After working as a stand-in for a big boss, my annual salary will be tens of billions

Chapter 111 Let’s go to the laboratory building together

Chapter 111 Let’s go to the laboratory building together

He had to put the jar down and said in a low and forbearing voice, "Hurry up and finish speaking, I'll take you back."


Jiang Nuannuan left his neck and touched his forehead.

Her eyes were hazy with drunkenness, her eyes were soft as hell, and her red lips moved, "I love you, Fei Jinzhao."

The place exploded, and everyone saw the flower of the high mountain, who was supposed to be emotionless, with his ears gradually turning red.

Even though he knew it was a game, Fei Jinzhao still had a confused heartbeat and briefly lost control.

System 66: "Alipay has received 2000 million, and Fei Jinzhao's favorability is 25.5%. Seriously, host, did I really get you the wrong script?"

Jiang Nuannuan ignored the idiot and looked at the handsome face close at hand.

Everyone was making noises, Yu Tai sat next to Yan Yi, looking unhappy.

"Brother Fei, how does it feel to sit in the arms of a goddess and confess her love?" A student asked with a smile.


Fei Jinzhao put one arm around Jiang Nuannuan and calmly took out a piece of paper to wipe his wet hands.

His face looked so calm, and his ears were exposed.

Jiang Nuannuan tugged at the short hair on the back of his neck with her fingers in dissatisfaction and muttered, "Why are you so hard to tease?"

"Okay, don't move." Fei Jinzhao took her hand, pressed the corners of his lips, and said to everyone in a cold voice: "You continue to play, I will send them back first."

Yu Tai stood up immediately, "You just came here, why don't you want to play for a while? I'll send someone back."

Fei Jinzhao only motioned for him to carry her schoolbag. She had no time to spare, "No, I promised to pick her up. Please help me take the bag and I'll drive her away."

Yu Tai snorted, and when he saw someone walking out of the tent, he could only help him and Jiang Nuannuan get their bags in frustration, and then followed the person out of the tent.

Jiang Nuannuan nestled in that warm embrace, rubbed her head and found a comfortable position to nestle.

Fei Jinzhao's heart felt numb from being rubbed by her, and her steps slowed down, allowing Yu Tai behind him to step forward and stop him.

"Brother, I really think of you as your brother. You promised me to chase you. What are you doing?"

Faced with the questioning, he acted very calmly, "It was up to you before, but not now."

"Why can't you do it now? Don't tell me that you're in love with someone else." Yu Tai's fist suddenly started to itch.

Fei Jinzhao frowned and said ambiguously, "Jiang Nuannuan lent me 200 million and is now my creditor. I am responsible for her."

"What? She lent you money? Because of your grandmother?" Yu Tai was stunned.

He nodded, "Well, you shouldn't let her drink so much alone tonight."

Speaking of this, Yu Tai touched his hair in embarrassment, "I also saw that she was a little drunk, and then I realized that she had mistaken the drink for wine. You have been protecting people like this for a long time, not because you like it, but because you owe a debt. "

Fei Jinzhao lowered his eyes and looked at the person in his arms, his expression darkened slightly, "Whatever you like, I don't deserve it."

Yu Tai breathed a sigh of relief, and then he hugged the person without any objection, "Brother, I'm not telling you, you have to be brave. Of course, I'm not telling Sister Nuan Nuan, it's Rong Zhao, you go out to find her after work. She."

There was a trace of sarcasm in his eyes, "They are all the same, not worthy."

Yu Tai thought of something and closed his mouth.

His family conditions were not very good at that time. He was in the same class as Fei Sumire Zhaoya in high school. They went to a restaurant to work as waiters together every weekend. Rong Zhao's family conditions were always good, so they clamored to go there.

Later, when the other party's parents found out about it, they were worried that Rong Zhao would delay his studies, so they came over to humiliate Fei Jin, called her to a meal, and criticized the whole school. He never worked as a waiter again.

