Chapter 117 I can be her loyal little puppy

Assistant Li was anxious and wanted to say something more, but there was only a beeping busy tone from the other end.

Jiang Nuannuan hung up the phone on her own initiative, avoiding the oppressive gaze of the man in front of her, and said softly: "I still remember what you said, I am a qualified lover, so you don't have to care about my emotions."

"You don't believe it." Gu Tingyan raised his hand, pinched her chin with his fingertips and rubbed it gently, with impatience in his eyes.

He was never too lazy to do anything unnecessary for an unimportant matter, so he explained to the little girl that he was unhappy with her lack of trust.

"I believe what you say."

Jiang Nuannuan's chin felt itchy and she stepped back to avoid his hand. She staggered a little and sat down on the bed.

She was too lazy to get up, so she rolled into bed under the influence of alcohol. The nightgown on her body was lifted up, barely covering her buttocks, revealing her two shapely long legs.

Gu Tingyan's eyes darkened, he retracted his hand, and his voice softened unconsciously, "Don't you want to go home tonight?"

She pulled up the quilt and buried her face in the pillow, "Yeah."

Gu Tingyan stood up and walked to the bed, smoothed her hair, and her fingers were gently held.

Jiang Nuannuan turned over, put the back of his hand to his lips and kissed it.

Even though her eyes were confused, her posture when kissing him was somewhat reverent.

She whispered: "I believe you, no matter what, I just feel a little uncomfortable this morning."

Gu Tingyan knelt down and looked at her drunken and confused little face. His heart softened and his temper was gone. "I really don't know about what happened during the day."

"Well, I just played with those students for a while today, and my phone ran out of battery so I couldn't contact you." Jiang Nuannuan rubbed her pillow, closed her eyes and muttered, "I'm sleepy."

Gu Tingyan touched her hair again, "You sleep."

She was really sleepy, and she vaguely heard the sound of rushing water coming from the bathroom. Soon after, a piece of the bed next to her collapsed, and a hand wrapped around her waist.

Jiang Nuannuan rolled over and rolled into the warm embrace.

She opened a slit of her eyes and saw clearly the large breasts in front of her. She subconsciously reached out and touched them, then placed them against her chest, closed her eyes and fell asleep again.

Gu Tingyan didn't feel like she was being taken advantage of. He just felt that she wasn't sleeping well, so he hugged her into his arms.

His dark eyes were half-closed, and his tired face began to relax and fall asleep.

The interior is warm.

Assistant Li downstairs was so excited that he had no sleep all night because the crisis was over, and his brain was busy thinking about how to make up for the bonuses of the past two years.

The male mother's muscular chest was like a big pillow stuffed with goose down and a little hard. When Jiang Nuannuan woke up the next day, half of her body was lying on him, and her hand was pressed against his chest, maintaining the same position all night.

After a hangover, her head was about to explode and the pain was excruciating. She lay there in a daze, too lazy to move, and soon fell into a second sleep.

After a rare night without dreams, Gu Tingyan had a good sleep and was only woken up by a call from Li Zhu.

The other person faced the risk of deducting the bonus for the third year and said to him: "Gu Songke and Mr. Xiao Ji are waiting for you in the office. Kaixing Venture Capital's stock price has plummeted. The banker you placed among them has paid 8000 With [-] selling orders, they are now firmly sealed at the lower limit.”

"I know." Gu Tingyan rubbed his brows and threw the phone back on the bedside.

The heavy weight on his chest weighed on him all night, and he didn't wake up.

Gu Tingyan lowered his eyes and looked at the sleeping woman on his chest. He gently put her aside, rubbed her hair with his fingertips, and raised the corners of his lips slightly.

Then be obedient and give her another gift.

Fei Jinzhao also woke up early today. When he got up and lifted the quilt, his cold expression suddenly turned ugly.

