Chapter 114 Bad follow-up
Fei Jinzhao lowered his eyes, "Do you know him?"

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head in confusion, "I don't know you. I've been working outside recently."

She hasn't been back for half a month, how could she meet a person with such a rustic name?

"How can you not recognize me! You have already sent me to the police station! How can you not recognize me?" Another aunt shouted so loudly that the lights in several houses upstairs turned on.

"Keep your voice down! No one is allowed to sleep!" someone yelled from upstairs.

The aunts did not hold back at all, and they directly attacked each other until they became silent.

Fei Jin hugged the person and stepped back into the unit building. She turned on the lights on the first floor, illuminating the two aunts wearing one red dress and one green dress.

When Jiang Nuannuan looked at these two faces, her memory was still vague, but looking at the cattail fans in their hands, her memory immediately connected with the square dancing aunts on the stone pier outside the community.

They all wear cattail fans as a symbol when dancing.

"Did I send the aunt in your dance troupe to the police station?" Jiang Nuannuan rubbed her face, puzzled, "But I haven't been back for half a month, and I haven't reported you for disturbing the public by dancing in the square."

The aunt choked and was stunned by her brain circuit. She quickly reacted and said loudly: "They are the two people who installed a camera in your house to ensure your safety and were then taken away by the police! Have you forgotten?!"

Another aunt pointed her fan at her and yelled, "They had their legs broken because of you! The roots of their descendants have been broken! How can you forget!"

This deafening roar finally reminded Jiang Nuannuan of the almost forgotten incident.

She originally thought that if the person was sent to the police station and sentenced to a few years, it would stop, but after a long time, there would be difficult follow-up.

Fei Jinzhao also understood the matter from a few words. He frowned and said, "Someone installed a camera in your home? Peeping?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "Yes, one of my customers discovered it."

"You! What peeping! You are blatantly selling out." The aunt in the red skirt was grabbed by the aunt in the green skirt before she could finish her words.

She came here today to beg this woman for a letter of understanding, not to offend anyone.

The aunt in the green skirt gave her an apologetic smile, and her tone changed to pleading and humility, "Girl, the children in our family are still young, why are you always worrying about the children alone? You have to be merciful, please be merciful, you Okay, okay, you can beat our two children, don't let them go to jail! Please."

The aunt in the red dress received the signal from her eyes, she bent her knees very simply, knelt on the ground with a plop, and started to act vividly, "Really, please, girl, please let my child go and let him If he goes to jail, his life will be ruined!"

Fei Jinzhao hugged her and took two steps back, his tone full of disgust, "Is it the child who installed the camera in your house?"

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head. She was sober after such a fuss. "No, I clearly remember that it was two grown men who secretly installed it while helping me carry the furniture. They must be 30 years old."

Fei Jinzhao, a 30-year-old child, silently let go of his arms around her and stood behind him while protecting her.

"Auntie," he said, "It's impossible to issue a letter of understanding. Go see a psychiatrist when you have time."

"You can do it, really." They cried, not listening to him at all.

"It's not easy for my child to grow up like this, but I can't live in squatting for several years if I can't find a wife!"

"His descendants are all ruined! We don't care about what you did! Just tell the police that you were mistaken, okay? They just want to protect a woman living alone. Please." Jiang Nuan Nuan is also annoyed, "Go away quickly, this matter is not negotiable."

These two aunts just wanted to pull her out from behind and kowtow to her, trying to force her to submit in this way.

Fei Jin summoned the guards and refused to move. Two of the buttons on her clothes were torn off by their hands, and her student card was ripped out of her trouser pocket.

"What's the matter with you!"

"Go away, go away!"

He expressionlessly blocked their attempts to cross his arms, and was kicked twice on his calves.

Jiang Nuannuan was heartbroken when she saw this. She immediately touched her phone and said angrily: "There is no way to reconcile, I will call the police now! You and your family can spend a good year in prison together!"

When the aunts saw the boy standing there like a rock, they didn't fight back. They even wanted to fall to the ground and try to make some excuses. They were completely angered when they heard that she wanted to call the police.

"How dare you! How dare you call the police? I will make it impossible for you to stay in this community!"

The aunt in the red dress was so excited that she wanted to come up and hit someone, but the aunt in the green dress pulled her back and said, "That's enough!"

They all knew that the police station didn't work, so they came to see this woman.

Now there is no point in crying or begging. The aunt in the red dress also wiped away her tears and sneered, "We all know that you are a woman doing some illegal things here, and you also specialize in serving a group of rich people. I tell you that you are not afraid of being barefoot." You who wear shoes, you have taught my son a lesson. If he still goes to jail, I will find the media to expose you completely! Just wait and see!"

As soon as the two of them finished talking on the phone, they helped each other away while sobbing. However, the mobile phone in Jiang Nuannuan's hand always had a black screen, and the call to the police only served as a verbal warning.

The broken data cable in the office didn't allow her to charge much at all, and couldn't even turn it on. She was so unlucky.

Jiang Nuannuan got out from behind Fei Jinzhao and held his face with both hands. She found some nail scratches on her chin and neck. She said distressedly: "Does it hurt?"

These are not worth mentioning at all. Fei Jinzhao stood there without moving, and scolded her with a frown, "The security here is not good, why do you choose to live here all the time? What if the customer is not here at the time? Those jewelry fees you earned What about the program fee? Isn’t it enough for you to buy a better living room?”

A woman who can give him 200 million will not have no money to buy a house. Of course Jiang Nuannuan understands this truth, but she can't tell the truth.

She lowered her head and looked like she was admitting her mistake, "I was penniless when I first came out of home. Ji Yansen also invested all my money and lost it. I can only live here. Now my funds are slowly falling." It’s been taken back, and I’m already planning to replace it after I find a new house in two days.”

Fei Jinzhao understood her past, and her deep tone softened a little, "It should be safe tonight, but you must move out as soon as possible."

"I know, don't talk about me yet." Jiang Nuannuan took his arm, "Let's go upstairs and help you treat your wound."

Not long after the two of them went upstairs, a Maybach stopped at the entrance of the unremarkable Yunkun Community.

Cars couldn't drive on the dilapidated path. Li Zhu turned around and raised a smile that was uglier than crying, "Boss, Miss Jiang only rented a house here. Since she came back from the Sun Mountain Camp, , I must have come here if I didn’t go back to Sunshine Court.”

Looking at the old residential buildings with peeling exterior walls, Gu Tingyan frowned deeply, and his thick black eyes glowed with anger.

(End of this chapter)

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