Chapter 45
In her clear eyes, a peace rope necklace was reflected, with a small, crystal clear red apple hanging from the necklace.

Qin Sui'an's big round eyes lit up instantly, and she arched her eyebrows happily, and her little voice cheered: "It's Apple~"

She stretched out her little hand and touched it gently with her fingertips, and then touched it gently again, for fear of damaging the little apple.

Mr. Qin looked at his little granddaughter with doting eyes. Seeing her careful look, he smiled and said: "This is a small apple carved from red diamonds. Diamonds are the hardest stone in the world. An An doesn't have to worry about breaking it. "

At an auction three years ago, Mr. Qin and Mrs. Qin fell in love with this beautiful red diamond at first sight and spent nearly 2000 million US dollars to buy it.

After getting the red diamond, they began to find top diamond carving experts to carve the valuable red diamond into an apple, which symbolizes peace and security.

Now, after three years, Red Apple finally meets its little owner.

Mr. Qin took the necklace out of the gift box and said, "An'an, grandpa, can you put it on for you?"

Qin Sui'an nodded his head excitedly: "Okay~"

Mr. Qin put the necklace on his little granddaughter's thin neck, "Okay."

Qin Sui'an lowered her little head and touched her little apple lovingly, her little face flushed with joy, "Thank you, grandpa, thank you grandma! An An likes the little apple so much~"

"As long as you like her, that's fine." Mr. Qin's lips raised, and he only had eyes for his granddaughter.

This little apple was supposed to be given to my granddaughter three years ago, but the surprise came unexpectedly.

Fortunately, the little granddaughter returned home safely.

Mr. Qin couldn't help but put his little granddaughter into his arms and patted her back with his palms.

His eyes couldn't stop the heat, and tears fell down his face where his little granddaughter couldn't see. He felt not only the joy of regaining his lost body, but also full of love and guilt for his little granddaughter.

Qin Fuga silently handed over the handkerchief, with a somewhat moved expression.

Qin Sui'an was held in her arms by her grandfather. She felt that his grandfather was shaking. She asked doubtfully: "Is grandpa uncomfortable?"

"Ahem, yes, a little." Mr. Qin suppressed the surging emotions in his heart, took the handkerchief handed over by his eldest grandson Qin Fuga, and hurriedly wiped away the tears on his face.

The little granddaughter is sensitive and delicate. He didn't want her to find him crying, so he averted her gaze, stood up and said, "Grandpa suddenly has something to do. Go upstairs and take care of it. Fujia, please stay with An An."

"Okay, grandpa." Qin Fujia understood clearly and turned to his side to slightly shield his grandpa from Xiao Sui'an's inquiring eyes.

Uncle Lin came over and carefully helped Mr. Qin out of the living room.

Qin Sui'an only felt that her grandfather's back looked a little strange. She frowned worriedly, "Brother, what's wrong with grandpa?"

"An'an likes the gifts from grandparents so much. Grandpa is very happy." Qin Fuga hugged her gently and his eyes fell on the necklace on her thin white neck.

The necklace rope is a colorful rope for peace from the temple, not an ordinary necklace rope such as a silver or gold chain. This is enough to prove that grandparents only want peace and safety.

Qin Sui'an's little hands touched the small apple on the necklace, and then touched the two silver bracelets on his wrists.

At this moment, she felt that she was the happiest child in the world. She had a silver bracelet from Daddy and Mommy, and a little apple from her grandparents~
Qin Fuga was infected by her happy mood, and the corners of his lips could not help but rise.

At the same time, a Bentley drove quickly in the direction of Bay Villa.

Qin Sui'an's little ears twitched, and then he raised his little face, his round eyes were bright, and he said excitedly: "Brother, An An heard the whirring of Daddy's car! Is Daddy home?"

Qin Fujia listened carefully. His hearing was not as good as Xiao Suian's, so he didn't hear anything.

However, Dad called just now and said he would be home for lunch, so it seemed that the time was about the same. "Maybe." Qin Fuga did not question Xiao Sui'an's words. He gently rubbed her little head and picked her up. "Let's go out and have a look."

The two bodyguards standing guard at the gate of the castle saw Master Fujia and Miss An An suddenly walking out and looked at each other, wondering what they wanted to do.

Qin Fuga held Xiao Sui'an in his arms and stood at the door, looking towards the entrance of Haiwan Villa.

Qin Suian leaned gently in his elder brother's arms, looking expectantly in the same direction with his round eyes.

Time passed by, and 3 minutes later, a Bentley drove into Bay Villa.

Qin Sui'an cheered happily: "Daddy is home!"

Qin Fuga couldn't help but laugh too: "Yes, dad is home."

Sure enough, Xiao Sui'an's ear power is beyond ordinary people.

The Bentley slowly stopped at the main entrance of the castle. Before special assistant He Yan could get out of the car and help the president open the door, he saw from the corner of his eye that the president got out of the car faster than him.

Qin Haochen seemed to be unable to wait any longer. He opened the car door and walked quickly and steadily.

Before the car stopped, he already saw his small breasts waiting for him at the gate of the castle. How could Qin Haochen remain indifferent to this?

Qin Haochen strode up to Xiao Naituan and stretched out his hands: "An'an."

"Daddy~" Qin Sui'an happily rushed over, hugged Dad's neck tightly, and rubbed her little face against the crook of his neck again and again, "An'an misses Dad so much~"

The soft and sweet little milk sound hit Qin Haochen's heart.

He raised his lips and smiled, kissing her little face, "Dad misses An An so much."

After being bored for a while, Qin Sui'an thought of his new necklace. He pinched the little apple on the necklace with his little hands, put it in front of Daddy, and said with a smile: "Daddy, this is the little apple that grandma and grandpa gave to An An~"

"It's so beautiful." Qin Haochen immediately praised.

The bodyguard guarding the Bay Villa will truthfully report to him every move and even what the little nipples have done, so that he can always know whether the little nipples are happy and safe.

Including the fact that Xiao Naituan received this necklace, he also knew in advance.

Qin Haochen took a closer look at the little apple hanging on the necklace, and moved his eyes upward. When he saw the little breasts, his face flushed with joy, which was somewhat similar to the little apple, and he couldn't hide the smile in his eyes: " The little apple looks even better when worn around An An's neck."

Qin Sui'an's round eyes curved into little crescents, she patted her belly, pursed her lips, and said in a soft voice: "Little Apple is beautiful~ An'an is also beautiful~"

In the restaurant, the long dining table is filled with delicious, exquisite, delicious and delicious food.

Qin Haochen put the small milk ball in her children's dining chair, helped her set the tableware, and her exclusive small milk bottle.

Mr. Qin walked into the restaurant and sat down next to his granddaughter.

When Qin Sui'an saw his grandfather coming, he tilted his little head and looked at his grandfather with his big round eyes.

Mr. Qin had washed his face and applied some dressing on his eyes when he was upstairs, but now that his granddaughter was staring at him like this, he still felt a little guilty.

Just as he was thinking about what to say to divert his little granddaughter's attention, the hand that was resting on the armrest of the dining chair was suddenly gently held.

Mr. Qin was stunned for a second, and his eyes moved to the small hand holding his own.

(End of this chapter)

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