Chapter 53 The hobby of small breast balls is very unique

The next moment, the closed office door was suddenly pushed open, and cheers echoed through the sky, seeming to shatter the entire building.

"Qin Yaoyu, I declare that you are my master - Cai! God! Master!"

The young man lying on the sofa frowned in an instant and glanced at the visitor with disgust: "Banji, a mere billion dollars, makes you so happy?"

"One billion! It's still dollars!"

Banji was so excited that his face turned red with excitement and he couldn't help but mutter: "You have five points, the company has three points, the shareholders have two points, and the remaining one is mine, one-tenth of a billion dollars, one hundred million dollars!" The RMB is nearly over 7 million! [-] million!"

He looked at the young man on the sofa with admiration and wanted to kneel down and kowtow.

If someone had told him a few years ago, or even two months ago, that a 16-year-old boy could earn him [-] million, he would have scolded him and thought he was a fraud!
But now, he had to accept that it was indeed the 16-year-old boy in front of him who had made [-] million with him!
Qin Yaoyu was so noisy that he lost his sleep. He scratched the messy chicken coop and said impatiently: "Okay, Banji, please pay the hospital quickly. Don't delay the operation."

For Qin Yaoyu, the fifth young master of the Qin family, this billion US dollars is money that he will definitely earn in his plan.

Qin Yaoyu has extraordinary talents in investment and financial management, and is extremely sensitive to numbers and money. It can be said that since he was born, he has never been short of money or lost money.

Qin Yaoyu makes money like water, and his biggest worry is too much money. But what worries him most is that he is afraid that he will have no money, so he makes money like crazy. As long as there is something that can make money, he will never be absent.

"Yes! I have to pay my mother's medical bills quickly..." Banji walked out of the office mumbling again.

Suddenly, he turned back and looked at the young man sitting on the sofa relaxing, "My God of Wealth, I received news that Qin Qianyi, your sixth brother, sold his shares. "

Qin Yaoyu raised his eyelids and yawned: "When did you sell it?"

"Just a second before one billion arrived." He added in a low voice: "Your sixth brother just didn't make that billion."

Qin Yaoyu paused for a moment. After thinking through what he said, the corners of his mouth twitched again and again, "Is there something wrong with Qin Qianyi's brain? If he doesn't make money, what will he do if he sells it?"

Qin Yaoyu picked up his cell phone and made a cross-country call to his sixth brother Qin Qianyi, who was suspected of being mentally ill.

Seeing the anger radiating from his body, Ban Ji retracted his head and closed the office door for him thoughtfully.

As soon as the call was connected, Qin Yaoyu directly asked: "Qin Qianyi! Who asked you to sell it? Are you short of money? What do you, a 14-year-old kid, do with so much money?"

"Fifth brother, I want to ask third brother to file a lawsuit! If I don't sell it, I don't have enough money." Qin Qianyi said in a depressed tone: "Besides, the shares are only more than 300 million, which is only enough for me to buy three Brother’s 4 minutes!”

"The second after you sold it, your more than 300 million yuan increased more than ten times."

After thinking calmly, he felt that the money belonged to his sixth brother and it was not his own loss. Qin Yaoyu finally felt more comfortable.

He took a deep breath and asked casually: "Why do you want third brother to file a lawsuit? Did you beat Zong Jianren to death for bullying our An'an?"

"No, my boxing skills are measured, how can I let him die so easily?" Qin Qianyi snorted, and then said: "If someone spreads rumors that are bad for An An, I will ask the third brother to sue him!"

"Who? Who dares to spread rumors about An An?" Qin Yaoyu frowned instantly: "Sixth brother, are you still short of money? Is giving you [-] million enough for legal fees? It's not enough. Tell me! Sue the other party to death! Sue hard!"

Is it okay to bully their family An An?
After a phone call with his sixth brother Qin Qianyi, Qin Yaoyu transferred [-] million to his sixth brother's account.

