Chapter 44 There will be countless gifts in the future
Qin Sui'an took two steps back, stared seriously with round eyes, and shook his little head: "No, grandpa is injured."

Although she is thin and small, she is still a bit heavy. Grandpa will be injured more seriously.

When Mr. Qin saw this, he was deeply moved. As expected, his granddaughter was the most considerate.

He took the crutch and tapped his injured foot twice. "Grandpa's injury is not in the way. He can be carried safely."

Qin Sui'an frowned in confusion, thought seriously for a while, and then shook his head firmly: "No."

Mr. Qin no longer embarrassed his granddaughter. Knowing that she was feeling sorry for him, he smiled and said, "Okay, no, then grandpa won't hug her."

He stretched out his other hand, "Then hold hands, okay?"

This time, Qin Sui'an happily stretched out her little hand to hold her grandfather's big hand, and replied with a sweet voice: "You can hold hands~"

Mr. Qin suddenly laughed from ear to ear.

Qin Fuga came over and put the parasol on the heads of Xiao Sui'an and his grandfather, and then asked Xiao Sui'an softly: "How does An An know that grandpa is awake?"

When he saw her suddenly get up and run, he found his grandfather walking towards the garden.

"An'an heard it~" Qin Sui'an pointed to his grandfather's crutches and imitated the sound of the crutches falling to the ground: "Da da da~ Grandpa is here!"

When Mr. Qin heard this, he felt relieved that he was being cared for, and the smile on his face became a little deeper: "An An is so awesome."

Qin Fuga then raised a smile, feeling shocked at Xiao Sui'an's extraordinary hearing.

When grandpa appeared just now, he was at least 100 meters away from them, and there was the busy noise of bodyguards and flower farmers around. Under such circumstances, Xiao Sui'an still accurately heard the sound of grandpa's crutches.

Qin Sui'an did not go back to the garden, but followed his grandfather and elder brother back to the castle.

Before entering the castle, Qin Fuja received a call from his father Qin Haochen.

"What about An An?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, he said this.

Qin Fuga looked at Xiao Sui'an who was walking in front and replied: "Dad, An'an is by my side."

"Is she still sad?" Qin Haochen asked again.

"Not anymore."

"That's good." Qin Haochen was quiet for a few seconds, and then another sentence came: "I'll go home for lunch."

Before Qin Fuga had time to respond to his words, the next second, there was only a "beep beep beep" hang-up tone in the receiver.

Even though he was fasting and chanting Buddha's name, he was a little speechless by his father's operation.

Qin Sui'an's little ears twitched, and he stopped for a moment, turned his little head and looked at the big brother behind him, his round eyes could not hide the expectation: "Brother, did daddy hit you?"

"Yes." Qin Fuga put away the phone, bent down slightly, covered her little head with his big hands, and rubbed it gently, "Dad said that he would be back at noon to have lunch with An An."

Qin Suian jumped up and down happily and cheered: "Okay~"

The happy mood suddenly infected other people.

Mr. Qin asked with a smile: "What would An An want to eat for lunch?"

"Everything is fine~" Qin Sui'an pushed up her belly and patted it with her little hands, "An'an, good baby, not picky about food~"

Mr. Qin's laughter was loud: "Hahaha... Yes, we are An'an, we are good babies." Suddenly remembering something, he turned to look at Uncle Lin who was following them, and said: "Uncle Lin, please leave my room." Take down the small gifts prepared inside.”

I almost forgot that the small gift I brought home to my granddaughter has not been sent out yet.

"Okay, old sir." Uncle Lin agreed and walked quickly towards Mr. Qin's room.

Qin Sui'an watched Uncle Lin leave curiously, tilting his little head: "A small gift?"

"Yes, a little gift for An An." Mr. Qin led her slowly into the castle and into the living room.

Not long after, Lin Bo walked into the living room holding a beautiful pink gift box.

He handed over the gift box carefully: "Old sir."

Mr. Qin took the gift box and sent it to his granddaughter, "An'an, this is a small gift that grandpa and grandma selected for you together. I don't know if you like it or not."

"I like it~ An An likes it~" Qin Sui'an stretched out her hands to hug the gift box, and rubbed her little face against the gift box. Before she opened it, she was already very happy.

Mr. Qin was amused by her reaction and laughed again, "An An hasn't read it yet, do you like it?"

"Yeah! I like it~" Qin Sui'an couldn't bear to open this beautiful gift box. He looked at the gift box with bright round eyes, pursed his lips and secretly laughed: "This is the first time An An has received a gift~"

She paused and shook her little head: "No, no, An An is wrong, it's the second time~"

The first time was a silver bracelet given to me by Daddy Mommy~
Mr. Qin felt a twinge of pity in his heart. If that accident hadn't happened, how would their little granddaughter have received such gifts only twice?

Thinking of this, his eyes instantly became moist.

Qin Fuga seemed to notice the change in grandpa's mood, and reached out to gently pat the back of grandpa's hand to express comfort.

Mr. Qin returned his "nothing" look and reached out to wipe the corners of his eyes.

Qin Sui'an raised his little face and blinked his round eyes. The focus was not on the gift: "Grandpa, what about grandma? Where is An An's grandma?"

"Grandma, she is in the manor in country F." Mr. Qin said: "When your grandma wakes up, I will make a video call to her so that you can meet each other."

"Grandma hasn't woken up yet?" Qin Suian's eyes widened in surprise and he looked out the window.

Father-in-law Sun has climbed high into the sky~Grandma is sleeping~
"Hahaha, the sun in country F has just risen." Mr. Qin's voice regained a smile and said: "An An, open the gift and take a look. Don't be reluctant to open it. In the future, An An will open it." It’s so hard to open the gift.”

Qin Sui'an couldn't imagine what it would be like to feel weak when opening a gift. She blinked her round eyes and muttered in a small voice: "Grandpa, what a beautiful gift box, An An doesn't want to break it."

"Hahaha, silly boy." Mr. Qin laughed again: "It won't be broken. An An pulled the rope here and opened it. After reading the gift, tie the bow and the gift box. She’s beautiful again.”

Qin Sui'an listened very seriously and looked at the gift box in his arms doubtfully, "Will it not be broken?"

"Of course not." Mr. Qin rubbed her little head and looked at her encouragingly: "Tear it down, An'an."

After his grandfather's repeated urging, Qin Sui'an carefully pulled apart one of the pink ribbons.

The bow made of ribbons spread out, and at the next step, her movements stopped.

It was the first time Qin Sui'an saw this kind of gift box. She looked at her grandfather in frustration and whispered: "Grandpa, An An is stupid."

"An An is very smart. An An is the smartest child." Mr. Qin felt worried again and quickly taught her gently, "This gift box is a bit special. It looks different from ordinary boxes. Come on, An An , lift it from the top, and it will open.”

Qin Sui'an followed his grandfather's words, held one side of the gift box with his little hands, and opened it.

(End of this chapter)

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