After Ye Chaosi regained consciousness, he continued to stay in the hospital to recuperate.

Qin Sui'an and her father Qin Haochen live here in the hospital every day, but they no longer stay in the hospital all day. Those who should go to kindergarten go to kindergarten, and those who should go to the group continue to go to the group.

Mrs. Qin and Mr. Qin came to the hospital during the day to stay with their daughter-in-law Ye Chaosi.

Qin Sui'an's six brothers also often come to the hospital to stay with their nominal mother.

Ye Chaosi stayed in the hospital until Xiao Naituan finished middle school. She was not discharged from the hospital until a few days before Xiao Naituan became a senior class student.

After more than three years, Ye Chaosi moved back to Bay Villa and lived with her husband Qin Haochen and her daughter Qin Suian.

Qin Sui'an showed her mother the various trophies and medals she had won before.

Ye Chaosi praised her with surprise and admiration: "Mom's little baby is so great! An'an is so awesome!"

As soon as Qin Sui'an heard her mother's words, she actively participated in various competitions, sometimes as a representative of the kindergarten, sometimes in her own name.

Qin Sui'an saved her bonus to support her parents, while her trophies and medals were given to her mother, with numerous achievements.

When Xiao Naituan graduated from kindergarten, the Qin family and the Ye family held a banquet for Xiao Naituan to celebrate her graduation from kindergarten.

This time, the banquet was held at Ye's family, Ye's private residence.

Ye's private residence is located in the city center of A, covering a large area and hidden in the bustling city.

Surrounded by a clear river, the trees on both sides are lush, and the surrounding buildings are full of antiques, revealing a low-key nobility that cannot be ignored.

Different from the gleaming luxury of Bay Villa, most of the buildings in Ye's private residence are ancient buildings that have passed through the years.

The door of Ye's private residence was fully opened, welcoming the arrival of luxury cars.

The bodyguards outside the door are responsible for directing traffic flow and registering license plates, and the bodyguards inside the door are responsible for checking invitations and invitees. Bodyguards are also everywhere in every corner of Ye's private residence, patrolling with a vigilant look.

Shi Yimin was the first guest to arrive at Ye's private residence. Before her luxury car could stop, she shouted excitedly in the car: "Wow! This is my first time coming to Sister An An's home." Yeah! So beautiful!”

Her mother, Meng Shujie, looked helpless and spoke slowly, correcting her, "Meinmin, this is not your first time here. When Sister An An was one month old, your father and I also brought you here to attend the banquet for Sister An An's full moon. "

"Full moon? Then sister An'an was only one month old at that time, and I was... um... how old was I then?" Shi Yimin was confused in his calculations. He was suddenly anxious and didn't understand.

Her father Shi Anyi said patiently: "You were more than three years old at that time, so you were still young, so you don't have much impression."

Shi Yi tilted his head and recalled carefully. As expected, he couldn't recall the memory of attending sister An An's full moon party before.

But this is not the point. Shi Yimin continued to be excited and became more and more excited, "Great! Now sister An'an has graduated from kindergarten, and sister An'an and I will go to elementary school in the same school!"

Even though Qin Sui'an skipped the small class, he still attended the middle class and the senior class in kindergarten, and was still one grade behind Shi Yimin.

Meng Shujie's ears were buzzing from her daughter's yelling. As soon as the car stopped, she led her out of the car and said, "Okay, at Sister An An's house, you have to keep your voice down so as not to disturb others."

Shi Yi stunned and covered her mouth, looking obedient, but the next second, when she saw an acquaintance not far away, she shouted excitedly: "Cousin! You arrived so early too!"

Shi Qinghan's family's car was parked behind their house.

When Shi Qinghan got out of the car, he heard his cousin's excessively noisy voice.

He frowned, "Why are you so early?"

It was even earlier than him!He thought he would be the first to arrive.

"I got up at five o'clock! I was sitting in the car waiting at six o'clock! I went out with my parents at seven o'clock!" Shi Yimin felt proud, "Of course I am so early!"

Meng Shujie and her husband Shi Anyi followed their daughter. When they heard what their daughter said, they looked at Shi Qinghan's mother Shu Yao and shrugged helplessly, "Last night, I was thinking about coming early to attend sister An An's party." Graduation banquet." Shu Yao showed a clear look. Although her son didn't say it explicitly, he urged them to go out early in the morning for fear of being late.

Shi Anye got out of the car and said, "Let's go in, don't block the door."

Shi Qinghan walked very fast and stepped into the door of Ye's private residence before Shi Yiyin.

The corners of his lips raised slightly.

He was the first to arrive!

Shi Yimin seemed to have discovered his cousin's "sneak attack" and ran after him shouting: "Cousin! You didn't ask me to come with you!"

Shi Qinghan ignored her and looked around for the small figure.

Shi Yimin quickly didn't care about the little thing just now and looked around, "Where is sister An'an? Isn't sister An'an awake yet?"

Shi Yimin really guessed it right. When they arrived at Ye's private residence, Qin Suian's little breasts were still asleep in the warm quilt.

Because the banquet was held at Ye's house, Qin Sui'an's family of three stayed at Ye's house the night before.

Qin Haochen got up first. Just as he was about to leave the bed, a thin female voice came from his side:

"What time is it?" Ye Chaosi said in a drowsy voice with a small breast in his arms, obviously not getting enough sleep.

Qin Haochen bent down and kissed the side of her face gently, "It's still early, 07:30, you stay with An An to sleep for a while, I'll go downstairs to take a look first."

"Hmm." Ye Chaosi tightened her hands slightly, feeling the small breasts sleeping in her arms, and soon she fell asleep again.

Qin Haochen quietly entered the bathroom. After washing, he went to the cloakroom, changed into the clothes he would wear today, and then prepared the clothes for his wife and daughter before leaving the room.

Ye Chaosi slept until early eight o'clock before waking up from his sleep.

The banquet started at nine o'clock in the morning. Ye Chaosi picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table. After seeing the time, his mind became clearer.

She unlocked the screen and clicked on the message she received an hour ago. It was from her husband Qin Haochen:

[I have prepared your and An'an's clothes and put them in the first closet in the cloakroom. I'll be waiting for you downstairs. If you need help, send them to me. 】

Ye Chaosi raised his lips, replied "I'm awake" and put down his phone.

She turned around, gently hugged the little nipple that was still sleeping, and kissed the cheek of the little nipple.

Ye Chaosi went into the bathroom to wash up, then went to the cloakroom and opened the first wardrobe Qin Haochen mentioned.

There were only two sets of skirts in the closet, one for her and one for the small breasts.

The two sets of skirts are parent-child outfits and were made by Qin Haochen herself.

Whenever there is a banquet or a family of three going out for fun, Qin Haochen will personally prepare the parent-child outfits for the family of three in advance.

Ye Chaosi picked up the longer skirt.

It is a mermaid dress with a graceful mermaid skirt made of lace and sparkling diamonds, making it look like it is covered with stars, elegant and gentle.

And that little skirt with small breasts also has countless diamonds, but the skirt does not have a fishtail design, but a comfortable and free princess skirt, which is convenient for small breasts to jump and play.

Ye Chaosi raised the corners of his lips and put the two skirts back in the closet, waiting for the little breasts to wake up before they could change into their unique dresses together. (End of chapter)

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