As he strode out of the office, he strode into the elevator.

Banji was on the phone with the hospital when he saw that the God of Wealth was about to leave. He took the time to ask, "God of Wealth, where are you going? Isn't there still a bill that hasn't arrived?"

"Just stay here and I'll go back to China to see my sister."

As soon as the words fell, the elevator door closed.

Banji scratched the back of his head in confusion and muttered: "The God of Wealth's sister? Isn't that a good boy?"

Suddenly, the closed elevator door reopened.

Qin Yaoyu stretched out his long hand and pressed it against the elevator door. He asked: "Banji, how much cash is there in the safe in my office?" "About 100 million US dollars." As soon as Benji finished answering, he saw the God of Wealth. The old man walked back to the office, and he was extremely puzzled: "God of Wealth, what do you want so much cash for?"

"Give me An'an as a meeting gift." Qin Yaoyu didn't even look back.

It’s been three years since I’ve seen my sister An An, so how could I return empty-handed?
As for the meeting gift, the most suitable one is of course money that everyone loves!No one doesn’t like money!

Soon, he will be slapped in the face frequently.

Ten minutes later, Qin Yaoyu took a private plane and flew directly to country Z, carrying US$10 million weighing 100 kilograms.

After twelve hours of air flight, they finally landed on the apron of Bay Villa at 07:30 in the morning in Z country.

Qin Yaoyu carried a bag weighing [-] kilograms with one hand and stepped on the stairway under the cabin door, walking fast and steady with his long legs.

Seeing that he was only carrying one bag, the bodyguard thought it was his luggage, so he stretched out his hand and said respectfully: "Master Yaoyu, let me help you carry your luggage."

"I have no luggage." Qin Yaoyu took half a step to the side, "This is a meeting gift for my sister."

The bodyguard immediately retracted his hand and said respectfully: "Ms. An An has already gotten up and is having breakfast with the president."

"Are you getting up so early?" Qin Yaoyu raised his hand in surprise and glanced at the priceless watch on his wrist, "It's only after seven o'clock."

If he remembered correctly, his sister An An hadn't entered kindergarten yet.

The bodyguard replied: "Miss An An has a regular schedule, go to bed early and get up early."

Qin Yaoyu, who has an irregular work schedule and goes to bed late and gets up late: Thank you, I have been taken into consideration.

After walking for more than ten minutes, we arrived at the gate of the castle.

Qin Yaoyu couldn't help but change his hand to carry the heavy greeting gift, and muttered: "This is why I don't like to go home. It's so big, just walking across the tarmac will make me exhausted."

After entering the castle, he saw someone in the living room. Qin Yaoyu walked to the door of the living room and took a look inside.

Seeing this, he was stunned.

It's the eldest brother, with a goose.

Goose? !

Why do they still have geese in their house?Even this goose is sitting on the couch with his big brother.

Qin Yaoyu wondered if he had been hallucinating after staying on the plane for too long.

He rubbed his eyes and looked carefully. The goose was still sitting on the sofa.

Qin Yaoyu lowered his voice and called out, "Brother, I'm back."

Qin Fuga opened his eyes and looked at him. Knowing that the purpose of his return was to see Xiao Sui'an, he said, "An'an and dad are having breakfast in the restaurant."

"Okay, I'll clean up before going to see An An." Qin Yaoyu looked at the goose and hesitated to speak. Finally, he couldn't hold it back and asked: "Brother, can you see the goose sitting on the sofa? ?”

"You can see it." Qin Fuga turned his head and looked at the big white goose, "This is An An's pet, the big white goose."

"An An's pet?!" Qin Yaoyu stared at the big white goose in disbelief. After a while, his expression returned to normal: "An An's hobbies are a bit unique..."

He looked down at the bag he was carrying.

Is it still too late to exchange one million U.S. dollars for a hundred big white geese?
(End of this chapter)

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