Chapter 115
After entering the room, Jiang Nuannuan bent down and took out two pairs of slippers. After changing her shoes, she ran to the suitcase in the room to find them.

I injured my hands and feet that time, and I needed to replace the band-aids every day. I even brought back some unused ones in my suitcase.

She picked up her things and prepared to leave the room. Fei Jinzhao stood at the door of the room and looked at her. Three or four buttons of her old white shirt were missing, and the V-shaped neckline was wide open, extending to her chest.

He puts aside those meticulous attires and can always attract attention like a bead that has removed the dust.

Jiang Nuannuan still remembers that time in the club. The way he stood upright like a green pine in his uniform was hard to ignore.

The bright moon that is so cold and struggling in the mortal world.

"Are you sober?" Fei Jin called her, silently gathering her clothes, and he noticed that her gaze kept falling.

Jiang Nuannuan came to her senses and walked over, "She must have been a little scared to wake up."

She held the things and pulled him to sit down on the sofa. She took out a band-aid and tried to put it on him. She muttered, "This matter won't end like this. I'll go to the police station tomorrow to explain the situation."

Fei Jinzhao held her hand and said quietly: "I will do it myself."

"Ah? But you can't see where the wound is." After Jiang Nuannuan said that, he saw him taking the things and going into the toilet.

She curled her fingers, wondering what was going on.

Jiang Nuannuan held her chin and stared at the toilet for a long time, then smiled nonchalantly. Today's harvest was not bad. He had more expressions tonight than he had seen before.

"Knock knock."

The door rang.

Jiang Nuannuan thought it was the two aunts again, so she walked over without opening the door first, and looked out through the door.

The man was wearing a dark green suit, his deep facial features were cold, and he stood at the gate with a low pressure all over his body.

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes suddenly widened, her face changed color in fear, and she took three steps back in fear.

How could Gu Tingyan come to this point!This was completely out of her control.

System 66: "So let me tell you, did you forget something? I felt something was not right at that time."

Jiang Nuannuan: "Shut up!"

She turned back instantly. Fei Jinzhao, who was in the toilet, also heard the knock on the door. As soon as he took a step forward, he saw the lights in the living room go dark, and a figure bumped into her arms. He took two steps back and returned. Toilet room.

"What's wrong? Are they back again?" Fei Jinzhao pushed her away, put his hand on her shoulder, and looked toward the end of the dark living room.

The knock on the door came again. Jiang Nuannuan grabbed the hem of his clothes, her voice trembling with fear, "Yes, it's back again."

He noticed that her whole body was trembling, so he put one hand around her shoulder and patted her twice. "Don't be afraid. Did you just call the police?"

"No, the phone is out of battery."

His backpack is also in the living room, "I'm going to get my phone."

Jiang Nuannuan looked panicked. If the police were called in the middle of the night, the matter would be troublesome and three men would be involved.

Definitely not calling the police, at least not now.

Fei Jinzhao could not clearly see her changing expressions in the darkness, so he just returned to the living room with the 'koala' on him.

He helped her sit down on the sofa, and then she held her arm and sat down. He had no choice but to reach for his backpack with one hand, but a person was pressed down on his slightly spread legs faster than the backpack.

Jiang Nuannuan pushed Fei Jinzhao's shoulders, letting him sink into the sofa unprepared, then turned around and climbed onto his legs.

The softness on his thighs made him take a breath and tighten his grip on his backpack. "What are you doing?"

Before he could say the two words, Jiang Nuannuan sat on his lap and held his face, covering the lips that were half-opened because he hadn't finished speaking.

There was nothing I could do, I couldn't let him retaliate, I could only forcefully kiss her again.

Two fiercely beating hearts were particularly sudden in the silent night. Fei Jinzhao's knuckles holding onto his backpack turned white.

He forgot to struggle to push her away. Perhaps it was the camouflage of the night, the smell of her body, or the raw feeling on his lips, which made him lose consciousness for a moment.The knocking on the door disappeared.

Assistant Li had wiped sweat from his forehead three times, "Did Miss Jiang not go home after playing?"

He didn't even dare to look at the boss behind him. It was obvious that his lover was lost, and he was half responsible for it. He had to consider the day when two boats capsized.

Gu Tingyan coldly called Jiang Nuannuan again.

The other end still shows that it cannot be connected.

He clenched his phone and said in a cold voice: "Go and ask the person in charge at the school who sent her back. If that doesn't work, mobilize manpower to find her."

Jiang Nuannuan's ears were sharp, and she heard the footsteps outside the door had disappeared. The heart she was holding dropped halfway, and she stopped her unscrupulous behavior on Fei Jin's lips.

She didn't get off his lap immediately, but pressed her palms against his chest.

She just noticed that her heart was beating rapidly, hitting her chest hard, trying to touch her palm.

The darkness amplified his senses. Fei Jinzhao gritted his teeth and was unable to control his disobedient heart. He grabbed her hand and took it away from his chest, saying in a hoarse voice, "What on earth are you doing?"

Jiang Nuannuan's free hand carelessly touched his hot ears, "Well, I just find this exciting."

She leaned down again and kissed his earlobe, "Your heart is beating so fast."

So she wasn't afraid at all. She was just pretending to be a prank.

She was so mean when she was drunk.

Realizing this, Fei Jinzhao became angry.

For a moment, the world was spinning, and her backpack was thrown to the ground. Jiang Nuannuan lay on the sofa, her hands clenched and pressed on her abdomen by the boy who looked down at her.

His breathing was heavy and difficult, "Is it fun for you to play with me?"

Jiang Nuannuan replied with a smile: "Because I like you, I only do this to you."

Fei Jinzhao tightened his hand, his eyes dark and depressed.

The two of them stayed in this position for a long time, and she felt the pain in her wrist being scratched. She hummed softly, "My hand hurts."

"Don't say this again, I'm not interested in you."

With reason taking over, Fei Jinzhao quickly pulled away and turned on the light in the living room, his hands shaking a little.

Being illuminated by the strong light, Jiang Nuannuan narrowed her eyes reflexively.

She slowly sat up from the sofa, her face even redder from the wine, her shawl-length hair was scattered on her chest, and a lot of the lipstick on her lips was eaten away, which made her look pink and tender. of.

Fei Jinzhao picked up her schoolbag without even looking at her, "Get up and go to the hotel."

Jiang Nuannuan touched her wrist and asked in surprise: "Going to the hotel?" He didn't say anything after the kiss last second.

When Fei Jinzhao heard this tone, she finally put her bag on her back and turned to look at her. She said angrily: "The two people just walked away. It's useless for the police to come tonight. To ensure safety, you can only stay in a hotel. I I’ll take you there and then go back to the dormitory.”

It turned out that the two of them were not sleeping together. Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "Oh."

She took her bag and didn't dare to act like a monster again. She followed him out again after he was obviously angry.

Fei Jinzhao knew that she wanted to live well, so he sent her to the door of a five-star hotel.

"How are you going back?" Jiang Nuannuan rubbed her temples that started to hurt.

"This is not far from the dormitory. I'll ride the shared bicycle back." Fei Jinzhao threw her car key to her. The hotel's 24-hour doorman would help watch her check in.

He put on his bag, closed the car door, and left. He walked very quickly, as if there was a wolf chasing behind him, without any nostalgia at all.

(End of this chapter)

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