Chapter 121 Blatant Eccentricity

Zhai Lin was so angry that he wanted to stand up from the wheelchair. Unfortunately, he had never liked wearing prosthetics, and now he couldn't stand up, let alone break free of the handcuffs. This powerless appearance in front of a woman once again hit his self-esteem.

His eyes were scarlet, and he glared viciously at Jiang Nuannuan in front of him, but he saw no special emotions on her face, neither disdain nor pride.

She just said to him calmly, "I will try my best to make up for the psychological counseling you missed for half a month in the past few days. I will not put handcuffs on you next time we meet. I hope Mr. Zhai Lin will If you can dress yourself up properly, at least you will look like a human being."

She determined that Zhai Lin was a dog that was seriously ill, sensitive, and had low self-esteem. Training did not happen overnight, and the intensity of rewards and punishments needed to be carefully controlled.

The three-hour psychological counseling was over. The afternoon sun had just set. The evening glow shone into the manor, and a black car slowly drove in.

Not long after Jiang Nuannuan turned around and left the studio, Uncle Wang came in from outside and pushed Zhai Lin to go out too.

He turned half of his body in the wheelchair and asked ferociously: "What's wrong with my brother!? Do you want you all to listen to her?"

Uncle Wang's face did not change, "The old lady said that Miss Jiang is the only one who can help you. The young master listened, so he was extra tolerant to her."

Zhai Lin fiddled with the handcuffs vigorously and looked at the band-aid on his wrist with anger still lingering.

System 66: "I have been busy all afternoon and made no progress."

Jiang Nuannuan: "He has to learn to stand up and walk out of the manor before he has a chance to find Fu Ying. My existence is probably to help him when the plot is not unfolding."

She already knows that 66 can't give any useful instructions, and now everything depends on her own reasoning.

System 66 hesitated and said: "That should be the case. Let me tell you something. Since several male protagonists appeared in a row with half of the favorability progress, I think there is indeed something wrong with the stand-in female supporting script prepared for you."

It added: "As I said, that only appears in the heroine's script. Generally, the favorability of supporting characters comes from family, friendship and various emotions. It is advanced in integers. The decimal point means that the increase is the heartbeat value."

Jiang Nuannuan: "Don't worry about this anymore. Anyway, I only want the 100 billion. No matter what the problem with the script is, I will be responsible for filling the window. As long as you have enough money."

System 66: "I just want to say that if there is a problem with the script due to bugs, the favorability value will increase too slowly and the time will be correspondingly longer."

Jiang Nuannuan still acted indifferently: "I understand, as long as the salary arrives in real time."

As she came down from the corner of the stairs, a maid beside her said to her: "Young Master will leave Miss Jiang to have dinner with you. He has already arrived at the restaurant."

Jiang Nuannuan thought of how he was weakly inhaling oxygen in the hospital bed. At this moment, he actually got up and went downstairs to have dinner with her. The words of rejection were stuck in his throat and he couldn't say it out.

She nodded, "Okay, I'll go with you."

During this period, she sent a text message to Gu Tingyan, saying that the Zhai family invited her to stay for dinner and that if he wanted to be at home, Aunt Mei would do it.

Gu Tingyan, who saw this text message, was sitting in the office, with his brother-in-law Gu Songke kneeling in front of him, begging him to help save Kaixing Venture Capital's stock plunge.

Ji Yansen and others had been waiting outside the office for a day, their faces all pale and ugly, and their legs were shaking unconsciously.

No one expected that after several people cooperated on this stock, they worked together to solve the problem with Gu's help. The partners tricked them by selling out of the blue, and tens of millions of funds were evaporated silently in one day.

If this continues, he won't even be able to pay back the entire Ji family.

Gu Tingyan ignored the middle-aged man kneeling on the carpet and replied slowly, "Am I coming to pick you up?" 】

When Jiang Nuannuan walked to the door of the restaurant, her phone rang. The speed of the message made her stunned for a moment, and then she quickly refused.

[I drove here by myself. I’m not drinking today, so no need. 】

【Um. 】Looking at his reply, Jiang Nuannuan was silent for two seconds, turned off her phone and turned off the screen, ignoring it.

In the restaurant, Zhai Heng put on casual clothes and sat in a chair, with a blanket covering his legs. The sunset shone on his face through the gaps in the curtains, dividing light and dark light and shadow, and his three-dimensional facial features were beautifully revealed.

He looked over calmly and saw her, his eyes quickly filled with tiny stars, "Are you hungry? I asked the kitchen to prepare the dishes."

In fact, it's not too late.

"A bit." Jiang Nuannuan was about to sit down opposite him, but the maid led her to him.

Zhai Heng said warmly: "Shiliu's seat is opposite, you sit here."

"Okay." Just as Jiang Nuannuan sat down, Fu Shiliu walked in and glanced at her, then turned to Zhai Heng: "Grandma is back suddenly."

After saying that, she turned sideways and looked at the aisle outside the restaurant. There were seven or eight bodyguards following one person.

Mrs. Zhai walked in slowly, holding a Buddhist bead in her hand. She was wearing a black Tang suit, with the fabric embroidered with gilded dark patterns.

Zhai Heng's gentle expression was slightly dull, and he sat without getting up.

Mrs. Zhai had a kind face and majestic eyes. She paused for a moment when she glanced at Jiang Nuannuan.

Fu Shiliu opened the chair and asked her to sit down. "Miss Fu is here to teach Zhai Lin today. Zhai Heng invited her to have dinner with us."

After Mrs. Zhai sat down, her eyes fell on Zhai Heng, her eyes full of concern, "How is Heng'er's health?"

"It's okay, why did you run down the mountain again?" He tilted his head and said in a gentle voice.

"Your unreliable father can't come back, so I have to come." Old Madam Zhai held his hand, looked at the needle holes on the back of her hand, and sighed secretly, "You have been running out too often recently, please be here." Family support.”

Fu Shiliu: "Do you want to ask Zhai Lin to come down for dinner?"

Mrs. Zhai thought of her grandson, "How is he doing recently?"

Zhai Heng glanced at her with a warning.

Fu Shiliu pinched his palms and replied with a smile: "It's not bad, but he suddenly broke two vases just now. He was clamoring to go to my house and bring back the two pet dogs that Fu Ying had raised before his death."

This is a disguised statement that psychological counseling has no effect, and Zhai Lin is still violent.

Mrs. Zhai frowned, and Zhai Heng next to her said quietly: "Ms. Jiang has a busy schedule. Today is only the second class. Since you are the one who invited me here, give me some time."

Fu Shiliu's smile froze, "That's what I mean too. I have to ask your and grandma's opinions about raising a dog."

"What do you think? You are Zhai Lin's psychological counselor. Do you think he is suitable for raising a dog in this situation?" Zhai Heng directly threw the choice to Jiang Nuannuan next to him.

The three people at the dinner table looked at each other with different eyes, but Fu Shiliu's was the most sinister.

She had no say in this family, and she couldn't even decide whether the dog came or went. As soon as Jiang Nuannuan came, it seemed that as long as she said yes, Zhai Heng would do it.

Her idea was quickly verified later.

(End of this chapter)

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