Chapter 108 It's Not What You Think

She coughed a few times to make sure her voice was no longer rough from carrying luggage, then she picked up the phone and said in a sweet and brisk voice: "Fei Jinzhao, what's the matter? It's rare for you to come to see me."

"Are you back?" He closed the door and entered the room, putting the computer on the table.

Jiang Nuannuan was a little surprised, "Well, I arrived this morning."

Just such a sentence silenced the other person who had no topic to talk about.

Fei Jinzhao clenched her hands and said in a low voice: "I have an extra air conditioner at home. You can pick it up at a time when you are free. I don't need it."

Why did he call her so suddenly? He paid for grandma's medical bills worth millions, but he didn't want to accept the air conditioner for her enjoyment.

Young people’s self-esteem is so easily shattered and difficult to take care of.

Jiang Nuannuan took a glass of water for herself, pursed her lips and replied unhappily: "Who said it was prepared for you? I don't want to be cold in winter and hot in summer when I go to your house again. It's for myself, and You have to pay the electricity bill, and I won’t get it back.”

Fei Jinzhao understood that she was concerned about her own self-esteem. He lowered his eyes, remained silent for a few seconds, and then said softly, "Okay, you can use it when you come, and I'll pay for the electricity."

He won't touch a cent of the huge medical bills, and the money he earns is more than enough to pay the electricity bill.

After taking a sip of water, Jiang Nuannuan's tone contained anticipation, "Yutai Student Union will have a team building event tonight, will you come?"

Fei Jin recalled the bonus, her eyes dim, "I want to cooperate with the professor to complete a procedure, and I can get a reward."

Jiang Nuannuan understood that this was not the case. He always didn't like things given by others and only earned what he deserved.

She was a little disappointed but didn't force it. She just said: "Your own affairs are more important. I can just go and have some fun by myself. Then you can do your business first."

After hanging up the phone, Fei Jinzhao looked at the phone with a black screen, slightly lost in thought.

After standing in a daze for a while, he picked up the information in his dormitory and went out again with his computer.

In the living room of Sunshine Huating, Gu Tingyan came down from upstairs wearing a black bathrobe.

Just now in the bathroom, he heard the sound of a car entering the door. Now he saw that the slippers in the entrance were missing, and only his head was exposed from the back of the sofa.

He thought it was Jiang Nuannuan who was back. She arrived on a flight this morning, so it was almost time to go home.

He subconsciously said: "Come back?"

This familiar tone made Fu Shiliu, who was sitting in the living room, stiffen.

She had never spent the night at his house, so she was definitely not the one asking.

She slowly turned her head, with an embarrassed expression on her face, "It's me, Ting Yan."

Gu Tingyan looked cold and glanced at the code lock on the door, "Why didn't you call me in advance when you came?"

He thought it was Jiang Nuannuan, so he asked familiarly, but it was her Fu Shiliu who came, and he asked why he didn't call in advance.

Fu Shiliu stood up, dug her nails into her palms, and barely maintained her dignity on the surface, "This is just one of your many properties. I thought that with our long-term acquaintance, I could come in here at any time. The password here is also my birthday." .”

When she heard Assistant Li tell her the password, she was ecstatic, but now her joyful mood suddenly fell to the bottom.

"Next time you call, know how to knock on the door."

Gu Tingyan took another look at the combination lock on the door. He was no longer in charge of the house. He didn't have a deep memory of whether it was a birthday or not and had long forgotten it.

He walked into the living room, his body covered with water vapor after bathing. His tall figure sat on the single sofa on one side and touched the cigarette case on the coffee table.

Fu Shiliu walked over, picked up the lighter and was about to light it for him.

In the past, when the two of them were together, he was depressed a lot, and she often smoked with him. Because she couldn't be persuaded, she became very familiar with lighting up cigarettes.Gu Tingyan looked at the slender hands reaching out to light a cigarette, but inexplicably lost his desire to smoke, and raised his arms to block it.

"If anything happens, just tell me."

Fu Shiliu took back the rejected hand and endured the pain, "Why don't you let me see Mrs. Lin? I went to the hospital yesterday and the nurse said you wouldn't let me see her."

Gu Tingyan threw the cigarette at his fingertips back to the table and raised his eyes to look at her, "Shiliu, some things you do are too outrageous and can easily make everyone look ugly."

"I don't quite understand." Fu Shiliu's eyes gradually turned red, "I came today just to ask you why you were suddenly not allowed to go to the hospital to see your mother. I just wanted to talk to her."

He crossed his legs and changed into a more comfortable sitting position, with an indifferent expression, "I don't know the meaning of that fake thing you gave me. It's hard for me to explain this to my mother."

She was blocked from the hospital because of the fake necklace that symbolized her true love.

Fu Shiliu bit her lower lip and said with a trembling voice, "I really have no other thoughts. It's just a pity that I brought up the necklace. I also know that I feel sorry for Miss Jiang."

"I don't want to remind you again and again. My mother doesn't bother you to worry about it."

Gu Tingyan's brows were filled with impatience, and his voice was low, "Zhai Heng's life is not easy. Treat him well. Then return the fake to Jiang Nuannuan and let her scrap it by herself."

Fu Shiliu's steps flickered, "Everything is at the police station. Miss Jiang can pick it up at any time, but Mrs. Lin will be sad if she finds out that I won't go there in the future."

"I don't like being threatened."

Gu Tingyan stood up, his tall figure was very oppressive, and his handsome face was exhausted, "Shiliu, I am very grateful that you donated blood to my mother. I also cherish every relationship, which is why I have always tolerated you. , don’t wear away all the feelings you had.”

"I see."

He was the one chasing her before. Ever since the substitute Jiang Nuannuan appeared, everything changed and she lost all the privileges she had obtained from him.

Fu Shiliu staggered out of the door, tears falling.

She really couldn't afford to lose Lin Xiao, the only one who could turn the situation around.

Jiang Nuannuan was on her way to Sun Camp when she received the call from Gu Tingyan. She clicked on her Bluetooth headset and said, "Hello."

"Where are you going?" he asked in a deep voice, still a little dissatisfied after listening carefully.

She's a little weird.

Is it possible that you are having trouble with Fu Shiliu?Did what happened in the morning cause the two of them to misunderstand?Or are you talking about that necklace?
If the other party went to bed and cried, she would be in bad luck.

Jiang Nuannuan thought for a moment and picked a possible explanation: "I thought deeply about the two imitation necklaces. After all, they have a beautiful meaning of love. I will get them back from the police station and give them to Fu tomorrow." Send it to me, miss, and I’ll bring yours back to you.”

Gu Tingyan's face turned dark. What was he talking about?

"I'm asking where you are? It's a morning flight and you haven't gone home yet."

Hearing this tone made me grit my teeth again.

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't understand why he asked her what she was doing on her trip out of nowhere. She had never done this before.

She reluctantly parked the car on the side of the road and explained: "I went home as soon as I got off the plane in the morning, but it was Miss Fu who opened the door. She said you were taking a shower, um. I think we should avoid it, otherwise the three of us would meet. It was a little embarrassing and then I came out.”

There are still few lovers who can be as discerning as her these days, thanks to the tens of millions of pocket money and tens of billions of temptations.

Thinking of the string of zeros in her bank card, she curled her lips and felt beautiful.

I thought Gu Ting would praise her for being brave, but a cold scolding came from the other side, "What's going on in your head is not what you think. Come back."

(End of this chapter)

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