Chapter 51 The little daughter of the Qin family is a naughty child

Bai Zhou lay on the ground and said: "If my aunt doesn't beat me, I won't get up! Wow, oh, oh, oh..."

Qin Fuga came to their home, Xiao Sui'an, and checked up and down to make sure that Xiao Sui'an was not bullied by Bai Zhou, and then he felt relieved.

Qin Sui'an came close to his elder brother's arms and said in a sweet voice: "Brother, Bai Zhou is so weird. He insists on beating him, but he still cries when An An doesn't beat him."

Qin Fuga glanced at Bai Zhou, who was lying on the ground crying, looked away, and gently touched Xiao Sui'an's little head, "It's a little strange, don't pay attention to him."

Bai Binghua heard their conversation and looked at his son's bewildered behavior. He turned pale with fright and asked anxiously: "Fujia, is Yan Yi at home?"

Is there something wrong with his son's brain? !
How can this work!Bai Zhou is the future heir to the Bai Group!
Qin Fuga said in an indifferent tone: "Yan Yi is in his hospital."

In order to save his son's life yesterday, Bai Binghua avoided Qin Yanyi's hospital and went to another hospital to see the injuries on his son's face.

If he could have shamed himself at that time and let Qin Yanyi show his son, his son's brain would not be broken. Now he regrets it so much that his intestines are blue.

"Um, An'an, Fujia, my Zhouzhou seems to be feeling a little unwell. I'll take him to the hospital first."

Bai Binghua did not dare to delay, fearing that his son's brain would become worse, so he forcibly picked up Bai Zhou and left in a hurry, heading to Qin Yanyi's hospital.

Along the way, Bai Zhou kept crying because of Qin Suian's refusal to beat him.

Bai Binghua became more and more sure that his son was out of his mind and wanted to cry with him.

His poor son!He was actually beaten into a fool by that little girl Qin Sui'an!

The Bai family father and son come and go in a hurry.

I don’t know if the Bai family let it slip, or if something went wrong. In less than half a day, all sorts of weird rumors spread about the Qin family’s young daughter beating up the Bai family’s young master. spread.

"The little daughter of the Qin family is very timid and loves to cry! I heard that she cried a lot when she went to the Qin family!"

"The little daughter of the Qin family is very fierce and likes to beat people, just like a naughty child! I hate naughty children the most!"

"It's true! I saw President Bai giving his son a brain surgery!"

"What? The young daughter of the Qin family beat the young master of the Bai family into cerebral palsy?"

"Ouch, that sounds really scary!"


Mr. Qin had just taken a plane to country F. As soon as Qin Qianyi received the news, he immediately ran home from school.

When the bodyguard said that the Bai family and his son had come, Qin Qianyi was worried that Xiao Sui'an would be bullied by Bai Zhou's naughty kid again. The first thing he did when he got home was to look for Xiao Sui'an.

At the same time, Qin Sui'an and his elder brother Qin Fuga were playing chess in the living room.

Qin Qianyi rushed into the living room in a hurry, hugged Xiao Sui'an into his arms, then squeezed her little hands, touched her little feet, and asked nervously: "An'an, Bai Zhou didn't bully you, did he? "

Qin Sui'an looked at his little brother's series of "examinations" in confusion, shook his head, and replied in a soft voice: "Brother, no~"

"That's good!" Qin Qianyi breathed a sigh of relief, then became puzzled, "Then what are they doing here?"

Not here for revenge?

Qin Fuga "rescued" Xiao Sui'an from his sixth brother's arms and said calmly, "I came to play with An An."

Qin Qianyi made a confused sound: "Huh?"

"Bai Zhou wants An An to teach him to beat people, and he insists on beating him." Qin Suian frowned, shook his head, and said seriously: "An An should not play with Bai Zhou in the future, he is very strange. "

"Huh?!" Qin Qianyi uttered a confused monosyllable again, with a subtle expression and twitching corners of his mouth: "Isn't this Bai Zhou... not very smart?" Why did he rush to ask An An to beat him? Woolen cloth?

Qin Fuga said: "Bai Binghua took his son to find Yan Yi."

Qin Sui'an knew that his second brother Yan Yi was a doctor. When his elder brother said this, he said with great sympathy: "Bai Zhou is so pitiful, his brain is sick."

Qin Qianyi didn't want to affect Xiao Sui'an's mood, so he immediately changed the subject: "What is An An playing with eldest brother?"

"Play chess~" Qin Suian asked in a sweet voice, "Brother, do you want to play together?"

"An'an, do you know how to play chess?" Qin Qianyi walked to the chessboard and took a closer look. Black and red were evenly matched, but it was obvious that after a few more moves, black would lose.

Qin Qianyi glanced at his elder brother and said with a tut, "Brother, this is your fault. Why did you block all the red chess pieces of An An? Give way to An An!"

Qin Fuga glanced at him and corrected him calmly: "An'an is a black chess piece."

Qin Qianyi's eyes suddenly widened in disbelief, and he looked at the chessboard again.

If the black chess piece is really An An, and the eldest brother did not let An An, then An An is simply a little chess master!

How can this be?

Seeing that he didn't seem to believe it, Qin Fuga said, "You play with An An in the next game."

"Okay!" Qin Qianyi was very interested. He rolled up his sleeves and sat aside to watch them finish the game.

After Qin Sui'an took the last step, he pursed his lips and curled his round eyes happily: "Big brother lost again~"

"Yeah, I lost to An An again." Qin Fuga had a smile in his eyes.

He and An An played several games of chess in a row. From the beginning, he thought that An An won him by chance, but now, he is convinced.

Qin Sui'an seemed to be born to be a good player at chess. Although he was only three and a half years old, his mind moved very quickly. He didn't need to spend a lot of time thinking about each move, and he knew what move to make just by looking at it.

Qin Qianyi firmly believed that his elder brother was letting An An go and rearranged the chessboard, "Come on, An An, let's play."

"Okay~" Qin Sui'an thought that he had never played chess with his little brother before, nodding his little head excitedly, and asked: "Brother, do you want black or red?"

Qin Qianyi looked at it and said, "I must be black."

"Okay~ Then An'an is red~" Qin Suian blinked his round eyes and stared at the chessboard seriously.

After only three or four moves, Qin Qianyi's expression became more and more solemn. In the end, he looked at Xiao Sui'an frequently, suspecting that the person he was playing with was not the three-and-a-half-year-old Xiao Sui'an.

The game of chess ended and Qin Qianyi was defeated miserably.

Qin Sui'an seemed very surprised. He looked at his little brother with his big round eyes, and said in a cute voice: "My little brother is not very good at playing."

Qin Qianyi:...

An'an, are you trying to hurt my bad chess game?
When Qin Fuga heard this, he couldn't help but chuckle.

Qin Qianyi shrugged his shoulders and looked at his elder brother sadly: "Brother, can you laugh a little quieter?"

After all, I’m still there!Can you give me some face?

Qin Fuga suppressed his smile and said, "Ahem, I'm sorry."

Qin Qianyi didn't believe it, so he set another plate.

(End of this chapter)

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