Later, Yu Tai still remembered that in order to buy Rong Zhao an LV scarf that she had been eyeing for a long time, Fei Jinzhao secretly wrote an illegal virus program for others and sold it for money. Not to mention that she missed a lot of homework, and the other party did not give her any money. He ran away. He also visited the police station and became a key observation target.

Until now, apart from doing odd jobs, Fei Jinzhao has only focused on her studies and her grandmother, and has become devoid of desires and pursuits.Will he fall in love with Jiang Nuannuan?


With a sudden change of mind, Yu Tai knew that he had indeed overthought it.

He silently took out the car keys from Jiang Nuannuan's bag and opened the passenger door.

Fei Jinzhao bent down and put the person in, fastened the seat belt for her, turned around and took the key from his hand, "You are the president, stay here and send all the remaining people back safely."

Yu Tai had no objection, "Then you take her home and call me to make sure she is safe."

Fei Jinzhao nodded, "Let's go."

The car drove out of the Sun Mountain Camp and went down the winding mountain road for a while. Jiang Nuannuan suddenly turned her head and said in a soft voice, "I'm hungry."

Fei Jin glanced at her and asked quietly: "Didn't you eat enough when you were with Yu Tai?"

She turned sideways under the seat belt and tilted her head, "What?"

Fei Jinzhao: "You guys are drinking and having barbecue on the lawn. Aren't you full?"

Jiang Nuannuan thought for a while, and it seemed that this was the case. She pursed her lips and said, "Yutai's cooking skills are not good enough and the roast is half-cooked, and I can't eat it too spicy. They all eat it very spicy."

"I want to eat the noodles you cooked."

She leaned forward, pulled the seat belt out a short distance, and pressed her face against his arm, coquettishly and softly, "I want to eat Fei Jinzhong, will you do it for me?"

His heart trembled, and he held the steering wheel with one hand to support her head, "You sit down first."

Jiang Nuannuan pressed her chin against his palm, acting like a rogue, "Then let's go to your place. My kitchen hasn't been touched for a long time and there's nothing in it."

"I will stay in the dormitory tonight and have classes tomorrow."

Jiang Nuannuan frowned, "I am your creditor! I want to eat noodles right now! You did it!"

Fei Jinzhao looked at her again, with the word threat written all over his face, not even the slightest bit aggressive, very soft.

Somehow, the words of rejection turned into resignation, and he coaxed her in a low voice, "Sit down, I'll take you there."

It took too long to go back to the old city so late, so I could only go back to school and borrow the professor's kitchen.

Jiang Nuannuan felt comfortable and sat back down, her drunken face full of smiles.

The little Audi drove all the way into the quiet Linggang University in the dead of night and stopped in front of Building 3.

Fei Jinzhao put two bags on one shoulder, took the petite person out of the car, walked all the way into the building, and helped her stand up and take the elevator.

In the experimental building at this point, there were only two of them in the car.

Jiang Nuannuan leaned in his arms, with the protruding and sexy Adam's apple in front of her eyes. She touched it with her hand, and the protruding Adam's apple immediately rolled up and down when stimulated.

The next second, her hand was held firmly and put down. The man in front of her said dumbly, "Don't move."

"Just touch." Jiang Nuannuan licked her lower lip and stayed still.

When he pulled her out of the elevator, Fei Jinzhao's breathing was a little messy and her face felt hot.

"Don't touch anything on the table while you're sitting here." He pushed the person to his desk and sat down.

The professor has left, and the spare kitchen is often used to cope with their busy night snacks. It has noodles and other easy-to-store ingredients.

Fei Jinzhao put away their bags, walked in, rolled up her sleeves, and prepared to make some noodles.

Jiang Nuannuan also sat in the chair honestly. After a while, she felt bored. She took out the mobile phone in her bag and planned to play for a while, but she pressed it for a long time without turning it on.

(End of this chapter)

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