Chapter 104 Not lost
Walking to the door, Jiang Nuannuan looked back at Gu Shizhou, who was still standing in the water with his upper body exposed, "Can I talk to you?"

"Nuan Nuan." Lan Shan said in a hoarse voice to her back, "I can explain to you, it's not what you think."

She stood by the door and tilted her head and replied softly: "I've seen it all, and we haven't gotten to know each other well enough yet to call each other by our nicknames. Why don't you make more bubbles in the mineral water here? Stay calm."

Lan Shan closed his legs in embarrassment and stopped talking, kneeling in the bathtub and bending slightly.

Gu Shizhou followed her out without putting on his outer robe and fell into the water.

Outside the bath is a large indoor fountain surrounded by several angel statues.

Jiang Nuannuan turned around, "Did you lose my necklace?"

Gu Shizhou: "Lost it."

She bit her lip and decided to pretend.


"Why do you think you're going to prostitute me for free in the name of giving a gift? You're very capable." He pressed his thighs with both hands, bent slightly to look at her level, and the exposed chest texture was criss-crossed and the lines were perfect.

His mind works really fast.

"I didn't." Jiang Nuannuan said unhappily: "The necklace and earrings are indeed given to you, and they will not appear on the official website link at all."

Gu Shizhou looked at her for a few seconds, then straightened up and smiled, "Then it is given to me as my personal belongings. How should I deal with it has nothing to do with you?"

Jiang Nuannuan took a step back, and the emotion on her face dimmed, "You never know what it feels like to have a unique work thrown away. Just give it back to me if you don't want it. Where did you throw it?"

Gu Shizhou: "I don't know. I went to many places, maybe by the Avon River."

"it is good."

She turned around and was about to go out to look for it after changing her clothes. However, there was a puddle of water dripping from her body under her feet. With a scratch on her sole, she fell back unprepared.

These damn shabby slippers are not slippery!

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes widened in shock, and Gu Shizhou behind him, with quick eyes and quick hands, put his arm around her waist and took her into his arms.

She couldn't help but press his chest with one hand, and the smell of alcohol hitting her face made her immediately understand why Gu Shizhou suddenly lost his temper and became surly.

He really came to take a bath after going to the bar.

Gu Shizhou lowered his eyes and stared at her beautifully shaped collarbone and the snow-white skin on her neck, his eyes darkening a little.

Not only were her long legs and slim waist, but every part of her body was perfectly positioned at his favorite point.

He pinched her waist, his fingers tightened unconsciously, and his voice was low, "What a little liar. Did you use the same method to deceive my brother?"

"Crazy!" Jiang Nuannuan put her hand against his chest. She could feel it through her thin swimsuit, and the big hand on her waist was hot.

"Calm down and calm down." She blushed and pushed him away, then stumbled into the dressing room wrapped in a towel.

In the hall outside, Hang Panxia heard a loud slam of the door as she just walked out.

"What's wrong?" She looked at Gu Shizhou who was standing there strangely.

He lowered his hands and pulled his lips, "It's okay."

Jiang Nuannuan raised her foot and peeled off the square band-aid. As expected, the wound was soaked and turned white.

She changed her clothes and tied up her wet hair, and had a plan in mind.

Regardless of whether Gu Shizhou really lost it or pretended to lose it, the matter is small, but the lie must have a happy ending.

The idea of ​​a unique gift should be followed through to the end.

She had to find it in order to reflect its importance.

But she couldn't run in vain. She looked at the wound on her ankle and suddenly twisted her foot hard to make sure there was blood oozing out.

Hang Panxia came in and she was about to leave so soon, "Should I go back with you?"

"No, I'm going out alone. There's a steam room here for you to play with for a while." Jiang Nuannuan refused her kindness and opened the door and went out.

Hang Panxia returned to the lobby and saw the men's locker room opposite. Gu Shizhou changed his clothes and walked out, followed by Jiang Nuannuan.

