Chapter 122 Fei Jin calls for trouble

Jiang Nuannuan considered it and said: "I suggest him to raise it. It would be good for Zhai Lin to have one more thing he likes."

Zhai Heng nodded in agreement, "Then let him raise it."

Mrs. Zhai's eyes stayed on Jiang Nuannuan's face for a few more seconds. Her precious grandson agreed, so she would naturally not object.

"It's getting late, let's serve the food."

One dish after another was served by the servants, including stir-fried sausage, roasted pig brain, steamed lobster, stir-fried shredded pickled mustard and shiitake mushrooms, and noodles with shredded vegetables and pork.
Jiang Nuannuan fell into deep thought as she looked at this dish that was extremely unfit for a wealthy family, but yet she liked every dish.

What the hell is going on? Zhai Heng, the supporting actor, actually knows her eating preferences.

It's not scientific, is it possible that this female partner's body also liked eating this kind of food like her before?Or is it just a coincidence?
Also silent with her were Mrs. Zhai and Fu Shiliu.

What do they usually eat?
The organic vegetables, propolis, snowflake beef, and royal snacks flown in from overseas that day were nothing short of pig brains and fat intestines.

Fu Shiliu's face was really ugly. She was used to living a luxurious life and drank milk flown from New Zealand. How could she drink these things? But the old lady didn't dare to speak and could only hold it in silently.

Mrs. Zhai believed in Buddhism and did not eat these meats or vegetables with a lot of oil. She looked at Zhai Heng doubtfully, "Did you ask someone to prepare the dishes? Your body can't eat heavy oily things, how could you think of eating these?" .”

Zhai Heng chuckled: "I'm greedy, once in a while."

"Nonsense, you just had a heart problem." The old lady was a little angry.

"Just eat it when it's ready. Don't waste it." Zhai Heng didn't change his mind. He didn't expect his grandmother to come back suddenly.

Seeing him preparing to move his chopsticks, Jiang Nuannuan realized that this dish was indeed specially made for her, and there was no way that pig brain flakes would appear in the family's menu.

She held Zhai Heng's wrist, forcing him to put down his chopsticks, "Mr. Zhai, why don't you ask the kitchen to cook something lighter?"

Zhai Heng turned to look at her, then quickly turned to the chef and said, "I forgot that the guests are here, please ask the kitchen to add more dishes."

The words were clever, but after all, Mrs. Zhai had lived a long time, and it was easy to see that her grandson was abnormal.

This was normal once, but twice in a row, her gaze on Jiang Nuannuan became more probing.

Her grandson was too talkative to this woman who looked similar to his grandson-in-law.

Jiang Nuannuan pretended to be a reserved guest. Even though her stomach was almost growling due to the smell of fat sausage, she could only wait silently for the kitchen to put out new dishes.

The dishes at the back returned to normal, and the three of them finally finished the meal harmoniously. Jiang Nuannuan glanced at the time on her phone. There were several more messages from Yu Tai on WeChat, which showed that it was two hours ago.

She didn't open it, put her bag on her back and stood up to say goodbye to the family.

Zhai Heng was inconvenient, so Fu Shiliu took the initiative to send her to the door.

Mrs. Zhai was left alone with him.

She couldn't help but ask, "Did you prepare these dishes for that girl today?"

Zhai Heng licked his fingers and said, "No, I like to eat."

Mrs. Zhai: "When did you like to eat these?"

Zhai Heng's expression remained unchanged, "When I was a child, I was hospitalized after a fall."

Mrs. Zhai was stunned for a moment, she really vaguely remembered what happened at that time, and she suddenly fell silent and turned into a gentle sigh.

Jiang Nuannuan returned to the car and opened WeChat.

Yu Tai's messages popped up one after another. At first, he asked her if she had a headache today and what she was doing. He would find a time to pick up the thermos cup from her place. Later, he asked her what Fei Jinzhao was doing last night and what she was doing. Something big happened.

Jiang Nuannuan was a little confused. Fei Jinzhao didn't do anything except take her to the hotel last night. Didn't he know the route of action clearly?

She felt something was wrong, so she drove out of the Zhai family's old house, parked on a small road outside, and sent him a message.

Jiang Nuannuan: What happened?He went home after seeing me off last night.Yu Tai, who had set her as someone who was particularly concerned about her, replied instantly: The school forum exploded. During class this afternoon, two aunts took Fei Jinzhao's student card and reported him for suspected prostitution.

