Chapter 110 You Smell So Nice
Jiang Nuannuan patted her phone and found that it was out of power and turned off. She wiped her face and said, "I seem to be drunk."

Probably feeling that what he said was a bit outrageous, his thin shoulders trembled and he let out a soft chuckle.

Yu Tai felt something was wrong, so he picked up the bottle on the small wooden table and looked at it, secretly saying, "This is fruit wine."

He didn't notice what she was drinking just now, he just thought it was a drink, which had a lot of stamina.

Jiang Nuannuan rubbed her face, "Well, let's continue playing games."

Yu Tai squatted in front of her, his beautiful face made him feel distracted, and his mouth was a little dry, "Sister Nuan Nuan, are you really okay?"

Yan Yi yelled dissatisfied from behind: "Hurry up, I'll wait for you to draw numbers."

At this moment, they were playing a game of kings. A dozen people were sitting in the big tent, and the atmosphere was high.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't want to dampen their interest. After all, she really had fun tonight. She got up and walked around Yu Tai to touch a card.

The group of people sat down and waited for the person who drew the king card to come out and assign the task.

In the first round, a boy drew the king. There were more boys than girls. He had bad intentions and said, "No. 4 and No. 6 kissed."

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at her cards.

She showed her card, "I am 4."

The scene was filled with excitement, and some people were shouting, "Where's No. 6? Where's No. 6!"

Yu Tai also showed his cards. He didn't expect that he was so lucky. He blushed and didn't dare to look at the woman next to him, "It's me, Sister Nuannuan."

She turned her head, her beautiful eyes were a little blurry, and her reaction was a little slow, "Oh, I know it's you."

Yu Tai's eyes unconsciously fell on her full red lips, and his neck slowly turned red.

Damn, damn, damn!He couldn't bear to kiss her at such a close distance!

If we really kiss, what if Sister Nuannuan is unhappy?Should he be more gentleman?
After thinking hundreds of times, Yu Tai coughed lightly and signaled everyone to stop making noises, "I think a little kiss on the cheek will be enough. Although Sister Nuan Nuan is not a star, she is still a public figure, so that's not good."

Yan Yi frowned and replied disdainfully: "Sister Nuan seems to be unable to afford it."

Yu Taiyi said sternly: "I think it's so beautiful that I can't bear to have her kiss me. I'm blaspheming the goddess."

Jiang Nuannuan actually doesn't mind this kind of thing. The game is not mixed with emotions, so you have to be able to play and lose. But if someone gives you a step, you will definitely go down.

Yu Tai was good-looking, but she wanted to kiss Fei Jinzhao, but it was a pity that he didn't come.

The man who was the king blushed when he saw her pretty face. He felt that he couldn't take advantage of Yu Tai for nothing, and immediately changed his mind, "That's right, let's forget about kissing on the face, just shake hands with Sister Nuan Nuan." alright."

Yu Tai's expression changed and he instantly regretted it.

There was no kiss on the cheek, and it was changed to a handshake in the end.

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and took Yu Tai's hand, shook it friendly, "Well, hello, classmate Yu Tai."

The group of people saw Yu Tai's facial expression changing again and again, and finally nodded helplessly and said hello, and burst into laughter again.

Everyone knew that he wanted to kill the boy who was the king now.

The direction of the game becomes strange later. As long as a boy is drawn and becomes the king, the frequency of kissing between two numbers drawn is the highest. Everyone seems to be tacitly understanding one thing.

The girls also thought it was fun. One time, it was Jiang Nuannuan. When she was asked to kiss a girl on the cheek, she went over without hesitation and left a lipstick mark on the other girl's face.

The girl's cheeks turned red on the spot. She didn't dare to look directly into Jiang Nuannuan's seductive eyes, and excitedly told the little sister next to her how she felt.

"Wow, she smells so good, and her lips are so soft."

System 66 doesn't even want to look directly into the face of its host, so it's okay for this guy to fly wildly without anyone caring about him.When the atmosphere was at its climax, Jiang Nuannuan finally touched the cards and planned to end it and go home.

As soon as she sat back down on the mat, there was an exclamation in the tent.


"Senior is here!"

"Hey, I thought you wouldn't come." Yu Tai walked out to greet him.

Jiang Nuannuan is really drunk now. She is not too drunk, but her brain is a little dazed and her nerves are excited.

She saw Fei Jinzhao standing at the door with a black schoolbag on one shoulder. He was still wearing a regular old white shirt and black casual pants. His whole body was as dull as a glass of boiled water, soaked in the cold moonlight.

He walked into the tent and put his bag aside. The warm light made him feel less out of touch with the world.

There happened to be an empty seat next to Yan Yi. When he glanced at her, she seemed to have forgotten the unpleasantness of that day and waved to him, "Senior, there is an open seat here."

Fei Jinzhao walked up, and Yu Tai followed him to walk to Jiang Nuannuan. When he saw him passing by Yan Yi, he shouted, "Hey Jinzhao, where are you going?"

"You sit next to Yanyi, I'll sit here." Fei Jinzhao walked around half a circle, and finally sat down cross-legged next to Jiang Nuannuan, occupying Yu Tai's original position.

She turned to look at him, with surprise in her eyes, "Didn't you say you wouldn't come tonight because of something else?"

Fei Jin called her with a flushed face, knowing that she was a bit drunk, so she said quietly: "I came here after finishing in advance. How much have you drunk?"

"Not much. You've had a hard night, would you like this?" Jiang Nuannuan thrust an unopened bottle of sparkling drink into his hand and burped himself.

Fei Jinzhao held the drink in her hand and raised the corners of her lips, "Yeah."

Yu Tai had no choice but to sit down next to Yan Yi. Hearing what she said, his heart trembled, "You two have been in touch."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "Well, I asked him this afternoon."

Yu Tai felt even more uncomfortable, and looked at Fei Jinzhao with a little emotion in his eyes.

But he still looked indifferent, opened the pull tab, raised his head and took a sip of the drink, and then asked her softly, "When will you go back?"

"Let's end this." Jiang Nuannuan shook the phone, "It has run out of power and shut down."

All the flowers of the school came to participate in this event, and even sat directly next to Jiang Nuannuan. Everyone smelled something unusual.

"Senior Fei, do you want to play the king's game? Let's put another card." A boy heated up the topic again.

Fei Jinzhao nodded, naturally he would not disappoint everyone if he came.

Everyone picked up their cards again, and the girl who drew the king card made a request, "No. 3 sits on the lap of the person on the left and says I love you."

This request was okay, so she showed the number 3 card and placed it on the table.

Well, she is the unlucky one here.

But the one on the left.
Jiang Nuannuan turned her head and suddenly smiled, "Okay, I can't refuse."

On her left was Fei Jinzhao. With a dark face, Yu Tai wanted to say forget it, but Jiang Nuannuan took the first step and sat down in the cross-legged Fei Jinzhao's arms, wrapping her arms around him. neck.

Like a boy with little boiled water, he always smelled of lavender shower gel. She leaned over and sniffed his neck, and murmured amidst the cheers of the crowd, "Fei Jinzhao, why do you smell so good?" Ah, so sweet.”

Her neck was filled with the ambiguous heat of her breath. Fei Jinzhao's breath was suffocated, and her hands suddenly tightened. The drink was squeezed out of the can, dripping on the grass, and wet his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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