She was speechless: "What's wrong with these two?"

The Avon River is a river that runs through the whole city. When Jiang Nuannuan heard the news from the taxi driver, she knew that she had been fooled.But she still got off the car on the side of the road and walked along the river.

The summer evening breeze was very comfortable. She lowered her eyes and looked at the lawn with a focused expression.

Gu Shizhou followed him on a motorcycle. Seeing that she was really going to look for her like a fool, his previous anger and ridicule dissipated a little, and he became even more irritable.

She always has a way to keep him from getting angry.

He strode over, grabbed her arm, and pulled her back, "Are you really going to spend the whole night looking for her?"

Jiang Nuannuan turned around and said very stubbornly, "I'll get it back if you don't want it anymore. It's none of your business, right?"

Following his words to rebuke him, Gu Shizhou laughed angrily and pulled her not to let go, "Don't you want this leg?"

She lowered her head, and blood flowed from the wound on her ankle as expected.

She sneered, "No more."

Gu Shizhou suppressed his smile, not expecting that the necklace lying in his trouser pocket was really that important to her.

He dragged her to him irritably, picked her up by the waist, and said in a bad tone, "Okay, I didn't throw it away, let's go."

Jiang Nuannuan's body, which was just about to pretend to be struggling, suddenly became honest, and her eyes were not trusting at all, "You didn't lie to me?"

Gu Shizhou lowered his eyes and looked at her, sarcastically, "Is it yours or mine?"

"If you lose it, it's mine."

"I've kept my promise."

"Then show me."

Gu Shizhou pushed her into the motorcycle seat, put his hands on the sides of her legs, and surrounded her tightly, "You're not done yet, are you?"

As soon as the cool breeze blew by the river, Jiang Nuannuan sneezed hard before she could talk to him, sniffed subconsciously, and kept talking in a huffing voice.

Perhaps she thought her tone was too soft, so she raised her head and said fiercely: "In the Galaxy series, I am the only one who made it and gave it to you. It is of immeasurable value, and you actually lost it! Do you have any sense of value?" "

Gu Shizhou raised his eyebrows, he was so cute by her behavior, and it was a bit funny.

He took out the broken necklace from his trouser pocket and dropped it in front of her. The diamond facets glowed brilliantly under the warm street lights.

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes lit up, he opened his palms and said impatiently, "Show me, it must be damaged."

He would think he was cheated, so he threw the necklace away in anger, but in the end he didn't know why, but felt a pity that it was lost, so he picked it up like an idiot.

Now I think it was right to pick it up.

If it was really lost, she probably lost it too, with no chance of getting close again.

"As I said," he put the chain into her hand, then looked away, "but the lock is broken."

"What you tore off, you have to work hard to repair." Jiang Nuannuan snorted.

"Are you going to push further?" He pinched her chin and rubbed it threateningly, "Isn't this your fault? Do you know how expensive my endorsement fee is?"

"I know, I can't afford it."

Jiang Nuannuan closed her palms, raised her eyelids, her eyes were bright and moist, and her tone was very sincere, "But I never said that I didn't have my own studio, and I never said that the galaxy I gave you was sold with a clear price. I did Treat it as an apology, I didn’t think so much about it at the time, it was you who thought too much without listening to my explanation.”

"However." She paused, then she started to admit her mistake, "It is true that I did not think carefully about this matter. I apologize to you. You can return all the things to me. I will communicate with the director myself. You will be exposed in the show. For the close-ups of ears or neck, I asked them to help mosaic them.”

Gu Shizhou looked at her for a while and said softly, "Okay."

Why bother with a woman, especially a woman you want.

He put his arms around her waist and easily changed directions on the motorcycle.

When Jiang Nuannuan sat astride him and hugged his waist, she still couldn't react, "Shall we go back?"

"No return."

"Where are you going then?"

(End of this chapter)

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