Chapter 52: One billion US dollars received
In the end, Qin Qianyi lost.

He was greatly frustrated, "Oh, I can't beat An An at all."

"Brother, don't be sad~" Qin Sui'an hurriedly stretched out his little hand and touched his head comfortingly.

Qin Qianyi bent down and leaned gently on her belly, pretending to cry: "An An is so amazing, woo woo woo..."

The tip of his nose smelled the sweet milky fragrance of Xiao Suian's body, and he was secretly happy, but he did not forget to continue to pretend to be sad.

Qin Sui'an hugged her little brother and comforted her with a sweet voice: "Brother, don't cry~ An An is not great~"

Qin Fuga couldn't see it, raised his hand and patted his sixth brother on the shoulder, "That's it, An An needs to take it seriously."

Qin Qianyi left Xiao Sui'an's arms reluctantly and whiningly.

The next second, he held her in his arms with his backhand and rubbed her little face affectionately: "Our An An is so considerate~ Like a little angel~"

Qin Sui'an curled up his little neck and smiled with round eyes: "Hehe~ Little brother, it's itchy~"

"Is An'an ticklish?" Qin Qianyi rubbed her little face again.

The two hugged each other and played happily.

The sky is getting dark, and the hour hand slowly moves towards the number 6.

Qin Haochen rushed home before dark. Just like at noon, the little girl was waiting for him at the gate of the castle.

This feeling of someone waiting for her to go home has been a long time coming for Qin Haochen.

Before the little nipple disappeared, his wife Ye Chaosi would hold the little nipple in her arms and wait for him to come home at the gate of the castle.

As soon as the Bentley stopped, Qin Haochen opened the door and quickly greeted the little girl: "An'an."

Qin Sui'an happily threw herself into Daddy's arms, "Daddy~"

Qin Haochen knelt down, picked her up, and kissed her little face, "Are you hungry?"

"Hmm~" Qin Sui'an touched his belly, "Daddy, it's cooing~"

"Next time you are hungry, let your brother give you something to eat." Qin Haochen held her little hand distressedly, walked into the castle, and went straight to the restaurant.

Dinner is ready, and everyone is feasting.

Qin Haochen couldn't bear to let go of her little breasts, so he just held her and fed her.

There were only three people sitting in the huge restaurant, Qin Sui'an, Qin Haochen, and Qin Qianyi. Qin Fuga cooked vegetarian food for dinner alone.

Qin Qianyi thought of what happened to the Bai family and his son that afternoon and said, "Dad, Bai Binghua brought his son to see An An this afternoon. His son seems to have a brain problem..."

Qin Qianyi recounted what happened when Bai Zhou begged An An to beat him, vividly, as if Qin Qianyi was present at the time.

Qin Haochen fed the little milk ball bit by bit without any surprise: "I know this."

"Ah? Dad, do you know everything?" Qin Qianyi curled his lips in boredom. Suddenly, he looked at his father strangely and asked doubtfully: "Dad, did something difficult happen to the group?"

Why does dad seem so worried from just now?

"No." Qin Haochen shook his head in denial.

Everything was normal in the group, except that on his way here, He Yan reported to him some outrageous rumors about Xiaonuituan.

Spreading rumors is a trivial matter, but refuting rumors is not that simple.

Qin Qianyi asked again: "Then what do you do..."

Qin Haochen glanced at his youngest son and interrupted what he was saying: "You can't speak after eating."

Three words completely silenced Qin Qianyi.

Qin Qianyi silently made an "OK" gesture.Qin Sui'an blinked his big round eyes, looking at his little brother and daddy.

Seemingly knowing that because of her presence, Daddy didn't say too much to her little brother. After Qin Sui'an was full, he immediately said in a sweet voice: "Daddy, An'an wants to go and play with the big white goose~"

Qin Haochen put the little nipple down from his arms and rubbed her little head, "Go, be careful, and call daddy if anything happens."

"Okay~" Qin Sui'an responded obediently, then turned around, stepped on his short legs, and walked out of the restaurant in small steps.

The big white goose finally waited until dark, and ran into the castle to find the baby An An.

An An's cub didn't see it and ran into Qin Fuga first.

It instantly stiffened and let out a weak "quacking" sound.

The sky is pitch black!You can't stew this goose!

Qin Fuga glanced at it and walked towards the restaurant.

Seeing Xiao Sui'an walking out of the restaurant, Qin Fuga's expression softened a lot in an instant, "Is An An full?"

"You're full~" Qin Sui'an touched his swollen belly and said in a soft and cute voice: "Brother, An'an wants to go and play with the big white goose~"

"Okay, let's go."

Qin Fuga watched Xiao Sui'an and the big white goose meet up. He watched for a while before continuing to walk into the restaurant.

He pulled out one of the dining chairs, sat down, and said, "Dad, the rumors outside are very bad for An An."

Qin Qianyi, who was immersed in eating, suddenly raised his head, with clear confusion in his eyes: "Huh? What rumors?"

What news did he miss? !
Qin Qianyi immediately put down the tableware and hurriedly took out his mobile phone to check it himself.

Qin Haochen slowly ate the food that the little milk ball could not finish. After eating, he said: "When your grandparents come back in a few days, I will arrange another banquet."

When Xiao Naituan returned to Qin's house, it was time to formally introduce her to others, so as to prevent some people from making random speculations.

Qin Fuga seemed to have guessed it, and nodded in agreement: "Then I will leave a few days later."

I originally planned to go back to the mountain tomorrow, but now I just want to stay a few more days. By the way, I can learn more about the origin of the dirty thing next to An An and what is the purpose of pestering their family An An.

At this moment, Qin Qianyi suddenly made a "pop" sound and patted the dining table hard: "That's too much! How dare these people spread rumors like this!"

Hard, his fists hard.

"My uncle can bear it, but my brother cannot bear it!" Yes, it is bearable, but which one cannot be tolerated!
Qin Qianyi first checked his account balance and counted it. After thinking that the money should be enough, he immediately made a call and said angrily: "Third brother! I want to sue someone!"

A low and hoarse voice came from the receiver: "No problem, Sixth Brother, I'll count your family price at a 95% discount, and only count you [-] per minute."

Qin Qianyi gritted his teeth, "Okay, deal!" For An'an, spending a little money is nothing!
at the same time.

Night has fallen in China, and the sun is slowly rising in NYC, Country M.

Tall buildings stand tall, and windows are densely clustered together reflecting the light pushed up by money.

A tall figure reclined lazily on the couch in the office, with the neckline slightly open, revealing the sexy lines of the collarbone.

The huge floor-to-ceiling windows had no cover, and the sunlight fell on him unceremoniously, as if coating him with a layer of expensive golden light.

As if his eyes were stung by the dazzling sunlight, his long and thick eyelashes trembled a little, and he slowly opened his sleepy eyes.

At the same time, the computer that had been working all night issued a mechanical prompt: "Billion Dollars Arrived!"

——One billion dollars received.

(End of this chapter)

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