Chapter 40 Consciousness Exchange
"When drinking, clinking glasses is a sign of congratulations." Qin Haochen touched the small milk bottle with the small milk ball again, and patiently explained: "Cheers~ An An will drink up all the milk, and dad will also drink all the milk." Drink up all the water."

Qin Sui'an blinked his round eyes, and then imitated Dad, raised the small bottle high, and touched it lightly with Dad's cup: "Qiersi~drink up~"

At six o'clock in the morning, Qin Fuga just opened the door to his room and saw the lights downstairs on.

When I came to the first floor, I saw that the lights in the restaurant were also on, and I could still vaguely hear some conversations.

Hearing that one of the voices was An An, Qin Fuga sped up and came to the restaurant.

Sure enough, I heard correctly.

He was very surprised to see his father and Xiao Suian getting up early in the morning, "An'an, Dad, why did you wake up so early?"

"Big brother, good morning~" Qin Sui'an happily held up the small bottle, "Big brother, do you want to join us?"

"Qiersi?" Qin Fuga didn't understand and looked at Dad with questioning eyes.

Qin Haochen raised his coffee and said, "Cheers."

Qin Fuga suddenly realized, "An'an, wait a minute, I'll get the milk."

He quickly walked into the kitchen, took out a bottle of milk from the refrigerator, opened it and poured it into a cup, then returned to the restaurant with the cup.

Qin Sui'an waited obediently for her eldest brother. When she saw her eldest brother coming over with a cup, she immediately raised her little bottle and blinked her round eyes expectantly.

Qin Fuga bent down slightly and touched her little bottle with the cup: "Cheers~"

Qin Sui'an curled her round eyes happily, touched the cup, then took the pacifier in her mouth and drank the milk.

The big white goose was locked in the room by Qin Fuga in the morning. After reciting sutras with him, he left the room again.

After finishing its breakfast, it walked into the restaurant to find cub An'an and greeted her: "Gah~ cub An'an, good morning."

"Good morning, big white goose~" Qin Sui'an freed up a small hand and waved to it.

The big white goose walked up to her and asked: "Ga~ Baby An'an, did you hear any special sounds this morning?"

"Huh?" Qin Sui'an tilted his little head in confusion, looked at the big white goose, and asked confusedly: "What does the special sound mean?"

"Gah~ It's the voice of an old grandpa." The big white goose tried to imitate that voice, but it could only make a hollow goose call.

Qin Sui'an couldn't tell what it was imitating, but she caught the key word "grandpa".

She remembered a strange voice she heard when she just woke up.

Is the big white goose referring to this strange voice?

"Ga~ Yes, yes, yes~" The big white goose waved its wings excitedly, "Ga~ This is the sound I am referring to. Sure enough, baby An An also heard it! That means I heard it right last night!"

Qin Suian blinked, his round eyes full of doubts.

She didn't say anything. Why could the big white goose know what she wanted to say?

Big White Goose: "Gah~ Baby An'an, after this goose's crazy display of spiritual energy, I can now talk to you through your consciousness!"

There was a little pride that couldn't be hidden in its voice, its head was raised high, and four big words were written all over its body: This goose is awesome!
Qin Sui'an didn't understand and shook his little head: What is consciousness?

The big white goose simply explained: "Gah~ That's probably what you are thinking, I can hear it."

Qin Sui'an nodded his little head as if he understood.I seem to understand a little bit, but not completely.

Seeing that her expression was still a little confused, the big white goose said, "For example, if you drink milk, I know what you want to say without opening your mouth."

"Oh~~~" At this moment, Qin Sui'an understood. She immediately hugged the milk and drank it happily.

Great, this way An An can drink milk and talk to the big white goose~
"Gah~ Yes, yes, that's what it means!" The big white goose breathed a sigh of relief and finally understood the explanation.

Qin Sui'an rolled his big round eyes and showed a puzzled expression.

Does the big white goose know that old man?

The big white goose stuck his buttocks out, sat under her dining chair, and shook his head: "Gah~ I haven't met you yet. I just heard the sound. I wanted to have a look last night, but your eldest brother..."

Qin Fuga seemed to have installed a surveillance camera on it. Not long after it slipped out of the room last night, he caught it and brought it back. Early in the morning, it was woken up again to chant sutras and meditate.

The complaints behind Big White Goose were not spoken.

It suddenly remembered that cub An An didn't like it when she said bad things about her family. For example, the last time she said her father was cruel, cub An An was very angry.

It also wants to play with the An An cub, and cannot make the An An cub angry.

After thinking about it, the big white goose said again: "Gah~ Wait for me to show off my spiritual energy a few more times, and let me see who that old man is."

After saying that, the big white goose ran out.

Qin Haochen didn't know what the big white goose said to Xiao Naituan. In his ears, he only felt that the goose's call was particularly noisy.

But the little nipple was not unhappy, so he didn't ask for details.

Qin Haochen stretched out his hand and touched her belly gently. He was worried that she would not be full if she only drank milk, so he got up and went to the kitchen to bake some toast and fried eggs for the little milk ball himself.

Qin Sui'an drank the milk and happily continued to eat the toast and fried eggs that Dad made for himself.

Her round eyes were bright, she ate deliciously, and she did not forget the sound of her milk sucking and praised her sweetly: "Daddy is so amazing~ so delicious~"

Qin Haochen's cooking skills are pretty good, but he only knows a few simple things. What's more, in the past few days, Xiao Naituan has eaten all the food made by top chefs. Comparing these, he can only say that It's ordinary.

Hearing the obvious support from the little breasts, Qin Haochen couldn't stop the smile on his face. He bent down and kissed the top of her hair gently, "Thank you An An, dad is very happy."

At this moment, he almost wanted to learn cooking irrationally and cook every meal for Xiao Niuduan himself.

Reason overcame impulse. He did not embarrass himself, nor did he embarrass Xiao Naituan from having to support him in every meal from now on.

Qin Qianyi stayed up last night until his grandfather went back to his room to go to bed, and he just left the room.

At this moment, while grandpa was still awake, he sneaked downstairs.

Hearing the familiar cute little voice coming from the restaurant, Qin Qianyi was about to run straight to school, but he immediately turned around and walked towards the restaurant.

He was extremely surprised to see Xiao Sui'an, his father, and his elder brother in the restaurant.

"Ah, An'an, good morning!" Qin Qianyi first reached out and pinched her little face gently, and then greeted others: "Dad, big brother, good morning."

Qin Haochen frowned and stared at his hand, "You don't want this hand anymore?"

(End of this chapter)

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