Chapter 116 Staying in a Hotel

She needs to charge her mobile phone, and think about what will happen to Gu Tingyan tonight, and then consider whether to go back to Sunshine Garden.

Jiang Nuannuan touched her chin, then staggered out of the car and followed the doorman into the hotel.

Fei Jinzhao came out of the corner and didn't feel relieved to leave from another road until he saw her entering the hotel.

As soon as he arrived at the school gate, he received a call from Yu Tai and stopped his bicycle, "Hello."

Yu Tai asked: "Have you delivered it to Sister Nuannuan? Why did it take so long?"

Fei Jinzhao: "Her neighborhood is not in good order and something happened at night. I sent her to the hotel and she is on her way back now."

He promised to report that he was safe, and after saying that concisely and concisely, he hung up, reached for his student card in his trouser pocket, and prepared to swipe it to enter the back door.

Fei Jinzhao fumbled for a long time, then took off his backpack and rummaged around, frowning slightly.

Will it fall off when pulled?
"Senior? Did you forget your card? Let me swipe it and let's go in together." A junior who came back from clubbing saw him and opened the door diligently.

Fei Jin thanked him and just waited to go back and look for it when he was free tomorrow.

Yu Tai hung up the phone and quickly called back the number on his phone, "Hello, my roommate sent Ms. Jiang to the hotel. Something happened at home, so she didn't answer the phone. Could you please If you need anything, see her tomorrow, she probably won’t feel too well tonight.”

Sister Nuannuan drank so much wine, and he was still thinking about whether he should get up early tomorrow to deliver a hangover soup to someone.

Always show some sincerity when chasing people.

Assistant Li passed the principal of Linggang University and contacted the counselor before finding the student president. Now when he heard the word "hotel", his heart almost dropped, "Ms. Jiang is staying in the hotel with that male classmate?"

Gu Tingyan, who was in the back row, leaned against the back of the chair and clenched his hands, his bones making a creepy clicking sound, and there was a faint gloom under his eyelids.

Yu Tai thought that the other party was afraid that Fei Jinzhao was a bad person, and Jiang Nuannuan was still a public figure and his reputation could not be damaged, so he quickly explained the relationship between the two: "No, no, he just sent the person to the hotel to stay, and he is coming back now. On the road, he was a well-known good student among us, and he had a high school crush, who was innocent."

It's not just sleeping together, it's scary.

Assistant Li felt relieved after hearing this. He asked for the name of the hotel and casually said he would pick her up tomorrow before he dared to hang up the phone and report to the boss in the back row.

"Ms. Jiang was drunk and was sent to a hotel tonight by her classmates from school. I heard that the security in Yunkun Community was poor, so she didn't go back."

That's why no one answered the door when they knocked on the door. Assistant Li had originally thought about whether she was being angry on purpose, and it would be fine. All she had to do was send the boss to the hotel to get him.

"Who sent her back?" Gu Tingyan took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket, took one out, bit it on his lips and lit it.

Assistant Li said: "It's a student from Linggang University. He just sent him to the hotel and left."

"The other person has a girl he's liked since high school." He added this sentence with emphasis.

Gu Tingyan's face hidden in the darkness didn't know whether it had softened or not, and white smoke slowly spread from the car.

The Maybach was driving very fast on the street, with the windows lowered halfway, rolling out smoke.

After Jiang Nuannuan took a shower, she opened the wine cabinet in the suite and took out a bottle of red wine, poured herself a full glass, and then took a photo to post on Moments.

She could feel that Fei Jinzhao felt awkward, but she couldn't say he was resisting kissing her.

Maybe his personality is too sensitive, or maybe he doesn't want outsiders to touch him because he has Rong Zhao in his heart.

Then what she did today would be best if she woke up drunk and pretended to have forgotten.

Jiang Nuannuan replied to Yu Tai's WeChat Moments, then edited the photos of drinking and sent a WeChat post with the text [I'm home safely, let's have a drink before going to bed (*^▽^*)].

Since Fei Jinzhao didn't like the progress of their relationship, she helped him stay where he was. She got his goodwill and money, and everything else took care of his emotions.

She looked at the dozens of calls in the phone column. Three of them were from Gu Tingyan. The others were all unfamiliar numbers, but she knew who they were without having to guess.Jiang Nuannuan drank and thought for a while, then took stock of tonight's route, feeling that the secret should not be revealed.

She didn't know why Gu Tingyan went crazy looking for her in the middle of the night, but she had better pretend to be "I'm generous and you can play with me as you please", and of course she couldn't be too indifferent.

The quality of a lover is to pretend to be in love but not to be affectionate.

After drinking another large glass of wine, Jiang Nuannuan felt like she was getting drunk. She patted her red face and called Gu Tingyan back.

That end is almost instant.

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyebrows and said in a sweet and soft voice, "My mobile phone is out of battery and I didn't receive your call. I'm sorry, Ting Yan."

"Where are you?"


"Open the door."

She looked at the door of the room and immediately understood something. She hung up the phone and walked over to open the door.

A tall and tall figure came into view, and a light haze enveloped his handsome face.

Gu Tingyan's intelligence network is fine.

Jiang Nuannuan bit her lower lip, her tone inexplicably aggrieved, "Why are you here, you and Miss Fu?"

She stopped talking at this point, and both of them knew what happened that day.

"You come in first." She stepped aside and invited him in, her half-draped eyelashes trembling slightly.

The man looked at her sideways, taking in the little bit of unhappiness in his eyes, and the unhappiness in his heart felt a little better.

He walked in and looked around, then found a sofa in front of the bed and sat down. There was a smell of tobacco around him.

"Why don't you hang up on me if you don't go home?" He didn't get angry, and asked in a relatively calm and calm tone.

Jiang Nuannuan closed the door, hesitated for a while and walked over to stand in front of him, then put her hands on her hips and said angrily: "What else? Can you tell me how to do it best?"

She was wearing a nightgown and had been washed, but she couldn't hide the faint smell of alcohol.

Gu Tingyan looked at her blushing face and frowned, "Let you go out to play. How much wine have you drunk? You are so drunk."

Jiang Nuannuan touched her face, took a step back and hummed unhappily, "I didn't drink much. You came here tonight. Did Miss Fu think of me only after she came home?"

She spoke too quickly because of the alcohol. She was afraid of hearing the answer, so she quickly waved her hand, "No, I didn't want to ask more. You pretended you didn't hear."

Gu Tingyan glanced at the half-empty red wine on the table behind him, narrowed his eyes slightly, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

As soon as Li Zhu picked up the phone, he heard his boss's cold words.


Then he turned on speakerphone.

Li Assistant immediately realized what he was being asked to explain, and quickly explained to Jiang Nuannuan what happened during the day.

"Ms. Jiang, during the day, I gave Miss Fu the address and door lock password of Sunshine Garden without the permission of my boss. Our boss didn't know that there were guests coming at the time, so you misunderstood Miss Jiang. In fact, nothing happened. Ah, don’t take it to heart.”

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, but her expression seemed even more uncomfortable, "Actually, it's okay with me. You don't have to say that on purpose."

(End of this chapter)

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