Chapter 118
Jiang Nuannuan didn't think there was anything wrong with what he said, and just breathed a sigh of relief, "It's just that Mr. Zhai didn't do it. I thought it was his people who beat him up at the time, and I was afraid that he would be responsible."

The police officers looked at each other. Wasn't he the one who ordered people to beat them to death? They were just trying to kill people because they were short-handed. They wanted to keep it a secret.

The police officer said: "You are just out of self-protection, and Mr. Zhai has paid a medical fee before. Don't worry, Ms. Jiang is fine. As for the two aunts, we will visit again today to make an appointment." Mediation.”

Jiang Nuannuan was relieved and took a pair of handcuffs from the police station before leaving.

The host of the car radio broadcasted today's topic.

"It is crucial for owners to give adequate love and care to pets. First of all, we must clearly understand the personality of each pet."

Jiang Nuannuan listened, and suddenly she braked and pulled over to the side of the road. She listened to the radio station intently and tapped the steering wheel with her fingers.

The trainer on the radio said something that sounded very reasonable, "If a domesticated hound suddenly attacks its owner, there must be something that you missed, and what we have to do is definitely not to use violence to control it." Damn, this will only make the pet hate you more, and the owner needs to give a systematic training plan."

"If necessary, you can contact our professional animal trainer Mr. Li Qiang for help. His number will be published on the FM91 official account and everyone can contact him."

As soon as Jiang Nuannuan's fingers stopped, she immediately took out her mobile phone and looked up the radio station's public account, and quickly found the newly released number.

She copied the number and dialed it.

She was probably the first one to call in. The other person answered the call very quickly, with a male voice that sounded more like an uncle.

Jiang Nuannuan: "Hello, Mr. Li, I just listened to the car radio. I am an owner who is deeply troubled by pet tempers. My dog ​​is an adult golden retriever. He broke a leg in a car accident. His temper has been bad in the past two years. It is extremely fierce and bites me whenever it sees it. Last time it almost attacked my neck. I hope you can provide me with some animal training skills and help."

Since Jiang Nuannuan was the first person to actively call him after the show, Li Qiang quickly discussed with her, "Does the golden retriever have the desire to attack you as soon as he sees you? If it is such a large dog, then The general performance must be baring teeth, blowing hair, and a series of yelling demonstrations at you, right?"

Jiang Nuannuan thought about Zhai Lin's face, the ferocious expression, the frizzy blond hair, and the ferocious words.

Very good, it's all right.

Even the psychology teacher can't cure him, but the dog trainer probably can.

She replied seriously: "Yes, that's right. I couldn't stop him from hurting me at all. As soon as he saw me, he wanted to rush over and kill me."

When Li Qiang heard about this situation, he immediately said: "It's a bit serious. In addition to necessary drug intervention, you can try taking it to an independent space first. At this time, be sure to fasten the leash and don't let it escape your control. Then try to distract it with some snacks that it will like to eat, so that its temper will slowly subside.”

Jiang Nuannuan pondered for a while, "I understand. Can I add your private WeChat account? If it is really effective, I can pay you for online teaching."

"Of course, no problem. You can try it and see if it works. It turns out that you are also a good owner who loves your dog. I also suggest that you figure out the reason why it hates you, so that you can prescribe the right medicine."

Li Qiang's ultimate goal is to make money by taking orders, and such online teaching is also within his business scope.

Jiang Nuannuan successfully became friends with him, then took a look at the handcuffs in her bag that she was going to put on today, and she had an idea in her mind.

She arrived at the Zhai family's old house in the afternoon and bought a dog training course from Li Qiang. Free shipping by SF Express and it would arrive home the next day.

The butler who greeted her at the door was also a different one. The man had half-white hair and looked like a energetic middle-aged man. He called himself Uncle Wang.

"The eldest young master is taking a nap, and so is the second young master. Can I take you to Madam first?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, and the jewelry in her hand was returned to her.

At this moment, Fu Shiliu was doing a yoga class. He didn't even look at her, looking like a cold lady, "Let her go to Zhai Lin's place by herself when the time comes."

Jiang Nuannuan walked over and put the jewelry box in her hand on the small table in the yoga room.

Fu Shiliu's gaze had actually been following her, and he recognized what it was at a glance.She finished the pose halfway and hurriedly walked over to get the two boxes.

After opening it, she found two fake necklaces that symbolized her true love. The light of the jewelry made her feel particularly dazzling.

"You came here specifically today to humiliate me?" Fu Shiliu's tone was filled with hatred, and her beautiful facial features were distorted for a moment.

Jiang Nuannuan turned to look at her, "Jiang Meng's money has been transferred to my card in full, including the design fee, so these two necklaces still belong to you, Miss Fu. It has nothing to do with me how you deal with them later. I just take them." Come and give it back to you.”

If you resell Fu Shiliu, you can get some money back. After all, the craftsmanship and raw materials of this necklace are indeed of high quality.

Jiang Nuannuan was very calm, but it was this calm look that angered Fu Shiliu, making her feel like a clown in his eyes.

The thing Gu Tingyan said she wanted to scrap was returned to her by her love rival. How could she not be angry?

But Jiang Nuannuan didn't know what happened that day, so she saw Fu Shiliu lose control, grab the two necklaces, and smash them on the floor.

The moment the precious jewelry hit the ground, it was covered with cracks and fell apart.

Fu Shiliu's chest heaved and he said word by word: "Jiang Nuannuan, please understand that you are just my substitute. The password lock of Sunshine Huating is my birthday. Do you understand what I mean?"

"I know." Jiang Nuannuan nodded and looked at her helplessly, "But why don't you endure it any longer? Zhai Heng is still lying upstairs. Why are you so impatient?"


Fu Shiliu covered her chest, her face turned pale with anger.

Jiang Nuannuan sighed quietly, and then made another stab, "Although the necklace you dropped on the ground just now is a fake, it can be resold for at least 600 million. Now that it is so damaged, no one will dare to accept it."

It's such a terrible thing to lose control of your emotions. She didn't know if Fu Shiliu would feel sorry for the money. Anyway, she felt very sorry for it. If she had known better, she wouldn't have paid it back.

She walked outside with her bag and said to Uncle Wang at the door: "As for Master Zhai Lin's lecture, I want to give it in his personal studio today."

"You should ask the young master about this yourself." Uncle Wang said, "I will take you to the bedroom."

Jiang Nuannuan: "He is taking a lunch break. Is it appropriate to disturb him now? How about I wait?"

"He's not asleep, please go." Uncle Wang nodded.

Then there was nothing to say, and she followed him obediently to Zhai Heng's bedroom.

Uncle Wang stood at the door and said, "Don't say anything that makes the young master unhappy. He is very fragile now."

Jiang Nuannuan agreed, gently pushed the door open and went in. What she saw shocked her for a long time.

This was her first time in Zhai Heng's room.

The room was like a hospital emergency room. There were many incomprehensible medical instruments beside the bed. The walls were white, and the oak-colored floor didn't bring much warmth back.

How depressing it would be if people lived here every day.
She walked in with gentle steps and soon saw Zhai Heng, who was leaning weakly on the bed.

His eyes were lowered, his lips were pale, and he was covered with a thin quilt. There were needles stuck in the back of the hand holding the book, and his veins and metacarpal bones were slightly raised, giving off a sick feeling.

Jiang Nuannuan put down her bag and called him softly, "Mr. Zhai."

(End of this chapter)

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