Chapter 48 The heinous villain
The old man immediately smiled flatteringly and said: "An'an, it was my fault this morning. I shouldn't have talked nonsense. Don't be angry with me."

When Qin Sui'an heard that the grandfather's voice came from the left, she immediately turned her head to the right, "Humph~"

"An An, I'm sorry, it's my fault." The old man floated to the right and apologized seriously: "An An's grandfather will definitely live a long life, even more than a hundred years old!"

When Qin Sui'an heard what his grandfather said, he reluctantly stopped pouting.

She said seriously: "Grandpa, you can't say bad things about An An's family again, or An An will never pay attention to you again."

"Okay, okay, I won't say it anymore, and I will never say it again." The old man asked in a humble tone: "Has An An forgive me?"

Qin Sui'an thought about it seriously, then nodded his head and said in a sweet voice: "Well, An An forgives grandpa."

"Thank you, An'an!" The old man was so happy that he almost floated to the ceiling. This day had been very uncomfortable for him. He wanted to find Xiao Nai Dumpling to apologize, but Xiao Nai Dumpling was always accompanied by someone with strong yang energy, which made him very uncomfortable. He didn't dare to get close to the little breast dumpling.

Now, I finally have a chance to talk to Xiao Naituanzi.

Thinking of this, the old man suddenly "shushed", lowered his voice, and warned: "An'an, your eldest brother is sleeping outside, don't wake him up."

The bald young man with the shining Buddha light is the person he fears the most. As soon as the bald young man appears, he has to run away quickly.

Qin Sui'an immediately stretched out his little hands to cover his mouth, for fear of waking up his elder brother.

She got out of the quilt, climbed out of the bed and then walked out of the bedroom quietly, tiptoeing and bending over.

Sure enough, the grandfather was not cheating on her, and the eldest brother was sitting on the sofa sleeping.

Big brother is so weird~ He always sleeps sitting down~
Qin Sui'an watched for a while, then started to stand on tiptoes, bent over, and left the room in small steps, not even daring to breathe.

She didn't gasp until she walked out of the room.

The old man floated next to her, "An'an, what's fun at your house? I'll play with you!"

His voice was very excited, as if he didn't want to play with the little breast dumpling, but he wanted the little breast dumpling to play with him.

Qin Sui'an seemed to have thought of something, his round eyes lit up, and he trotted to the slide next to the stairs.

The old man shook his head in disappointment: "Oh, I can't play this." It's not fun either.

This is something that little milk babies only like to play. He was over 100 years old before and after his life, and he was not interested in the slide.

Qin Suian sat on the slide and slid to the first floor.

She patted her little skirt and asked, "What does grandpa want to play?"

"Is there anything like chess or Go?" The old man complained: "The construction of the underworld needs to be improved. There are not even chess pieces."

But his chess addiction was killing him.

Qin Sui'an tilted his little head, as if he had seen round chess pieces in the living room.

She walked into the living room and saw a chessboard on the table.

The old man shouted excitedly: "Ah, yes, yes! That's it!"

"But An'an doesn't know how to play." Qin Suian shook his little head honestly.

"It's okay, I'll teach you! It's very easy!" The old man said with great interest.

Qin Sui'an listened to his grandfather's instructions, arranged the chessboard, and then concentrated on learning to play chess.

She is very smart and learns quickly. She already understands the rules and gameplay once her grandfather explains them.

At first, the old man thought about letting Xiao Nai Tuanzi, but in the second half of the game, he looked serious, frowned, and stopped even joking with Xiao Nai Tuanzi. He was thinking deeply about where the chess piece should go next.

The atmosphere in the living room can't be said to be relaxed. Xiao Naituanzi and the old man were both engrossed in it and didn't even notice that a figure had been standing outside the living room for a long time.

Qin Fuga hid sideways outside the living room and listened carefully to what was going on in the living room.In fact, he was not asleep, he was just meditating.

Seeing that An An didn't want to wake her up and was cautious, Qin Fuga couldn't bear to let her down and continued to pretend to be "sleeping".

Wait until she leaves the room, then quietly follow her downstairs.

All the way to the living room, Qin Fuga heard An An talking. At first, he thought it was An An talking to himself. After listening carefully, he realized that he was talking to someone.

Perhaps, it is not human.

He looked worried, fearing that dirty things would get on An An.

But his Taoism is not deep enough to drive away the dirty things.

He made no sound and stood quietly outside the living room.

Suddenly, a goose call "quacking" came from the gate of the castle.

The big white goose swaggered into the castle unobstructed. It counted the time. The baby An An should have had a full nap and could play with the baby An An.

When it turned a corner, it saw Qin Fuga standing outside the living room, its small, bean-sized eyes blinking twice.

In the living room, the sound of An An's cub's milk came out, as well as the voice of an old man.

The big white goose took a breath: Ga!He's eavesdropping!
It was about to scream loudly at the top of its lungs to remind the cub that her big brother was eavesdropping outside.

In an instant, Qin Fuga, who was originally standing a long way away from it, suddenly came to it.

He also grabbed its goose body and even roughly pinched its beak with his hands to prevent it from making any sound.

Qin Fuga was agile and quickly stopped it from making any noise.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, lowered his voice, and said warningly: "Don't tell An An what you saw, otherwise, I don't mind breaking the precept, killing myself, and having a goose stewed in an iron pot."

The big white goose was trembling with fear. It clearly received the cold murderous intention coming from Qin Fuga.

It suspected that Qin Fujia was a heinous villain before he became a monk!
Qin Fuga just grabbed the big white goose, threw it out of the castle, and ordered: "You are not allowed to enter the castle before dark."

The big white goose nodded its head in horror: "Gah!"

It didn't dare to disobey Qin Fuga at all. In order not to be stewed in the iron pot, it flapped its wings and ran to the garden in fear.

After the big white goose ran away, Qin Fuga quietly returned to the living room.

at the same time.

A black Mercedes-Benz was driving at a high speed on the way to Bay Villa.

In the back seat, Bai Binghua, the president of the Bai family, and his son Bai Zhou were sitting.

The Qin Group announced the termination of any cooperation with the Bai Group. In less than a day, the shares of the Bai Group fell off a cliff.

Unable to withstand the pressure from the group and his family, Bai Binghua hurriedly took his precious son to Bay Villa to find the chairman of the Qin Group, Qin Suian Xiaonaituan, to apologize.

I only hope that after this time, the Qin Group can cooperate with their Bai Group again, otherwise, the Bai Group may face the crisis of bankruptcy at any time.

Bai Zhou's head was bandaged like a mummy's head, wrapped in layers of gauze, leaving only two eyes, two nostrils, and a mouth exposed.

Bai Binghua sighed, "Zhouzhou, you have to be polite to Chairman Qin later, and you can't make her angry again."

"Dad, are you talking about aunt?" Bai Zhou turned his head with difficulty and looked at him and asked.

"Yes, yes, aunt, you have to call me aunt!" Bai Binghua almost forgot and clapped his hands, "It's better to call her aunt, we are all relatives! For the sake of relatives, that little girl can't deny us face, can she?"

(End of this chapter)

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