He quickly got out of bed, took a new pair of pants and went into the bathroom to take a shower. The cold water washed over his body and cooled his desire after a night of beautiful dreams.Until the traces on his pants were washed away and hung on the balcony to dry, his expression was a little tense.

Yu Tai took out the small plug-in pot that he hadn't used for a long time in the dormitory, and there was a pot of soup in it.

Fei Jinzhao picked up the water glass and drank some water, suppressing the dryness in her throat, "What are you doing."

Yu Tai raised his head to look at him, and carefully put the sobering soup into a brand new thermos cup, "Sister Nuannuan went back to the hotel to drink again last night. I thought she would have a headache this morning, so I sent it to her quickly."

Fei Jinzhao pursed her lower lip tightly, took out her phone and scrolled through her Moments, and sure enough she saw her latest updates from last night.

Have you been drinking again?
Fei Jinzhao's voice was cold for no reason, "There is a huge difference in status. How can you support her when you are with her?"

Yu Tai shook his hands and said dissatisfiedly: "What if Sister Nuannuan likes to help the poor and has a foster partner? I can be her loyal little puppy."

"By the way, let me borrow your battery car." He added.

"No loan."

Fei Jinzhao picked up her schoolbag and computer with a cold face, turned around and walked out of the dormitory door.

Seeing his bad temper early in the morning, Yu Tai was also confused. He took a thermos cup and took a taxi to the hotel.

Gu Tingyan left before she got up. Jiang Nuannuan took a bath alone. The room manager had already brought her a brand new dress, hangover soup, and a box of medicine, all of which he had asked someone to prepare for her before leaving.

Jiang Nuannuan drank the hangover soup, took breakfast and medicine, and asked 66: "I heard that Fei Jinzhao's favorability level increased by 1 this morning, did you hear me right?"

System 66: "That's right, it's 28% now."

Jiang Nuannuan used the skin care products prepared in the suite and put on some lipstick. "It's strange. Are you thinking about what happened last night?"

Then he is too boring.
System 66: "What are you going to do today?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "Go to the police station. Regardless of whether what Gu Tingyan explained yesterday is true or false, return Fu Shiliu's necklace. After all, the money has been put into my account, so let her handle her things. "

She put on lipstick, pursed her lips, and put on the waist-cinching dress she had prepared. "By the way, I'll ask the two peeping men about their situation, and then go to Zhai Heng's house to solve Zhai Lin's problem. I've been on leave for a long time, and I have to make up for my psychology classes."

System 66: "Host, come on, Zhai Lin has made the least progress, still 0."

A busy day starts with meeting Yu Tai.

This boy was standing at the door of the hotel holding a thermos cup. He didn't know how long he had been waiting. As soon as he saw her coming out, he raised a smile and waved to her.

"Yutai, good morning." Jiang Nuannuan wondered why he was here, and a thermos cup was stuffed into his hand.

Yu Tai said shyly: "You drank so much yesterday, I thought I would come over early in the morning and give you some sobering soup."

"Oh, by the way." He took out another box of medicine from his pocket and stuffed it into her hand, "If you have a headache, take some of this. I have to go to class soon and have to rush back. Let's go, Sister Nuannuan."

Yu Tai waved to her, got into the taxi and ran away without giving her a chance to speak.

Jiang Nuannuan stood there holding her things, feeling helpless.

She knew what this boy was thinking. Love in school days must be beautiful, but it was a problem for her.

She carried her things and put them into the car, drove back to Sunshine Huating to pick up the ring made by Zhai Hengding, and then went straight to the police station.

Without exception, all the police officers inside had been fed by Zhai Heng and knew her. In addition, Gu Tingyan also supported her. The two necklaces were quickly handed over to Jiang Nuannuan, and she also told her about the two necklaces. Peeping situation.

It is said that while waiting for sentencing in the detention center, they were beaten by people in the same dormitory. When the prison guards arrived, it was too late. Both of them were beaten to the point of comminuted fractures from the waist down.

(End of this chapter)

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