Chapter 49 Even An An’s toilet can’t compare
Bai Zhou turned his head with difficulty again: "Dad, does aunt live here?"

"Yes, Bay Villa is the most expensive place in the country."

This is also Bai Binghua’s first visit to Bay Villa.

Looking at the pleasant scenery outside, he couldn't help but frown, his tone full of envy and gritted teeth: "How can this President Qin make money so much?"

Comparing one person to another is infuriating, not to mention that that person is still a young man who is more than ten or 20 years younger than him!

Bai Binghua cursed in his heart. Suddenly, he remembered the business and patted his chest: "No, no, no, I want to be calm. I'm here to seek peace. I must not make the Qin family angry again!"

Whether the Bai Group will go bankrupt or move to a higher level in the future all depends on today!
Bai Zhou listened to his father's thoughts and looked out the window, looking forward to it: "Will Auntie punch me again this time?"

Bai Binghua's expression changed drastically, "Zhouzhou, please don't make your aunt angry again! You can't hit her either! Do you understand?"

"Dad, I didn't say I wanted to make my aunt angry or hit her." Bai Zhou curled his lips.

In the Mercedes-Benz, the father and son were noisy. They didn't quiet down until the car was stopped at the entrance of Bay Villa.

The Qin family's bodyguard came over and motioned for them to return the way they came: "Sorry, we can't enter Bay Villa without making a reservation in advance."

Bai Binghua quickly lowered the window and said with a smug smile, "Oh, I'm Bai Binghua, a relative of your president! Why do we need to make an appointment when relatives are visiting us?"

The bodyguard's face was expressionless and his tone was cold: "No one can enter Bay Villa without the permission of the president."

"No, you..." Bai Binghua almost lost his temper, but he endured it and said with a smile: "I'm not looking for your CEO, I'm looking for Sui'an, Qin Sui'an, the short one , little girl, the daughter your president just brought home."

The bodyguard frowned and his eyes fell on him, "If you want to see our Miss An An, you also need to make an appointment."

"You..." Bai Binghua was so angry when he saw that he was not getting enough.

Just a bodyguard, dragging him like something!
Seeing his father's face turning red with anger, Bai Zhou reminded him, "Dad, you just said you should be calm."

Bai Binghua: ...I, I, I tolerate it!
He exhaled forcefully and then inhaled, inhaled and exhaled again, and smiled brightly, "Oh, my Zhouzhou is a good friend of your Miss An An, and I came here to play with you, Miss An An."

The bodyguard's eyes fell on the child who was bandaged and looked like a human being.

If he remembered correctly, the young master of the Bai family was punched and cried by their Miss An An yesterday.

We've both been beaten and cried, can we still be good friends?
Bai Binghua added: "Look, there are no other three or four-year-old children in your Qin family. They are all grown men. Children must have a playmate of the same age. Our Zhouzhou is also a three- or four-year-old child." Yeah! Just enough to play with An An, don’t you think?"

The bodyguard frowned slightly, with a bit of hesitation in his eyes.

The president did give instructions that under the premise of safety, the most important thing is that Miss An An is happy. There is no need to stop anything. As long as they protect Miss An An, they will not be blamed.

Bai Binghua was about to dry up his saliva when he finally saw a slight change in the bodyguard's expression. He continued: "Well, I won't embarrass you. Go and ask your Miss An An if she is willing to join our Zhou Zhou." Play."

He said it nicely, but he was muttering in his heart: Huh, our Zhouzhou has even visited our house in person, how dare she, a little brat? !
The bodyguard was silent for a moment, tilted his head and pressed the Bluetooth headset, and whispered the current situation to the bodyguard in Bay Villa.

After hearing this, the bodyguard guarding the gate of the castle walked into the castle.

Qin Fuga was still outside the living room when he saw the bodyguard coming to the castle gate to report something.

The bodyguard briefly reported the situation at the entrance of Bay Villa.

Xiao Sui'an had been with that dirty thing for nearly an hour. Qin Fuga was thinking about some excuse to appear next to Xiao Sui'an, and now he had it.

He nodded and said, "Let them come in."

"Okay, Master Fujia."

Qin Fuga deliberately amplified his footsteps and walked towards the living room, calling out: "An'an, An'an, where are you?" In the living room.

The young man and the old man, who were originally addicted to playing chess, looked up and looked out of the living room at the same time.

The old man was frightened: "Oh! The bald guy is here, I have to run away! An'an, I'll come and play with you next time!"

Qin Sui'an only felt a gust of wind blowing past his ears, and the surroundings fell into silence.

She blinked her round eyes, wondering why her grandfather was so afraid of her elder brother.

Hearing his elder brother's call from outside again, Qin Sui'an immediately responded to his elder brother's words with a sweet voice: "Brother, An'an is in the living room~"

Qin Fuga just walked into the living room and saw the chessboard on the table. He pretended to be surprised and asked, "Is An An playing chess here?"

"Well...well..." Qin Suian nodded, shook his head, and frowned in confusion.

You can't lie, lying is bad, but the old man told An An not to talk about the old man to anyone.

Qin Sui'an didn't know what to say to his elder brother, so he placed his little hands on his belly, stirring it uneasily.

Seeing this, Qin Fuga quickly walked up to her, gently held her in his arms, skipped the questions that she couldn't answer, and said softly: "An'an knows how to play chess? Then play with big brother next time Chess, okay?”

"Okay~" Qin Sui'an nodded his little head vigorously, and said with round eyes very sincerely: "An'an knows how to play, but big brother can't, An'an can teach you~"

"Okay." Qin Fujia rubbed her little head and raised the corners of her lips, "An An is so amazing."

Qin Sui'an pursed her lips happily and showed a cute smile.

Qin Fuga picked her up and said, "An'an, there is a kid named Bai Zhou outside. He said he came to play with you. Do you know him?"

Qin Sui'an raised his little face and said in a soft voice, "I know you."

"Does An An want to play with him?" Qin Fuga asked again.

"Well..." Qin Sui'an wrinkled his little nose and said softly: "If he doesn't scold An An or hit An An, An An will play with him."

Qin Fuga knew what happened in the group yesterday. He gently held her little hand and said, "Big brother is here, he doesn't dare to bully you anymore."

Qin Sui'an clenched his fists and said seriously: "An An will not be bullied by him!"

She will protect herself!

"Awesome." Qin Fujia said with a smile in his eyes.

Xiao Sui'an did not resist them. He then ordered the bodyguard to bring the Bai family and his son in.

Bai Binghua and his son Bai Zhou finally entered the Bay Villa, but were stopped outside the castle gate again.

He gritted his teeth and looked at the surrounding scenery, his teeth were so sore that they softened even more.

It is indeed a villa on the bay, every inch of land is valuable!Just the brick standing under my feet is worth a lot of money!

Rao was born into the Bai family, who came from a well-off family. Bai Zhou was also shocked by what he saw along the way.

"Dad, my aunt's house is too big! Dad, I feel like the toilet in my aunt's house is even bigger than ours!"

(End of this chapter)

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