

"Ahem, why aren't you asleep yet?"

Mr. Qin frowned, "Why are you coughing again? Did you not cover yourself with a quilt?"

"No, I just woke up and my throat is a little dry."

Mr. Qin breathed a sigh of relief and then said: "Then drink some water first. I have good news to tell you."

Uncle Lin prepared tea for the old gentleman and quietly retreated outside the living room door.

According to his past experience, the conversation between the old gentleman and the old lady would take at least half an hour.Uncle Lin's prediction was correct. It was not until early twelve o'clock in the morning that Mr. Qin reluctantly hung up the phone and went upstairs to rest.

Late at night, the entire Bay Villa fell into silence. Only the bodyguards who were on duty at night were still at their posts to protect the safety of Bay Villa.

The big white goose was taken back to his room by Qin Fuga and was resting on the sofa in Qin Fuga's room.

Suddenly, it seemed to sense something, and its small eyes suddenly opened and looked around.

Ga~ is this goose dreaming?Or, is that scene what's about to happen?

The big white goose carefully looked at the direction of the bedroom, then quietly jumped off the sofa and walked out of the room.

It was dawn, and Qin Sui'an woke up.

As soon as he opened his eyes, his round eyes reflected Papa's handsome face, and Qin Sui'an immediately pursed his lips happily.

She carefully stretched out her little hand, gently held Dad's hand, and stopped moving, lying on the bed obediently.

At this moment, the silver bracelet gave off a faint light.

Qin Sui'an lowered his head in confusion and looked at the silver bracelet in confusion.

But the silver bracelet stopped shining and returned to its usual luster.

The next moment, a strange voice suddenly came to my ears:

"How come this silver bracelet still shines?"

Qin Sui'an was startled, his little body subconsciously got into Baba's arms, and his round eyes looked around cautiously.

Qin Haochen noticed the movement in his arms, opened his eyes, and gently hugged the small breast with one hand. His voice was hoarse as if he had just woken up, and asked: "An'an, what's wrong?"

"Daddy..." Qin Sui'an raised his little face and saw that Daddy was awake. He first looked out the window and then whispered, "I'm sorry, An'an woke up Daddy from sleeping."

"It's okay." Qin Haochen's sleepiness quickly dissipated, he held her little hand and asked softly: "Did An An have a nightmare? Don't be afraid, dad is here."

"I didn't have a nightmare." Qin Sui'an shook his little head and looked around, but he didn't hear the unfamiliar voice again.

She quietly breathed a sigh of relief and said in a sweet voice, "Daddy, keep sleeping, An'an is not afraid."

Qin Haochen lowered his head and kissed her forehead, "Be good."

He picked up his phone and looked at the time. It was only 05:30 in the morning, which was still very early.

"Are An An not sleepy?" Qin Haochen gently patted her little body.

Qin Suian shook his little head obediently: "I'm not sleepy anymore."

"Then let's get up." Qin Haochen stopped sleeping so as not to let the little baby girl wait for him hungry.

After the father and daughter washed up, they changed their clothes and went downstairs together.

The kitchen had not prepared breakfast yet. Qin Haochen made milk powder and gave it to the little milk ball to drink first, while he made a cup of coffee himself.

Qin Sui'an held the small bottle, drank milk, and watched Dad drink the dark water.

She let go of the pacifier, raised the little bottle, and said in a soft and cute voice: "An'an drinks the white one, Daddy drinks the black one~"

Qin Haochen smiled softly, picked up the coffee, and touched her little bottle, "Cheers~"

Qin Sui'an tilted his little head in confusion, what was Queersi?

(End of this chapter)

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