Chapter 93 Qin Haochen’s good idea

Since Xiao Naituan returned home, Qin Haochen no longer had to cope with three meals a day outside as before. When it was time to eat, he started to prepare to go home to accompany his little one without the need for special assistant He Yan to remind him. Eat with milk balls.

The Bentley stopped at the main entrance of the castle. Before the bodyguards came forward to open the door, Qin Haochen quickly opened the door and strode out of the car.

As soon as Qin Sui'an heard the familiar engine car, he immediately ran to the castle gate and waited.

Seeing Daddy getting out of the car, she ran over and threw herself into Daddy's arms, "Daddy~ An'an misses you so much!"

Qin Haochen hugged her soft little breasts tightly with both hands, and the corners of his lips couldn't stop the upward curve, "Dad also wants to be safe."

"Daddy, An'an woke up very late today and didn't get to see daddy." Qin Suian's mouth was flat and her head hung sadly, "An'an will never be too late in the future."

Qin Haochen couldn't bear to see the look of Xiaonuituan blaming himself and repenting, so he quickly coaxed softly: "There is something urgent at work, so dad got up early and has to rush to deal with it."

He held her in his arms and walked into the castle while saying, "An'an is still a child. She needs to sleep well if she wants to grow up."

"But, but..." Qin Sui'an hugged his neck with two little hands, rested her little head on his shoulder, and her big round eyes slowly turned red, "But An An wants to see it when he wakes up. Daddy..."

Without Daddy in sight, she always thought that returning home was just a dream, that she was still an unwanted child in the orphanage.

Qin Haochen patted her back distressedly, "Be good An'an and don't cry. Dad has a way."

Qin Sui'an's eyes were red, blinking away the blurred tears, looking at him, "What can daddy do?"

"Well, let's have lunch first." Qin Haochen raised a hand and gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with his fingertips, "After lunch, dad will tell you, okay?"

"Okay~" Qin Suian nodded obediently.

In the restaurant, a fragrant lunch filled a whole dining table.

Mr. Qin, Mrs. Qin, Qin Haochen, and Qin Luzheng sat down around the dining chair next to Qin Suian.

Qin Sui'an was sitting in her children's dining chair with wet round eyes. She was eating the food fed by her family seriously, her little mouth was bulging and she kept chewing.

Just watching her little granddaughter eat like this, Mrs. Qin was in a great mood and had a great appetite, so she ate more than usual.

Mr. Qin was afraid that she would feel upset after eating too much, so he kept an eye on her, "Okay, okay, Xiaojin, you'll feel uncomfortable if you eat any more."

"Oh, I've eaten so much?" Mrs. Qin suddenly stopped, as if she just realized it, she said with a smile: "We An'an eat so deliciously, I can't help but want to eat more."

Qin Sui'an blinked his bright eyes, knowing that grandma's words were praising him, he smiled and said in a soft voice: "An'an has a long body, An'an needs to eat well! Grandma needs to be healthy, and she also needs to eat well." Eat your fill!”

Mrs. Qin smiled so hard that she couldn't see her teeth, "Yes, yes, An An is right!"


Qin Suian's little feet hanging in the air swayed happily.

With a full stomach, Qin Sui'an remembered what daddy told him about a good solution, sat in the children's dining chair and watched everyone eat.

As if he suddenly remembered something, Qin Sui'an raised his little face and asked doubtfully: "Papa, don't the other brothers go home for lunch? Will they be hungry?"

"They won't be hungry if they eat outside." Qin Haochen patiently answered the question about the little milk ball.Mr. Qin put down the tableware, picked up a napkin to wipe the corners of his mouth, and said, "Hao Chen, how are you preparing for the banquet?"

Qin Haochen said: "The invitation list needs to be revised again."

Mrs. Qin was also full. She held her little granddaughter's hand and said with a smile: "On the day of the banquet, An An will be able to see everyone together."

Qin Sui'an didn't know what the banquet was yet, but she understood that everyone was together.

A pair of round eyes suddenly lit up, and she asked in surprise: "Grandma, is everyone not busy on the day of the banquet?"

"Of course, that was a banquet for us An An, who dares to be busy with other things?" Mrs. Qin pretended to be angry, "Humph, I am the first to disagree!"

Qin Sui'an happily raised his little hands and cheered: "Okay~ everyone is together~"

Seeing that Xiao Naituan was so looking forward to the arrival of the banquet, Qin Haochen raised his lips and was ready to ask He Yan to hurry up and arrange things for the banquet.

Mr. Qin glanced at him and said, "Hao Chen, show me the invitation list."

"Okay." Qin Haochen sent an electronic version of the list.

Mr. Qin took out his mobile phone, opened the file and looked at it carefully. When he saw that the Shao family was also on the list, he clicked his tongue dissatisfiedly, "This family..."

Before he finished speaking, he glanced at his son Qin Haochen.

Mr. Qin is petty-minded, which shows that no one who has bullied their precious little granddaughter should appear at the Qin family's banquet.

Qin Haochen immediately said: "Dad, don't worry, their family will not be included in the new list."

That's why he said that the list needs to be changed again.

Mr. Qin nodded with satisfaction, "That's pretty much it."

Qin Luzheng heard their conversation and remembered that there was another Mrs. Shao who was stopped outside the gate of Bay Villa.

He looked at Qin Haochen and asked, "Dad, do you want Shen Shuwen to come in this afternoon?"

Mrs. Qin said with a smile, "I checked the calendar. It's not a good time to see guests today."

She just wanted to be happy with her little granddaughter today, but she didn't want to see anyone who would cause trouble.

Qin Haochen had no objection and turned to look at his nominal third son Qin Luzheng, "Just do as your grandma said."

"Okay, I understand." Qin Luzheng nodded.

Knowing that the little breast was still waiting for his "good idea", Qin Haochen quickly finished his lunch, then stood up, took the little breast sitting obediently in the children's dining chair into his arms, and walked to the living room.

Qin Sui'an was very happy. Little Naiyin asked cutely: "Is daddy's good idea in the living room?"

(End of this chapter)

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