Chapter 112 I want to buy you jeans

Oh yes, the battery ran out during the team building session.

She looked around but couldn't find the power strip. She moved her chair and bent down, and found the power strip under the table.

The little thing is here.

Jiang Nuannuan shouted drunkenly towards the kitchen, "Fei Jinzhao, I need to charge my phone. Do you have a data cable? I want an Apple one!"

An echo came quickly from the other side, "There are public ones in the drawer of the desk next to you. Look for them."

Jiang Nuannuan slid her chair over and found it.

The power strip was under the table and was mainly used to keep the computer running, so she had to squat down to plug in the plug.

After a while, Fei Jinzhao came out with a straight face and saw that no one was in the house. Only the windows were wide open and the curtains were blown up by the night wind.

His heart tightened, "Jiang Nuannuan?"

"Here you are." Jiang Nuannuan raised a hand from under the desk.

He felt relieved suddenly, walked over and put the steaming noodles on the table, looked down at the woman squatting under the table, and said helplessly: "What are you doing squatting down there?"

"Waiting for power on."

She shook the phone with the data cable plugged in and curled her lips, "It's not a fast charger, it's a pirated data cable. It's so slow."

Fei Jinzhao looked at her shaking her head in amusement, then bent down and stretched out his hand to her, "Get up and eat some noodles first."

"Oh." Jiang Nuannuan held his hand.


The closed office door suddenly swung open, and a middle-aged man's voice came from outside, "Wait a minute, I forgot to close the window. The weather forecast says it will rain tonight."

Fei Jinzhao's expression changed, and she immediately pulled up the chair and sat down, then put the little hand she was holding under the table again.

Jiang Nuannuan, who was just about to use his strength, was pushed back by his hand, and sat down on the ground, confused.

The professor came in and saw an acquaintance sitting inside with bright lights. He was surprised, "Jinzhao? Why are you back?"

Several old professors walked in one after another behind him, carrying briefcases in their hands, looking like they had just gotten off work and were about to leave.

Fei Jinzhao sat close to the table with her long legs splayed, shielding the people below her.

He held the chopsticks in one hand and said without changing his expression, "I'll check the procedure again."

Jiang Nuannuan was stuck under the table and curled up. She didn't know where to look. She could only stare forward for a moment.

Ever since Fei Jin was riding a tricycle, when she was sitting in the back seat, she felt like he was wearing jeans...

It seems consistent now, black pants are also conspicuous, but the conspicuousness should be better in jeans.

She silently raised her head and winked at him.

As expected of the hero, you are so great.

Fei Jinzhao lowered his eyes, just in time to see her raise her blushing face to look at him, and lick her lower lip unconsciously.

This almost seductive movement made his thighs suddenly tense.

The professor took two steps forward and asked in confusion: "Didn't you go to play with your classmates and just sit there without even eating?"

"Work is important." His throat tightened.

The professor didn't see anything unusual and sighed, "I've checked it all and you're still not at ease? Is it because your grandma needs the bonus? Is that enough money? If it's not enough, I can lend you some, Sumirezhao. Don't force me on some things." Hold on and don't speak."

This person was too long-winded. Jiang Nuannuan, who was drunk on alcohol, was dissatisfied with being stuck in such an embarrassing place for so long, and bit the back of the hand that was holding her.

The force was neither light nor heavy, but it made Fei Jinzhao tremble all over, and he almost lost his grip on the chopsticks on the table.

"I'm just asking casually. It doesn't matter if you don't want to." He made such a big move that the professor thought he had asked the wrong topic and was a little annoyed.

Fei Jinzhao's chest rose and fell violently. He took a deep breath, released his hold on Jiang Nuannuan's hand, and his voice became hoarse. "Professor who has enough money, please go back quickly. I'm going to eat a bowl of noodles and leave."

"Then you eat slowly. The bonus will definitely be fine. Don't worry. Close the window when you get there." The professor didn't want to ask more about the students' personal matters, so he turned around and left with a group of colleagues.

They were still talking quietly in the corridor.

"He is a genius, but his family is too miserable."

"This kid has always had a strong sense of self-esteem. Even if I offered to help him, he wouldn't even accept it."



When the footsteps faded away, there was no movement at all outside the door.

Fei Jin screeched and retreated in a rolling wheelchair. As soon as Jiang Nuannuan poked her head out from under the table, he pulled her up by his arm.

She staggered before she could stand still, and was pressed into the chair by him again. She immediately said dissatisfied: "Why am I so shameless? I have to get under the table."

"People other than project members are generally not allowed here. I thought the professor had left at this point." His voice could not be lower, and the shallow teeth marks on the back of his hands made his heart beat wildly for no reason.

Jiang Nuannuan blinked, "Okay."

Fei Jinzhao straightened up and let go of his hand, "Go and eat some noodles. I'll take you back after you finish."

"Wait a minute." Jiang Nuannuan grabbed his loose casual pants and raised her drunken eyes, "I want to discuss something with you before eating."


She raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "Pick a weekend and I will take you to buy some pairs of jeans."

Fei Jin summoned her brain, which was unable to react after drinking, "Why? I have pants to wear."

"But you look best in jeans." She glanced down and her smile turned serious in an instant, "You look big enough."

Fei Jinzhao was stunned for a moment, and then realized what the little drunkard was talking about. No matter how good-tempered he was, he was gnashing his teeth, "Jiang, Nuan, Nuan!"

He bent down again, pressed the armrests with both hands to trap her in the chair, and the veins on his neck stood up, "Are you ashamed?"

System 66 covered his face in despair, determined not to let the host touch alcohol in the future, his mind was full of pornographic waste, and something would happen if he got drunk.

She curled her lips and said confidently, "You didn't bring this on yourself, and I can't turn my eyes away."

"You are thinking about these things when you are drunk!? Was it like this when you were with them just now?" Fei Jinzhao's neck was red, and she didn't know whether it was shame or anger.

Jiang Nuannuan felt that this mouth was particularly unpleasant when speaking now.

She suddenly hugged Fei Jinzhao's neck, pushed him down and kissed him, blocking the bad words he wanted to say next.

The room was instantly quiet.

The faint smell of wine mixed with the aroma of peach rushed into Fei Jinzhao's nose, and the softness on her lips made him freeze completely.

After their lips briefly touched, Jiang Nuannuan tilted her head back and nodded happily, "You finally calmed down."

Under the incandescent light, the veins on the back of Fei Jinzhao's hand holding the armrest were slightly protruding, her knees gradually bent, and finally she knelt on one knee in front of her.

"Do you know what you are doing?" He stared into her eyes, breathing rapidly.

Take advantage, what else can you do?

Jiang Nuannuan held his face with both hands and said with a crooked smile, "Didn't you just ask me what I was thinking about all night?"

She leaned over and rubbed his nose affectionately with the tip of her nose, "The answer is for you."

System 66: "Alipay has received 1000 million, Fei Jinzhao's favorability is 27%, woo woo woo, I take back what I just told you to drink! The host is a bastard!"

Fei Jinzhao stared at her closely, the remaining warmth on her lips seemed to burn into his heart, making her feel hot.

Jiang Nuannuan touched his smooth face, sighed at the skin that looked like a tender egg, and then said something extremely derogatory.

"So, how about you let me accompany you to buy jeans over the weekend? I have a pair of dark blue, light blue, white and blue. The black one is a bit less ornamental than the blue one, but if you really like the black one, I can give it to you. Buy a few."

(End of this chapter)

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