It was close to nine o'clock, and all the guests invited to Qin Sui'an's kindergarten graduation party had arrived.

In addition to Shi Yimin's family and Shi Qinghan's family who were the first and second to arrive, Bai Zhou's family also received invitations.

Bai Zhou is seven years old this year. Two years have passed and he still has not given up on wanting his aunt Qin Sui'an to teach him boxing, and Qin Sui'an still has not agreed to his request.

Bai Zhou was wearing a blue children's suit. He was chubby and round, and the suit couldn't hide his round belly.

He straightened his back and looked at the large villa in the center of Ye's private residence, "Why hasn't Auntie come downstairs yet?"

Bai Aiya was holding a baby in her arms, her little son who was just two months old, nicknamed "Bai Bai".

She was afraid that her eldest son Bai Zhou would cause trouble on the Ye family's territory, so her tone was full of warning: "Bai Zhou, remember to be good today."

The Ye family is not like the Qin family. The Qin family can at least have some relatives with her husband Bai Binghua, but the Ye family all depends on whether the Ye family gives them face.

If the eldest son Bai Zhou accidentally offends the Ye family, the entire Bai family will have to pay for it.

Bai Zhou puffed up his face in dissatisfaction, snorted, and turned away, "Mom doesn't like me since she had Xiao Bai!"

Xiaobai is his nickname for his younger brother, but his younger brother doesn't like it.

Sure enough, as soon as the baby in Bai Aiya's arms heard the word "Xiao Bai", he burst into tears.

Bai Aiya quickly coaxed: "Don't cry in vain, don't cry."

Bai Binghua was also coaxing and said to Bai Zhou: "Oh, your brother doesn't like the name Xiaobai. You call him Dabai."

"No, I am the elder brother, and I am Dabai!" Bai Zhou put his hands on his hips and said to his crying brother, "I am Dabai, and you are Xiaobai!"

After making his younger brother cry, Bai Zhou grimaced proudly and ran away to another place before his parents could teach him a lesson.

Ouyang Fu and his father had just walked into the garden and wanted to find a place to rest, when they heard a voice calling him from behind:
"Uncle Ou!"

Ouyang Fu turned around and saw that little brat Bai Zhou, he frowned in disgust, "Why are you calling me? Do I know you very well?"

"Hey, Uncle Ou, did you draw a picture yourself and give it to my aunt?" The snicker on Bai Zhou's face was not concealed: "I heard that your drawing is very ugly!"

"You little brat, do you want to be beaten?" Ouyang Fu rolled up one of his sleeves and grabbed him, "Who told you that my painting is ugly? I am very good at painting!"

Bai Zhou said truthfully: "Uncle Rongyuan said it!" He followed her aunt in calling Ye Rongyuan.

"Ye Rongyuan actually said bad things about me behind my back!" Ouyang Fu immediately took out his cell phone and made an angry call to Ye Rongyuan.

Bai Zhou took the opportunity to break free from his hand and smiled at Mr. Ou next to him: "Good morning, Mr. Ou!"

Bai Zhou remembered that his aunt liked Grandpa Ou very much, so he loved Wujiwu and must be polite to Grandpa Ou.

Mr. Ou smiled and said, "Good morning."

After Bai Zhou said hello, he jumped up and ran somewhere else. He accidentally bumped into Shi Yimin who was getting a small cake in the buffet area.

Shi Yi turned around and saw Bai Zhou, raised his fist and hit him, "Bai Zhou! Pay me the cake!"

"I'll pay, I'll pay!" Although her strength was not as strong as her aunt's, she was not weak either. Bai Zhou hissed in pain, quickly brought another plate of small cakes, and handed it to Shi Yimin obediently.

Shi Yixin picked up the small cake, snorted at him, turned and left.

She returned the same way and handed the small cake to the person next to her mother, "Grandma, eat the small cake! Sister An An's small cakes are delicious! I can finish four small cakes!"

Meng Shujie was helpless, "Your grandma can't eat anything too sweet."

Mrs. Meng from the Meng Group also received an invitation this time to attend Qin Sui'an's kindergarten graduation party.

Mrs. Meng smiled and rolled her eyes, and took the small cake from her granddaughter Shi Yimin, "Be good, you are so good. I can eat it. It doesn't matter if I eat a small cake."

On the other side, Shi Qinghan also held a small cake and handed it to his grandmother, Mrs. Shu.

His mother Shu Yao saw it and pretended to be surprised, "Is Qinghan trying to imitate your cousin?"

Shi Qinghan pursed his lips slightly, "I don't imitate her, she imitates me."

When his cousin saw him taking the cake, he thought he wanted to eat it, so he explained that he was taking it to his grandmother.

Shi Yimin immediately followed his example and served the small cake to her grandmother before he did.

