Chapter 105 The Secret of Blue Mountain
On the bench in front of the pharmacy, Gu Shizhou threw the medicine bag into her lap and said, "Put it on."

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at her bleeding feet, took out the contents of the bag and prepared to bend down to deal with it.

He sat down with his hands in his pockets, glanced at the long white jade legs in denim shorts, and suddenly grabbed the iodine, "I'll help you."

Before the words of rejection could be spoken, her ankles were grasped and lifted up by big hands. Jiang Nuannuan hissed slightly and her body had to turn sideways, "Are you deliberately retaliating against me?"

"You just can't say anything that makes me happy." Gu Shizhou glanced at her and reached out to take off her sandals. The Roman string was tied crosswise on her calf and untied in circles like opening a gift. The prize was a Palm-sized tender white feet.

He held it with his palms and darkened his eyes when he saw the pink and white feet.

Not to mention that up close, it’s even more beautiful than before.

Jiang Nuannuan noticed that Gu Shizhou's eyes had changed. They were thick, deep and wild. Her heart trembled and she kicked him on the thigh, "Hurry up, the blood will flow to your pants."

He firmly held her kicking foot and took out a cotton swab from the side, "Okay, don't move."

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips and calmed down. The iodine applied to the wound stimulated her toes to curl up, "Be gentle, the cotton swab will pierce the flesh."

When Gu Shizhou heard this, he really relaxed his movements, "This is my first time, so I have no experience."

Jiang Nuannuan was speechless and endured the pain.

After helping her deal with it and putting on a square band-aid, Gu Shizhou put her shoes on, but the long string of tethers made it difficult for him to reach her.

"so troublesome."

He frowned and randomly wrapped the rope around her legs. It was obvious that the rope was crooked and couldn't be tied properly, but he didn't let Jiang Nuannuan do it by himself.

Finally she couldn't hold it in any longer and said, "I'll do it myself."

She lowered her legs and tied the rope quickly, replaced the band-aid on her palm, and then sneezed again.

"Let's go." Gu Shizhou looked away from her legs without leaving a trace, his heart beating a little fast in his chest, and he held her arm with one hand and pulled her up.

Jiang Nuannuan was carried by his armpits like a child to the motorcycle again. Her eyes passed over the side of his neck, and she suddenly reached out and grabbed his collar.

Gu Shizhou, who was about to retreat, was pulled back by her. He held the car dangerously with both hands, and asked with a pair of peach blossom eyes, "What do you want to do again?"

Jiang Nuannuan took out the small band-aid in the bag, tore it off and put it on his neck, "Okay, let's go."

Gu Shizhou subconsciously touched his neck, then reacted and curled his lips.

Still a little conscience.

It was getting late when the two returned to the restaurant. Jiang Nuannuan washed up casually and fell asleep when she was tired.

Gu Shizhou was not too sleepy, so he smoked a cigarette against the balcony railing of his room, holding it sideways in his mouth, and touching the band-aid on his neck from time to time.

Thinking of something, the corners of his lips raised unconsciously, and he cursed the little liar.

Forget it, why bother with a homeless little pitiful person? Don’t worry about it anymore.

The glass door of the balcony next door was suddenly pushed open, and Lan Shan lowered his voice and walked out, "I told you not to call me while I was recording the show."

Gu Shizhou raised his eyebrows, took off the cigarette from the corner of his mouth, and looked at him quietly.The other party didn't notice that there was someone standing on the balcony next door, with his back turned to him, getting angry at the person on the phone.

It was very quiet at night, and I could hear the faint voice of a woman on the other end.

Lan Shan said angrily: "What's wrong with the fifth anniversary? I'm just at the beginning of my career, and you still expect me to fly back to give you gifts while I'm at work?"

The woman's mood suddenly collapsed, and her voice on the other end of the phone became louder, "I just want you to take the initiative to call me and say you love me on this anniversary, that's all, but it's already 12 o'clock in the middle of the night. It’s all over! How could you do this!”

"Okay, okay, don't cry. Are you annoying? I'll transfer you [-] yuan first. You can go buy a bag. If you have anything to do, wait until I come back." Lan Shan cut off the phone and walked back with a gloomy look on his face. .

Gu Shizhou flicked the ashes, then put the cigarette to his mouth again with interest and took a puff.

This man, like him, has several faces.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Jiang Nuannuan was woken up by a phone call. Lu Jin yelled excitedly on the other end, "Nuan Nuan! You are really a genius, no, you are really my God of Wealth. Orders are booming and we are popular!"

Jiang Nuannuan took the phone away and muttered: "Well, what else?"

"Why are you so calm? How about flying to France so we can celebrate?"

"It's not that good. Gu Shizhou knew that I gave him gifts to trick him." Jiang Nuannuan sat up and rubbed her temples with a headache. "Originally, I planned to sell the Galaxy series separately, but his mood was worse than I thought. Da, let’s just keep this pair of earrings and necklace on him for this series, and send all the rest back to do other things.”

"Ah? It's a big loss. You spent a lot of time on this work. Why don't we make a series? It's good to have a name." Lu Jin was a little embarrassed, not willing to give up such a big piece of fat.


Jiang Nuannuan replied decisively:
"And after Island Life is officially broadcast, if anyone traces the origin of this jewelry, you take the initiative to declare that it was made for Gu Shizhou and belongs to his own galaxy, and wish him better and better career. Just flatter him. We’ve caught on to the popularity, so we don’t have to worry about other models not selling well.”

Lu Jin understood after thinking for a moment, "Then I'll do as you say. I will always pay attention to domestic developments. There are also several exhibitions recently that want to borrow jewelry for the show because we are popular. Do you think so?"

"hold on."


Deng Menglan arrived at midnight last night. Before the filming started this morning, she had already adjusted herself and even got up earlier than everyone else. She also prepared breakfast for them.

A woman under 30 years old has a gentle temperament, and her words are just right. Even Gu Shizhou, the second generation ancestor, has to be a little restrained when talking to her, which shows her character.

The guests all liked getting along with this kind big sister, including Jiang Nuannuan.

Deng Menglan also took the initiative to add her contact information. Seeing that she had an injury on her leg, she took the initiative to share her work. She was a little flattered.

In the past, they were fishing and catching chickens, and the guests were more or less frightened and injured. This time, the program team provided funds for the sake of safety, allowing them to freely combine and go out to buy food and cook.

Deng Menglan went out with Jiang Nuannuan and looked for an opportunity to talk to her, "Xiao Nuan is very suitable for the entertainment industry. Your face is so beautiful."

She was suddenly sent here with money from a powerful person, and was asked by the company to take more care of the abandoned daughter of a wealthy family in front of her. She had a brief understanding of the other party's background, and knew that it was not easy for Jiang Nuannuan to turn around a bad hand. , that’s right.

Jiang Nuannuan replied flatteringly, "You are also very beautiful."

"You can try acting if you have the chance in the future, otherwise it would be such a shame." Deng Menglan said sincerely.

(End of this chapter)

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