Chapter 113 Hand Cream

Fei Jin frowned, took her hands off her face and held them tightly. She looked at her with an unclear meaning and said, "I hope you can still remember what you said tomorrow."

"Remember, I'll buy you jeans." She nodded vigorously.

Fei Jinzhao couldn't bear it anymore, so he stood up suddenly, pushed her to the table with a rolling wheelchair, and said forcefully: "Eat noodles."

The bowl of noodles was a bit lumpy, but Jiang Nuannuan ate it happily. He was not as unreasonable as before. He ate very delicately, and now he could see his original appearance.

Fei Jinzhao relaxed in the office chair next to her, touched her hot ears with her fingertips, and breathed out softly.

The Jiang Nuannuan in the image had been charming in a red dress, but she never showed such a wild and unconventional side in front of him.

Even the time he brought her home from the club, the bed deal was rejected by her in panic.

He squinted at her profile.

So was she pretending at that time?

Fei Jinzhao unconsciously lowered his gaze to look at his ordinary black pants.

In fact, she likes him very much?Still say I like it.
His eyes seemed to have touched something terrible. He quickly moved his eyes away, then stood up and went to the water dispenser to get a disposable paper cup. He poured himself three cups of cold water in a row without suppressing the thoughts that suddenly came to his mind. That feeling of dryness.

Jiang Nuannuan took a sip of noodles, turned around and saw him pouring water in front of the water dispenser, licked his lower lip and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Fei Jinzhao turned sideways in annoyance, not even looking at her but leaving her back, and said in a stiff tone, "It's nothing, I'll eat yours."

Hao Duan was angry again.

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips, sucked the last mouthful of noodles, and burped, "Send me home, I'm sleepy again now."

System 66: "Pig host who sleeps after eating, do you feel that you have forgotten something?"

Jiang Nuannuan ignored it, picked up the mobile phone she had thrown on the ground, and without thinking about turning it on again, put it into a small bag, put the bag on her back and staggered towards Fei Jinzhao's arm.

While hanging someone on his arm, he washed the dishes and put them away. Looking at the blushing face on his arm, his tolerance level rose to another level.

There is no way to argue with a drunk person.

Seeing that he was washing his hands, Jiang Nuannuan wandered out to help pull out the paper and took the hand cream from the bag, "I'll wipe it for you, and then put some hand cream on you. You'd better wipe it after washing." Make sure your skin is moisturized."

Fei Jinzhao said helplessly: "I don't need this."

Facts have proved that there is no reason to talk to drunk people.

He half lowered his head and saw her squeezing a bunch in her palm, and then forcefully applying it to his hand like a wall. From time to time, her two white hands passed through his fingers and held his ten fingers, vowing to But leave some corners alone.

Fei Jinzhao's scalp felt numb from being rubbed by her palm, and she squeezed her hand tightly, "Okay, you've already applied it."

"Huh? Really? Let me take a closer look." Jiang Nuannuan pretended to scratch his palm again, but the other party held it tightly, and his clear voice became weird, "You dared to be so unscrupulous while you were drunk. Are you taking advantage of me?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "." Oh no, he is so smart.

She broke away for a second, her eyelashes trembled, and she seriously denied: "It's not that I don't, I'm not such a bad woman with no bottom line at all."

Fei Jinzhao stared at her lack of confidence in her eyes. He wanted to raise his lower lip in a funny way, but thought of something and suddenly lowered it, "You were drunk and kissed a boy at the Sun Mountain Camp, and you also touched his hand?"

Jiang Nuannuan blinked, "Yes? I'll think about it."

Hearing her hesitant attitude, Fei Jin put her palm on the kitchen counter and leaned forward, "Think about it? Is it a lot?"

If this was possible, he felt uncomfortable.

System 66: "Host! You just kissed a few girls on the face, but I suggest you don't tell." Jiang Nuannuan raised her head, and her fuzzy mind subconsciously came up with a compromise plan, "You are the first one I kissed. Boys, first kiss.”

System 66's phantom limb slapped her face: "Six! Do you think Gu Tingyan is dead, or do you think Fei Jinzhao is stupid."

As it expected, Fei Jin pressed her eyelashes, raised her lips and smiled sarcastically, "Will you still lie after drinking?"

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head and buried her head in his arms, "Really, my ex-boyfriend and I had a wonderful relationship in school. He spent the rest of the time cheating me out of money."

"Why did you suddenly ask me this?" She raised her head and asked, "I thought you wouldn't care."

That Qingjun face turned cold because of her question, and the emotions in Fei Jinzhao's eyes became dark and difficult to distinguish.

For people in two worlds, sharing emotions is inherently redundant, so his question is indeed redundant.

I want to ask what went crazy just now.

"It has nothing to do with me." He whispered later, but Jiang Nuannuan didn't hear clearly.

"Let's go, I'll take you back."

Fei Jinzhao closed the window, turned off the lights, and helped her out of the laboratory building.

The cool evening breeze at night soothed his unusually different mood tonight. It was already very late when he sent Jiang Nuannuan back to Yunkun Community.

There were no parking spaces in the old community, and residents' cars were parked inside and outside. Fei Jinzhao could only park a little further away, and then help people walk all the way back.

Most of the street lights in the community were broken, and the alleys were pitch dark.

When the wind blew here, Jiang Nuannuan's chaotic mind became somewhat clearer, but she habitually pretended to be there and enjoyed the half-hug service of the people around her.

In fact, when the kiss was mentioned just now, she vaguely felt something was wrong.

When he was originally with Ji Yansen, he was willing to invest the jewelry money he earned in him even if he lost money, but he didn't care if he lost.

This person is obviously a love brain. How could he be obedient and not let Ji Yansen touch a hair due to family values ​​and conservatism? He really only counts the stars and watches the sunrise?
Based on the known plot, this setting doesn’t quite make sense.

Her previous persona was supposed to be an idiot love-head who could only be coaxed, but later she turned dark and was completely defeated.

Jiang Nuannuan always felt that she had overlooked something, but the system was rubbish. Except for some information about the protagonist, it did not provide any useful information.

While thinking, Fei Jinzhao took her downstairs to the unit.

He stopped and looked at the two aunts squatting at the door of the unit building, each holding a cattail leaf fan in their hands. Their faces were illuminated by the light reflected from the mobile phone screen, and they looked gloomy for no reason.

When the two of them saw that it was a man, they muttered to themselves, "Is this woman not coming back tonight?"

Jiang Nuannuan's hair was disheveled now. When she heard the words, she subconsciously brushed her hair and looked up. The other person's eyes met hers, her pupils shook, and she stood up suddenly and grabbed her arm, "Don't leave!"

Jiang Nuannuan stumbled and almost fell due to the sudden pull. Fortunately, Fei Jinzhao pulled her back in time and pulled her into his arms to protect her.

"What are you doing?"

He was tall and thin, with his sleeves half rolled up, revealing a strong arm that blocked the two aunts.

When the two saw the difference in stature, they didn't dare to push each other for a moment.

Jiang Nuannuan shrank in his arms and felt confused, muttering: "Who is it?"

One of the aunts looked like she was about to cry, "I am the strongest mother in our family!"

(End of this chapter)

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