Chapter 107 The Clever Misunderstanding

Deng Menglan was very enthusiastic and took good care of her along the way, but her jewelry career had just started and she didn't have much experience in such a time-consuming matter.

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't just brush off her face, so she could only say that she would try it when she had time.

Her agent was very happy, held her hand and said excitedly: "I've only seen you on a show before, but you are such a beauty when I see you in person." Her talent search radar was activated.

This is perfect for playing the kind of charming but unaware enchantress.

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and said, "Thank you, I'll contact you then."

The car took her back to the entrance of Yunkun Community. Deng Menglan took a look at the place where she lived. It was a little strange, but she also said out of good intentions: "This community doesn't look very good. You should have enough money on hand to change as soon as possible."

"I have this plan, Sister Lan, walk slowly."

After the nanny van drove away, Jiang Nuannuan stood at the entrance of the community for a while, and felt that it was time to change places, even though she had only lived there a few times.

I chose this place because it was the first time I met Gu Shizhou. I didn't dare to say that I lived in Sunshine Huating, so I casually reported an old neighborhood, but it turned out to be my home address.

There is absolutely no need to maintain a poor persona now. She is rich and there is no need to continue to hold on to her.

After all, the last camera incident really caused concern for public security.

After you find a new house, pack up and leave.

Jiang Nuannuan stood at the door for a while, then drove out the small Audi parked in the corner and headed to the Sunshine Courtyard.

She thought that it was early today and Gu Tingyan would have gone to work, but unexpectedly, there was a familiar Maybach parked at the door and a Porsche that occupied her parking space on the ground.

Are there guests at home?So early?

Jiang Nuannuan was confused for a moment, so she could only park the car in the vacant indoor parking garage next to it, walk to the porch and prepare to open the door.

As soon as his hand touched the electronic code lock, the door clicked and was opened from the inside.

Just when she heard the sound of a car coming in, Fu Shiliu guessed who was coming. She saw the woman getting out of the car through the window, and she felt sour and sad.

Gu Tingyan and this woman were living together. She should have expected this.

When Jiang Nuannuan saw a beauty in a cheongsam walking out, wearing her own pink slippers, an unspeakable curse word whizzed through her heart.

This bitch actually brought the heroine back while she was not at home. Did he spend the night?
So disgusting.

Capturing her heart, 66 promptly added, "Pay attention to the identity of your supporting character. This house is not yours. Be calm to the heroine."

Jiang Nuannuan was just about to get angry, but she was smoothed over the next second.

Also, the money and the house belong to the sponsor's father. There is an ATM that gives you 1000 million pocket money. It seems inappropriate to be angry anymore.

She raised a smile and played her role responsibly, "Good morning, Miss Fu, that's it. I'm here to talk to Mr. Gu about some work finishing issues."

Fu Shiliu looked relaxed, as if he believed this lame reason.

She turned slightly to the side and said as the hostess: "Do you want to come in and wait? Ting Yan is taking a shower and should be fine soon."

After hearing this, Jiang Nuannuan waved her hands and took a step back, "No, I won't disturb you. I'll call him later."

Fu Shiliu suddenly stopped her again, "Ms. Jiang, I'm sorry about that necklace."

Jiang Nuannuan had to stop and look back to wait for her next step.Being tricked by that idiot Jiang Meng, Fu Shiliu could only slap her teeth and swallow it. She smiled at her apologetically, "Ting Yan and I didn't know it was your work, so I'm really sorry. "

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, pretending not to hear her words of sovereignty, "If you like to keep that fake, I will bring it back from the police station for you to keep. The money you paid Jiang Meng will eventually arrive anyway." In my account, I will sell it to you as a favor."

She waved her hand, turned around and entered the garage, looking at her back without any sadness or nostalgia.

Fu Shiliu didn't get any benefits, so she pursed her lips and closed the door.

As soon as she got into the car, Jiang Nuannuan sighed suddenly, "Which idiot with erroneous views wrote this novel? Is that the heroine? Is it the big white lotus under the Guanyin Bodhisattva's butt? She cheated so naturally ah."

And this Zhai Heng, when she thinks of the green grassland above his head, she feels sorry for him. He is such an unfortunate and short-lived little guy.

66 Youyou replied: "The general article is a dog-blood tyrant and does not follow logic."

Jiang Nuannuan: ". So I have to thank you for not investing in the illegal plot of the boss poaching his heart for the heroine."

66: "You're welcome, you should."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

Fu Shiliu stayed here and refused to leave. She could only carry her luggage and return to Yunkun Community first. After all, she could not prevent the two protagonists from strengthening their relationship.

The cell phone left in the passenger seat vibrated. She picked it up and saw that it was Yu Tai's WeChat call.

She thought of something and picked up.

Hearing the soft voice on the other side, Yu Tai clenched his phone excitedly, "Sister Nuannuan, I heard you are back."

"Well, I just arrived today." She replied with a smile.

Yu Tai hurriedly said: "Do you still remember? I promised you to come to participate in the team building of our student union. You promised."

Jiang Nuannuan: "Of course I remember. I've been free recently. When is the time? Give me the address and I'll be there on time."

Yu Tai looked excited, "I'm sending it to you. We are preparing a barbecue party at Sun Mountain Camp at 6 o'clock tonight."

Anyway, I can't go back home. If I follow Yu Tai, I might be able to see Fei Jin and win a favor. Jiang Nuannuan quickly agreed, "Okay, I'll be there on time in the evening."

Yu Tai hung up the phone and quickly started packing his things. He was about to go out when Fei Jinzhao opened the door and came in. The two of them bumped into each other.

He held the computer and leaned aside, "Where are you going in such a hurry?"

Yu Tai patted him on the shoulder, "For club activities, I'll leave early in the afternoon to prepare the venue. Sister Nuannuan is coming in the evening."

"Jiang Nuannuan? How did you know she was back?" Fei Jinzhao frowned.

"I have a friend who saw her at Linggang Airport this morning. They just finished their trip today." Yu Tai was eager to give it a try and said with a smile, "I'm going to launch an offensive. It doesn't matter if you are busy tonight, just take your time and say goodbye." I’m exhausted, I’m leaving first.”

Fei Jinzhao was hit by his backpack, turned around and looked at his brisk back, her eyes a little dark.

He had to finish the original code of the game program with his professor at night. He really didn't have time, but the creditor came back.
Jiang Nuannuan had just driven her car back to Yunkun Community, opened the door and entered the house with her luggage, when her phone vibrated again.

For the first time, the caller ID was Fei Jinzhao. From the time she recorded the show to the end of the show, they didn't even exchange a word for more than half a month.

(End of this chapter)

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