Chapter 47 Humph, An An is still angry.

While Mrs. Qin was looking at her little granddaughter carefully, Qin Sui'an was also looking at her grandma.

The word "grandma" was unfamiliar to her and she had no memory at all.

Her grandma looks so beautiful. Even though she has white hair and wrinkles on her face, she is still very beautiful and good-looking.

Qin Sui'an blinked her round eyes and looked at it seriously, thinking silently in her heart: An'an has a grandma, a beautiful grandma~
Mrs. Qin's emotions were a bit up and down. She couldn't help missing her little granddaughter. Tears flowed down her eyes. She said with a smile: "We are safe, we are home."

Qin Sui'an stretched out his little hand and touched the grandma on the phone screen. He said in a soft voice: "Grandma, don't cry..."

"Grandma is not crying, grandma is happy, grandma is so happy!" Mrs. Qin's voice was full of tears and a smile.

Qin Sui'an blinked his round eyes in confusion. His grandma was crying, but she was still smiling.

Qin Haochen saw the little nipple expression full of doubts, and explained softly: "An'an, there is a word called 'crying with joy', which means that when you encounter something very good and very happy, you are so excited that you shed tears. .”

"An'an understands!" Qin Sui'an suddenly understood, then pursed her lips and said in a cute voice: "Grandma is super happy~ So grandma is so happy that she cries~"

"Yes, grandma is very happy." Mrs. Qin could not calm down her excitement and immediately said: "Ahuo, hurry up, help me book a flight ticket back to China, I will go back now!"

When Mr. Qin heard this, his smiling expression suddenly froze. He quickly said, "I'll just take An An over to find you."

Mrs. Qin frowned, "No! Our little arms and legs are too small to withstand the torment of flying around."

She couldn't bear to let her little granddaughter suffer.

Mr. Qin said: "Your body can't withstand such a torment."

"I'm in good health!" Mrs. Qin's eyes widened. Seeing that he didn't listen to her words, she called to her youngest son: "Where is Hao Chen? Is Hao Chen beside you?"

Qin Haochen responded: "Mom, I'm here."

"Don't we have a private plane at home? Arrange one to take me back." Mrs. Qin's tone did not allow him to refuse.

"Mom, you..." Qin Haochen frowned slightly, but before he could say the next words, he was interrupted again.

"Okay, are you deliberately not letting me go back to China to see An An?" Mrs. Qin pretended to be angry, "If you don't make arrangements, then I will make arrangements myself."

Mr. Qin's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately changed his mind: "I'll make the arrangements, don't worry."

Knowing that she missed her little granddaughter, she couldn't bear to reject her.

Mrs. Qin snorted softly, "You must make me angry."

Then, she looked at her little granddaughter happily and said, "An An, do you want any gifts? Grandma will bring it to you when she returns to China."

"An'an has a gift from grandma!" Qin Sui'an shook his little head, as if he was afraid that grandma wouldn't see it, raised his chin high, and pinched his little apple, "Grandpa and grandma gave it to An An. The gift is here~"

"Oh, this little apple is really suitable for us An'an!" Mrs. Qin remembered that she had been waiting for this necklace for three years, and tears kept pouring out of her eyes.

She wiped her tears and said with a smile, "An An can ask for other gifts."

Qin Sui'an pursed her lips, lowered her head shyly, and said in a sheepish voice: "An'an doesn't need any gifts..."

Mrs. Qin's heart is filled with warmth, and her little granddaughter is caring and sensible!

She laughed so happily again that the family doctor next to her was frightened.

The family doctor took a look at the electronic watch worn by Mrs. Qin. The watch showed that her heart rate had soared to [-]. She was so frightened that she quickly reminded: "Don't get too excited, Mrs. Qin, take a deep breath..."

When Mr. Qin heard what the family doctor said, he also said nervously: "Take it easy! Don't laugh and cry at the same time."

"I'm so happy." Mrs. Qin patted her chest while breathing, "I really want to fly back to China right now."

Mr. Qin was helpless and sighed, "You can return to China tomorrow and the day after tomorrow at the latest. You have to take good care of your health these days." "I know, I know." Mrs. Qin drank the warm water handed over by the family doctor. The smile on his face remained unchanged, and he looked at his little granddaughter lovingly, as if he couldn't get enough of her.

This cross-country video call lasted for nearly half an hour.

Qin Haochen paid attention to the time. It was time for the little boy to take a nap. His mother could no longer be excited, so she ended the video call.

Qin Sui'an was in a very beautiful mood. She leaned obediently in Daddy's arms, her little voice filled with joy, "Daddy, An'an likes grandma~"

"Grandma also likes An An, and everyone likes An An." Qin Haochen carried her back to the room, preparing to take a nap with her.

Qin Sui'an lay down on the comfortable and warm bed, and sleepiness immediately appeared.

She opened her small mouth, yawned, her round eyes were covered with a layer of tiredness, and she muttered: "Daddy, An An has many, many family members~"

"Yes, An An has many family members." Qin Haochen covered her with the quilt, then lay beside her, gently patting her little body with the palm of his hand.

"Well..." Qin Sui'an yawned again, blinking his round eyes slower and slower, "Dad, are you going to work?"

"Well, when An An falls asleep, dad will go to work." Qin Haochen kissed her forehead, "Dad will be home soon."

Qin Sui'an touched his belly and said in a sweet voice, "Don't worry, Dad, be good An An."

"Dad knows that An An is very good." Seeing that she was still reluctant to close her eyes, Qin Haochen chuckled helplessly and coaxed: "An An, take a nap."

"Well... An An will sleep right now..."

After finishing her words, as if she could no longer resist the sleepiness, her round eyes slowly closed and she fell into a deep sleep.

Qin Haochen waited for her to sleep deeper before reluctantly walking out of the bedroom.

In the small living room outside the bedroom, Qin Fuga was sitting on the sofa.

Seeing him coming out, Qin Fuga stood up and whispered: "Dad, grandpa said he was going to country F to bring grandma back."

Mr. Qin still couldn't bear to let Mrs. Qin come back alone, even though there would definitely be many people around her taking care of her.

Qin Haochen had already guessed, "I will send a few more people to take care of them."

Qin Fuga glanced in the direction of the bedroom and said, "Dad, go and do your work. I will accompany An An at home."

"Okay." Qin Haochen nodded in response.

Qin Sui'an had a very comfortable nap with her little breasts. She also had a sweet dream. In the dream, her family members were by her side and stayed with her all the time.

At around two o'clock in the afternoon, the little breast ball took a full nap. She opened her eyes and looked around.

She was alone in the bedroom, and the bedroom door was open.

Oh~ Daddy goes to work!An An needs to be good!
Qin Sui'an touched his belly, as if coaxing himself not to be sad.

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded:

"Are you awake? Do you still remember me?"

It was the invisible old man in the morning.

Qin Sui'an's big round eyes widened, and then his small mouth pouted high and he snorted hard.

An An is still angry!I won’t talk to grandpa!

(End of this chapter)

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