Jiang Nuannuan's fingers froze and she immediately clicked on the link he threw over.

It was the two aunts who were clamoring for her help in issuing a letter of understanding that day. They held up Fei Jinzhao's student card and yelled in his class, disrupting classroom discipline. They were recorded on video, and the campus forum opened hundreds of pages.

Everyone was in disbelief that Fei Jinzhao, who was known as the Flower of the High Mountains, would actually do such a thing. The boys were all sarcastic, and the girls who were the top ones said that there must be something hidden, and the heated confrontation broke into two. group.

Looking at the silent expression of Fei Jinzhao sitting at the table in the video, the fingers holding the pen turned white. Then he was handcuffed and taken away by the police who arrived. He kept his head down and said nothing during the whole process. Li didn't know what he was thinking, it was so dark that he couldn't see any light.

Jiang Nuannuan tightened her heart and quickly responded to a WeChat call to Yu Tai with a solemn tone, "Is he still staying at the police station?"

Yu Tai is also very anxious. He can't find a better way to solve this problem at present, so he can only tell her:

"The situation was very noisy in the afternoon. The teacher called the police, and he was taken away by the police. He cannot be released until the investigation is clear, and he needs to be redeemed. What should I do, sister Nuan Nuan? Sumire Zhao has no parents and only has a condition. Bad grandma, she can’t go to the police station now during the critical period of treatment, and I definitely can’t let her know about this.”

Jiang Nuannuan gritted her teeth and said, "I know, I'll go there now."

"Student, if you really didn't do this, please explain the situation in detail, what is the woman's name, and just call her to investigate."

Fei Jinzhao said with a cold and tired face, "Jiang Nuannuan."

This impossible answer made the police officer a little tired, "According to the confessions of your classmates and outside informants, you sent the drunk Ms. Jiang back to the hotel, and then returned to Yunkun Community to find a woman before returning to school. of."

Fei Jinzhao replied expressionlessly: "I have already said that the two people did not tell the time clearly. Yesterday I went to Yunkun Community to see off Jiang Nuannuan. Later, when I returned to the dormitory, I found that everyone had drunk too much. They It’s normal to not be able to tell when I’ll go back.”

"Then what does the other party mean when they say you came out of Yunkun Community early in the morning?"

"I'll go back and look for my student card. If that doesn't work, you can check the surveillance and phone records."

"This will take some time. There is no monitoring in Yunkun Community."

Fei Jinzhao stopped talking again, looking indifferent.

The police officer was a little tired. All afternoon, the informant only said that there was a beautiful woman in a certain building in Yunkun Community who was selling to students. He couldn't tell her her name or the specific door number, but he couldn't tell her the door number. But there is no way it could be Miss Jiang.

He had no choice but to go out and pick up his phone, bring up Jiang Nuannuan's beautiful face, and walk up to the two aunts.

"Check carefully to see if the woman in the photo is what you said she was selling. I don't think the student is a liar. You must be mistaken."

The aunt in the red dress replied fiercely: "As you said this morning, this woman is a big star who sells jewelry. She is definitely not for sale because she dresses so well. The woman we are looking for just looks a little like her, and she is just for sale. That transaction has been done several times. I see her picking up and dropping off guests every night. Do you still know? I'm telling you, you must catch the person and put him in jail, otherwise you will be engaging in malpractice for personal gain!"

The aunt thought it was a bit similar, but there was such a huge difference in status. How could she possibly live in their community? She immediately denied it and insisted that Fei Jin had called her home in the middle of the night to do sex with a prostitute, which made them both unable to sleep well.

The lie was told without blinking an eye.

Things are getting more and more outrageous, and since Yunkun Community has no surveillance, it is impossible to investigate clearly.

You have to check the time from the hotel. The hotel needs to report permission and it takes time.

The police officers did not dare to disturb Jiang Nuannuan at first. They wanted to tell her that you might be involved in an illegal transaction and needed to be investigated. They felt that it would offend someone.

But now there seemed to be no other way besides asking her what was going on.

"Go and call Miss Jiang. She should be off work now and won't be busy."

"You go."

"I dare not, I want to go to you."

The policewoman who came in at the door coughed when she saw them pushing and shoving, "Miss Jiang is here."

(End of this chapter)

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