Chapter 120 Practice
Ever since Fu Ying fell off a cliff and disappeared and was pronounced dead, Zhai Lin was hit by a car on the way to rescue and had a calf amputated. He has not taken a step out of his home.

The whole day activity is painting. His paintings are everywhere in the studio, and the walls are full of them. There are also a few treasures bought in the auction house.

The maid said: "The paintings collected by the Second Young Master are very expensive, ranging from millions to tens of millions or hundreds of millions. Don't touch them, especially the ones with Miss Fu on them."

Jiang Nuannuan easily found Fu Ying from a bunch of paintings. She had similar eyebrows and eyes to Fu Shiliu, and her innocent and cheerful smile was completely opposite to Jiangnan's gentle temperament.

After a while, the maid stepped back, and Zhai Lin, who was controlling the electric wheelchair, entered the room with a pair of light gray eyes.

He leaned lazily on the back of the chair, with a few strands of blond messy hair hanging in front of his forehead, looking unkempt. When Jiang Nuannuan looked at him, the handcuffed wrist bones had already left traces of struggle, the skin was broken, and there were some bruises. Blood.

It seems he fought hard when he came.

She walked over and stopped one meter away from him, "I met Zhai Lin for the second time. We will now start the second psychological counseling."

Zhai Lin raised his eyes, the fierceness in his narrow eyes was undisguised, "Get out of my studio."

Teacher Li said that when the dog is angry, give him a separate space to calm down, and then give him some snack rewards until his temper is gone and he can communicate well.

Jiang Nuannuan ignored his fierce tone, walked to the door and closed the studio door, then turned back to admire the paintings on the wall.

Zhai Lin shook his wrist, ignoring the pain in his flesh, and sneered at her, "Jiang Nuannuan, are you coming here to disgust me for such a small amount of money? Are you cheap?"

Jiang Nuannuan stood in front of a painting and ignored his angry roar.

She looked at the painting in front of her that looked like it was swiped with paint, and frowned: "What is this messy painting? It looks like shit."

Zhai Lin subconsciously looked at the painting she complained about, and his heart instantly doubled.

That painting was a dripping color painting bought from an auction. He spent 1000 million, and was just left in the dust by her evaluation.

Zhai Lin, who loves painting, couldn't bear it at all. He controlled the wheelchair and said angrily: "Do you have artistic skills?!"

Jiang Nuannuan kept in mind the dog training method. Zhai Lin was handcuffed to a wheelchair and had a limp leg. She just had to be careful about him kicking her butt from behind.

She walked to the next painting, raised her eyebrows, and the expression on her face became even more disgusting, "One painting has only a broken gradient color, and it is framed? What's so precious about it?"

Zhai Lin saw that she was talking about the color field painting worth 5000 million, his fist hardened, and he gritted his teeth and said: "This is an emotional art form, painted by Mark Ross, the auction house is worth 5000 million, you are not a designer What? Can’t you see this?”

Jiang Nuannuan still ignored him and regarded him as nothing. She knew that her goal was achieved.

Later, without waiting for her to express her opinion on the painting, Zhai Lin started to explain the origin and meaning of the painting, fearing that she would say any insulting words again.

The longer the explanation went on, the calmer his tone became, "This is "The Card Players", which belongs to the post-impressionist genre."

Jiang Nuannuan slowly turned her eyes to him.

Zhai Lin really loves art. When he talks about the painting, the anger between his eyebrows and eyes dissipates a little, and he becomes more focused. This makes this exquisite face look more ornamental.

The dog's liking for eating snacks is equivalent to Zhai Lin's liking for painting. Using painting to divert his attention and shift his emotions is to feed the dog his favorite snacks to divert his attention and calm his emotions.

Well, I have to go back and listen to Teacher Li Qiang’s class in the evening.

Before making eye contact with Zhai Lin, Jiang Nuannuan looked away and said softly: "You can talk to me properly. Why are you pretending to be a hedgehog and pricking me?"

Zhai Lin's expression changed, "Shut up!" Once he had mood swings, Jiang Nuannuan ignored him again.

She walked around the wheelchair, opened the door and walked out. There were maids guarding the outside. She asked them to help bring a medicine box, then turned back and locked the door tightly.

Uncle Wang came over and asked, "Miss Jiang is still in there? Has it been two hours?"

The maid replied: "Well, it lasted longer than last time."

Uncle Wang nodded: "When she comes out later, tell the young master to let her have dinner."


Jiang Nuannuan returned to the wheelchair and saw that he had calmed down again. Then she knelt down and said, "Every painting has different feelings when shown to different people, right?"

Zhai Lin stared at her, without the initial irritability, and said coldly: "So what, comments from people like you will only insult it."

"What kind of person am I? How many times have you met me and you clearly understand who I am?" She took out the medicine and cotton swabs, looked up at him, her face was clean, and her almond-shaped eyes were clear and calm.

Zhai Lin sneered, "You are a murderer."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled at the expected answer, "Could killing me make up for the regret in your heart for not saving Fu Ying? Or have you been using your grudge against Qiao Lin as an excuse to give yourself an outlet to vent your emotions? "

Zhai Lin tightened his palms instantly, and the anger, embarrassment, and despair of being exposed all came over him, squeezing into his eyes to form a storm.

He failed to save his lover and became a waste without a leg. He was forced to end his studies and suffered from strange looks from the people around him. The despair almost drove him crazy in the days that went on and on.

Zhai Lin lowered his hateful eyes and looked at her as she said word by word: "I've been thinking that it would be better if Qiao Lin didn't exist. She wouldn't die because of a piece of jewelry." He also lived well in the sunshine.

"But who will help you make Qiao Lin disappear?" Jiang Nuannuan didn't have any anger at all. She took his hand and put a band-aid on his broken wrist.

"Let me go." Zhai Lin slapped the back of her hand in disgust, and red marks immediately appeared on the soft back of her hand.

To be honest, it hurt. Jiang Nuannuan endured it, "If you don't want your limbs to be tied to the bed during the next psychological counseling session, you'd better not move."

Zhai Lin pinched her chin and forced her to raise her head, "What qualifications do you have to threaten me?"

Jiang Nuannuan broke away from his hand and said calmly: "Today is the second time you have done something to me."

She forced a band-aid on his wrist that was injured by the handcuffs, stood up and looked at him condescendingly, "Instead of just being incompetent and furious, it's better to take some action to get out of the house first."

She called the maid in, walked to the wall full of paintings, picked out a painting that Zhai Lin said was worth 5000 million, pointed at it and said, "Take it down and move it to my car."

Zhai Lin's expression changed, "You dare."

"You need to change your habit of attacking women."

Jiang Nuannuan turned to look at him, "Because you were able to talk to me properly for a while today, I will only take away one of your favorite paintings this time. The one last time is not counted. When did you hit me?" Once the problem is gone, the painting will be returned to you."

The maid stepped forward and started to take away the paintings on the wall. Zhai Lin said sternly: "This is my studio! Who told you to touch it?"

The maid turned back with a panicked look on her face, "But the young master said that we will follow Miss Jiang's arrangements today, and we will do whatever she says."

(End of this chapter)

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