Mrs. Shu looked at her grandson with a smile and took the small cake from her grandson's hand. "Qinghan has always been very filial, but he is not good at expressing it."

Shu Yao naturally understood her son's awkward temperament and said jokingly: "That's not okay. Girls like boys who can express themselves."

Shi Qinghan's fair cheeks suddenly turned red, and she pursed her lips and said no more.

At the same time, Mrs. Ye was in the garden, and in front of her was her mother, Mrs. Song's family.Mrs. Ye Song Wenting was also the apple of the Song family's eye before she married into the Ye family.

Mrs. Song had white hair and was in very good health. With a doting smile on her face, she looked towards the villa, "Is my precious great-granddaughter not awake yet?"

"That's almost it. An An usually sleeps until after eight o'clock during holidays." Madam Ye held her mother's hand, "Mom, let's go sit in the pavilion."

"Oh, no, it's almost nine o'clock. I'll wait here." Mrs. Song looked at the villa, looking forward to her precious great-granddaughter.

At the same time, Mrs. Qin was also with her father.

Mrs. Qin Lan Jin, her mother had a funeral a few years ago, but her father is still in good health.

Mr. Lan smoothed his hair and dyed his white hair black in order not to look so old and scare his great-granddaughter.

The wrinkles on his face cannot be hidden, but his black hair also makes him look much younger.

Mr. Lan was leaning on crutches with both hands and was very excited, "It's so fast. My great-granddaughter has graduated from kindergarten..."

"Yes." Mrs. Qin asked curiously: "Dad, have you prepared a kindergarten graduation gift for An An?"

Mr. Lan frowned and clicked his tongue pretending to be serious, "On such an important day, can I not prepare a gift for my great-granddaughter?"

Mrs. Qin suppressed a smile, "I'm not afraid that you will forget it and blame me for not reminding you later."

Mr. Lan's expression flashed with confusion for a moment, "Ahem, I, am I that kind of person?"

It was obvious that his memory was slowly declining due to old age, and he would occasionally forget some important things. He knew it in his heart, but he refused to admit it.

Villa door.

Qin Qianyi held up his mobile phone in his hand, with the front camera turned on on the screen, acting as a mirror for his brothers to look at in turn with a depressed look on his face.

Qin Yaoyu was the last one to adjust his sparkling tie, while muttering: "Dad, it's true, it's just a small skirt, so well hidden."

Qin Qianyi became excited when he mentioned this, "That's right! Dad did it on purpose, not letting us wear the same clothes as An An!"

Qin Niexun straightened his clothes and said, "It doesn't matter, just hide it."

Qin Luzheng shrugged, "Fourth brother is right, it's not like we can't guess what An An likes."

Sister An An likes shiny and beautiful skirts very much. Even if their father hides An An's skirts well, the skirts made will definitely be in line with An An's preferences.

So they all carefully studied the element of "sparkling".

Qin Yanyi's dress had shiny cuffs.

As for Qin Fuga's dress, all the buttons are designed with real diamonds.

Qin Sui'an's six brothers were chatting at the gate of the castle, and her three uncles happened to come out of the villa.

The six brothers were all quiet, with six eyes looking up and down at their three uncles.

What a coincidence is that their dresses all match the elements, and no one can do without sparkling.

Ye Rongyuan immediately saw Qin Yaoyu and Qin Qianyi, who were wearing similar ties to him, "Hey, Yaoyu, Qianyi, why do you have the same tie as me? Could it be that you secretly looked at my design?"

Qin Qianyi rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Uncle, you are really narcissistic."

Not to be outdone, Qin Yaoyu raised two fingers and said, "Uncle, my tie cost this amount."

"Among my six nephews, Yao Yu is the best at making money. Yao Yu is awesome." Ye Rongyuan didn't care about what they said and directly mentioned his seniority. They were so angry that they gritted their teeth and could do nothing to him.

Ye Xiaoyuan gave his brother a warning look, "Rongyuan, enough is enough."

Qin Niexun took the opportunity to praise, "My uncle is still mature and steady." He secretly mocked Ye Rongyuan for being so childish.

Ye Liyuan reached out and grabbed his younger brother Ye Rongyuan, who was almost irritated. "Rongyuan, let's go. Mom said grandma has arrived. Let's go there quickly."

Ye Rongyuan glared at Qin Niexun angrily, and then followed his eldest and second brother towards the garden.

It was exactly nine o'clock in the morning.

At the beginning of this grand kindergarten graduation banquet, the young protagonist Qin Sui'an appeared in everyone's sight, holding hands with her parents Qin Haochen and Ye Chaosi.

All the wealthy families came to attend Qin Sui'an's kindergarten graduation party.

With everyone's sincere blessings, Qin Suian successfully graduated from Xiaonaituan Kindergarten and entered a new stage of her life.

(End of text) (End of chapter)

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