Chapter 109 Sun Mountain Camp

Jiang Nuannuan blinked, then picked up her phone and looked at it suspiciously, confirming that the name on it was really Gu Tingyan and not some fake, then she frowned and started to make up lies.

"But it can't be done now. I received an invitation from the Linggang University Student Union to build a team this morning. As I told you, I sponsored students there and they enthusiastically invited me to play. I have already agreed. Now I have to change it temporarily. Not a good idea.”

"I'll be there soon. I'll go home later. Bye."

Before Gu Tingyan could reply, she hung up her phone and threw it on the passenger seat, turned up the car stereo, and climbed up the mountain road while humming a little song.

Assistant Li was eating Western food with his blind date when he received a call from his boss.

Gu Tingyan asked in a cold voice: "Did you tell Fu Shiliu my whereabouts?"

Li Assistant immediately answered with a smile: "She asked me for your address this morning and said she had something to discuss with you, so I gave it to you."

After all, these two people are deeply connected, and the boss has always been very tolerant to Miss Fu. He sees that their old relationship is still alive.

"Did you also tell her the door lock password?"

Listening to the boss's tone that he was not here to raise his salary but to settle accounts after the fall, Li Assistant on the other end of the phone didn't smile for a second, "Yes, I thought that Ms. Fu and Ms. Fu would be familiar with you, so I gave it to you."

The boss's several old properties all have the same combination locks, and he still retains the password from when he was in love with Miss Fu. He always knew it and told it smoothly.

Gu Tingyan laughed angrily, "Since when have you been so out of your mind? Go and explain to Jiang Nuannuan that you are arrogant and have all your bonuses deducted for two years in a row."

After hanging up the phone, even next year's bonus was gone. Assistant Li was shaking. The girl on the blind date opposite asked him thoughtfully what was wrong.

He shivered and flipped through the date on his phone, then slapped the table to react.

Damn it, today is the day Jiang Nuannuan comes back from recording her show! ! !

He held meetings with his boss for a week and was so tired that he forgot about it!

Today, the boss went back to Sunshine Huating to rest. He was also distracted by the blind date, so he forgot that Jiang Nuannuan was also back today!
It’s normal for the boss to stay in the office to rest after a meeting. When he suddenly returned to Sunshine Garden, he was simply waiting for Miss Jiang!

He even asked Miss Fu to visit him. Didn't these three people meet at home?
It's over, he must have ruined his boss's love affair with two people.

Li Zhu regretfully beat his chest and couldn't eat any more of the blind date meal, so he hurriedly ran out of the restaurant to call Jiang Nuannuan.

As a result, she muted the call on the other end, and no one answered at all. He was about to burst into tears.

That’s a bonus for two consecutive years!

At the right time, Jiang Nuannuan arrived at the Sun Mountain Camp.

She didn't even look at her phone, just put it in her bag and got out of the car.

The blue-black sky at night, coupled with a large tent with star string lights hanging on it, gives it a unique feel in the mountains.

The air is filled with the refreshing smell of vegetation.

The blowing wind caused her hair to get tangled in Jiang Nuannuan's curled eyelashes, and she brushed them away with her hands. When she looked at Yu Tai, her eyes were filled with water, and his wheat-colored face suddenly turned red.

"It's hard to find the road here, drink water, Sister Nuannuan." He handed her a bottle of mineral water.

Jiang Nuannuan hooked her hair behind her ears and took it with a smile, "It's okay, it's quite easy to find."

Yu Tai chuckled, "They may get excited when they see you, don't mind, I asked them to restrain themselves in advance."

Yan Yi had just thrown out a card, but when she saw that the opponent had no intention of playing a card, she couldn't help but said: "What are you looking at? Come on."

Several boys simply lost their cards and their eyes shone, "Wait a minute, that's Jiang Nuannuan, damn, is this face real? It's prettier than on TV." Yan Yi followed his gaze and looked .

Jiang Nuannuan wore a black suspender skirt today. Her long curly hair was casually scattered on her shoulders. Her face without makeup only used a little red to embellish her lips.

But even so, that bright and pretty face cannot be ignored.

She stood on the lawn, her skirt fluttering in the breeze, and looked straight into the eyes of the boys.

Yan Yi remembered that in the cafeteria, Fei Jinzhao humiliated her in order to protect this woman, causing her to lose face.

Her eyes twitched with jealousy, and all the cards in her hand fell to the table, and she said angrily: "The mysterious big shot the president mentioned is Jiang Nuannuan? Her face may have been moved. Is there anything worthy of the word big shot?"

A girl next to her glanced at her and said disapprovingly: "You don't have to be so lemony all the time. It's not just about your face. Don't you know that someone quit a wealthy family and opened Qiao Lin Studio? Make money that you can't make in your life. Then He is a real winner in life, the kind who can give a speech to the whole school."

Another girl echoed, "She is really inspiring and beautiful."

Being criticized, Yan Yi snorted coldly, "Who knows, maybe there is a financial backer behind her to support her. It's just a wave of hype."

No one wants to deal with this lemon essence anymore, and they no longer play cards with her. They all go to Jiang Nuannuan, hoping to learn some successful experience.

School office at night.

The project progress reached its final point, and while taking a break from making coffee, Fei Jinzhao rubbed her brows and unconsciously clicked into Jiang Nuannuan's WeChat Moments.

It's all gray inside, and there hasn't been a post in the past three days.

He rubbed his fingertips on the screen, then exited and entered Yu Tai's circle of friends.

There was a new post of Jiugongge photo and @ Jiang Nuannuan
There were nine photos in a row, all of which had her in them. He clicked on one at random, his eyes froze slightly.

The woman in the photo was wearing a long black suspender dress with a perfect figure. She was taking the skewers handed by Yu Tai. The eyes of both parties looked at each other with love, and her porcelain white face was also full of smiles.

Not only that, there are also photos of her and Yu Tai standing side by side, photos of her and Yu Tai laughing while playing with fairy sticks, photos of her and Yu Tai having drinks, all of them are of her and Yu Tai
His eyes became darker and darker. Seeing that he was standing in front of the water dispenser without responding, the professor walked over.

"What's wrong? What are you looking at?" He leaned in front of the students and suddenly said: "By the way, today is an activity of your student union, and you are also a member of it, right?"

Fei Jinzhao turned off her phone and nodded, "Yeah."

Professor: "Look, I've forgotten my memory. You should go quickly."

"No, I'll keep working."

He declined quietly and returned to his seat.

The professor looked at him and sighed.

Within five minutes, while the coffee cup was still steaming, Fei Jinzhao typed the wrong code three times in a row.

He cared about those too intimate photos for no reason.

He picked up his phone again and checked the time, unbuttoned two buttons of the shirt that was buttoned to his neck, then pulled out his chair and stood up, his clear voice apologetic, "Professor, I'm going out and I'll be back later."

The professor waved his hand kindly, "Finally, let's do something young people do. You can go and have fun if you want. Don't stay with me all day. I'll be there later."

"Thank you."

Fei Jinzhao stopped a car directly at the school gate and left. Even the small electric donkey he always used was too slow to ride.

(End of this chapter)

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