Chapter 94 How dare you insult her with money

"Yes." Qin Haochen couldn't help but laugh softly, "An An has been waiting for a long time."

Qin Sui'an shook his little head, "Soon~ soon~"

As soon as she walked into the living room, she immediately found a white box on the table in the living room, and she kept staring at the white box with curious eyes.

Qin Haochen hugged her and sat down on the sofa closest to the white box.

Qin Sui'an blinked her round eyes, watching her daddy take the white box and open it.

It is a brand new mobile phone in pearl pink color.

Qin Sui'an blinked his round eyes again, and Xiao Naiyin couldn't help but mumbled: "It looks very similar to Daddy's mobile phone~just the color is different~"

"Well, it's the same model as dad's phone, but in a different color." Qin Haochen put the new phone sim card belonging to Xiaonuituan into the phone's card slot, and then turned on the pink new phone.

He asked He Yan to buy a new mobile phone for Xiao Naituan. From now on, if Xiao Naituan gets up late, she can see him by making a video call, and he can also see Xiao Naituan.

Qin Haochen patiently operated the phone and said softly: "It doesn't matter if An An gets up late from now on. If you miss your dad, you can use this phone to call him. Like this, click here, click here again -"

Qin Haochen entered his mobile phone number, modified the notes, and then taught her how to make a video call.

The next second, Qin Haochen's cell phone rang.

He took out his mobile phone and pressed the answer button under the watchful eyes of the little girl.

Their faces appeared on the screens of two mobile phones of the same model, and the father and daughter laughed at the screens at the same time.

Qin Sui'an happily stretched out her little hand and touched the screen of her mobile phone, "Papa lives in the mobile phone~ An'an also lives in the mobile phone~"

"Yes." Qin Haochen handed her her pink mobile phone, "An'an, I miss my dad. You can call him anytime."

Qin Sui'an held the phone, and she slowly frowned on the screen, "But Daddy is at work, An'an will disturb Daddy..."

"No." Qin Haochen put the phone on the table and spread his hands. "Look, if you put the phone there, dad can continue to work."

Qin Haochen was reluctant to let Xiao Naituan's Qin Group lose money, otherwise he would not have gone to work and stayed with Xiao Naituan every day.

In his heart, small breasts are more important than work. This is an undoubted fact.

Qin Sui'an looked at the mobile phone on the table, then raised his little face, looked at Dad, and curved his round eyes happily: "That's great~"

"An An, do you remember how to call dad?" Qin Haochen hung up the video call and asked.

"I remember~" Qin Sui'an remembered it very clearly.

She couldn't hold a mobile phone that was bigger than her hand, so she cleverly used her round belly as a support point. She held the mobile phone with her little hand, and carefully poked and poked at the screen of the mobile phone with her other little hand.

Qin Haochen looked at her small belly, and the affection in his eyes seemed to overflow.

"Click here, click here again~" As Qin Suian's voice fell, Qin Haochen's cell phone rang.

Qin Sui'an looked at him with bright round eyes, as if to say: Dad~ An An did it!
Qin Haochen chuckled, rubbed her little head, and praised softly: "An An is awesome!"

The entrance of Bay Villa.Whenever Shen Shuwen had the idea of ​​going home, she always felt that maybe she would wait another minute or ten minutes before the Qin family would let her in.

Ten minutes passed. Shen Shuwen asked the bodyguard several times when she could get in. The bodyguard's answer was unshakable:
"Sorry, Mrs. Shao, you can't go in yet."

Shen Shuwen's handkerchief was completely soaked with her sweat, and it also stained a lot of her makeup.

Without looking in the mirror, she knew her face must look terrible.

And her expression was worse than her face, and her mood was even worse.

Shen Shuwen glanced at the time and then at the closed door. She gritted her teeth and looked at the bodyguard. She could no longer squeeze out a smile and asked angrily: "It's already two o'clock in the afternoon! Can't I go in?"

The bodyguard's expression remained unchanged and he maintained an indifferent attitude: "Mrs. Shao, you are looking for our Miss An An, right?"

"What else? It's not the lawyer in your Qin family who insists on me to apologize!" Shen Shuwen cursed, and there was no such thing as dignity or elegance. "I came here early in the morning, and now it's two o'clock in the afternoon! I'm not enough Are you sincere in your apology?"

The bodyguard didn't look relaxed at all. After listening to her long words, he finally said indifferently: "Sorry, Mrs. Shao, Miss An An is not at home. Please come back next time."

"What...what did you say?" Shen Shuwen was furious, and pointed at the closed door with her fingers stained with beautiful nail polish, "This door has never been opened since your CEO Qin's car entered it! If you don’t want to see me, you can just tell me! There is no need to say such things to deceive me!”

Ha, you actually used the excuse of "not at home" to drive her away?Ridiculous!
The bodyguard opened his mouth and said in a very calm tone: "Mrs. Shao, there is more than one exit to the Bay Villa."

The meaning is obvious, Miss An An left the Bay Villa through another exit, and now, she is indeed not at home.

Shen Shuwen felt a mouthful of blood suddenly well up in her throat. She trembled with her fingers, "You, your Qin family bullies people too much!"

After saying the last word, it was as if the nerves that had persisted for most of the day were suddenly disconnected. Shen Shuwen's eyes went black and she fell unconscious on the spot.

She really fainted this time, [-]% from the sun and [-]% from the gas.

The bodyguard finally made a move. He walked to the Shao family's car and knocked on the window: "Your Mrs. Shao fainted."

The driver was dozing off in the car, suddenly woke up, and hurriedly ran out of the car, "Madam! Madam!"

The driver dialed 120 and called an ambulance to take away the unconscious Shen Shuwen.

at the same time.

A Bentley parked quietly at the entrance of the most luxurious shopping mall in the city.

The bodyguard opened the back seat door.

Qin Luzheng got out of the car first, then turned sideways and carefully helped his grandmother, Mrs. Qin, out of the car, and then picked up his sister An An in the child seat.

Qin Haochen didn't get out of the car, but sat in the car. He took a card and handed it to his mother, "Mom, buy whatever you like later."

Mrs. Qin glanced at the card and was very disdainful. She even felt that she had been insulted by her own son. She narrowed her eyes slightly and said, "I have plenty of money. Have you ever seen me when I was short of money to spend?"

Qin Haochen coughed. He had never seen it before, "Mom, that's not what I meant."

"Take it back!" Mrs. Qin pretended to be angry and snorted, "How dare you insult me ​​with money? Humph, even Ahuo doesn't dare to treat me like this!"

(End of this chapter)

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