Chapter 123
The pushing police officers immediately let go of each other, stood upright and straightened out their wrinkled clothes.

Jiang Nuannuan walked in in a hurry, and her eyes casually met a police officer in front of her, "Where are the two aunts? Didn't they say that Fei Jin was calling for prostitutes? I was there myself."

"I sent them to the office. They were arguing in the hall all afternoon and refused to leave. They had to wait for that woman." The police officer realized that she was referring to herself, the 'sale' that the aunts said, and a cold feeling came from behind. "I'm just saying there must be a misunderstanding."

Jiang Nuannuan's tone was no longer as gentle as before, "Because those two peeping toms are going to jail, they came to ask me to issue a letter of understanding. It seems you didn't handle it well."

While leading her to the office, the other party said helplessly: "We did send someone to give a verbal warning, but on the one hand, these two aunts are old, and on the other hand, they did not pose a threat to others, and we did not do anything else." The best way is to lock him up for a few days at most."

When they get into trouble, they make no mistakes and can't be shut down for a long time. They are like a piece of stinky brown candy, sticky and disgusting.

Jiang Nuannuan also understood that the most annoying people in society are such unreasonable old people. She softened and said: "I need your cooperation later, open the door now."

The door of the office was pushed open by the police. Inside, two aunts were half-lying in chairs facing each other, with their feet on the table. There were two boxes of lunch next to them. A lot of rice grains were scattered on the floor. There was no quality at all.

When the police officer saw the suffocating scene, veins jumped in his temples and he shouted loudly, "What are you doing? You are here to be a boss! Get up!"

The two aunts were so frightened that they almost fell off their chairs when they were dozing off.

"What are you doing! Can the police just yell at people? Be careful and I will sue you!"

The embedded light above the head was very bright. The two aunts stood up angrily and looked over with two pairs of fine-lined eyes. With their cunning and cunning eyes and mean looks, it was not difficult to see that they could not teach anything good.

The police officer angrily slammed the door again and turned sideways, "Now I have brought it to you. Take a good look to see if this face is the woman you said was out to sell."

Jiang Nuannuan walked in. Her ordinary clothes and beautiful face were exactly the same as the side profile photo taken on their son's phone.

The two aunts immediately stood up, pointed at her and yelled, "Yes, yes, yes! It's this son of a bitch vixen who came out to sell. He slept with several big bosses. Many people in our dance troupe have seen him. That building No one here knows about it! You must arrest her! We can’t have such disgusting things in our community."

It turned out to be a misfortune, and the policeman's face suddenly turned black.

The aunt in the green skirt quickly walked up to Jiang Nuannuan, gritted her teeth and said in a low voice: "I tell you, if there is no letter of understanding, and you let my son go to jail, I will reveal all the bad things you have done here, and let You are ruined! And that student!"

Jiang Nuannuan stared at her, but she calmed down and said leisurely: "You are so sure that I am a J-girl? Have you never thought of other reasons?"

"You go in and out with different men every day, what else do you want to defend! Let me tell you, I have many witnesses!"

The aunt rummaged through her bag and took out a piece of paper with more than a dozen names signed and red handprints on it. She spread it out and held it up for her to see. She said proudly: "Did you see it? Everyone in our dance troupe has seen you." It's a good thing, they dare to sign and pledge to prove that you sold it."

Jiang Nuannuan thought of the people who sat on the stone pillars and fanned at the gate of the community every day. She smiled softly and took the piece of paper from her hand, "Are these people in total?"

I don’t know why she asked this, but anyway, the aunt puffed out her chest and said very hard, “That’s right! We’re going to sue you for being a vixen! You ruin the community’s atmosphere!”

The police officer couldn't stand it any longer and gritted his teeth and said, "I asked you just now if that's the person in the photo. Now that I'm in front of you, you actually say that someone sold it to you? I'm telling your aunt, if you continue to mess around like this, I'll be in the way." You have been detained on official business grounds.”

The aunt scanned Jiang Nuannuan from head to toe with an unlucky look on her face. She held her neck tightly and said, "You said the person in the photo is a big star who sells jewelry. What does it have to do with her? You didn't even look at what she was wearing." What."

Jiang Nuannuan had heard enough, and turned back to the police officer and said, "Please talk to your colleagues and hand them over. I need to talk to them." Without saying a word, she turned around and went out to make a call.

Before the trip to Sun Mountain Camp, someone made dozens of missed calls to her mobile phone. She knew that person was Assistant Li, but she didn't reply later but saved the number and it came in handy today.

"Assistant Li, I need to ask you a favor."

Assistant Li who answered the phone over there had just arrived home from get off work. After hearing the whole story, he immediately said, "I'm calling the lawyer over now. It's what happened last time with Miss Jiang."

He said coyly: "That misunderstanding made Mr. Gu deduct my bonus for two years. See if you can blow the pillow and ask him to deduct less."

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyebrows and said seriously: "Assistant Li, Mr. Gu and I are innocent. Please be careful not to talk nonsense next time."

Looking at the hung up phone, Assistant Li's eyes twitched.

I believe you!I went on an errand to buy your hangover medicine and clothes!

When Jiang Nuannuan walked into the room again, the two aunts were already handcuffed on the chairs, and the abuse in their mouths did not stop.

She closed the door calmly, put down her bag and mobile phone, and said to the police officer, "I won't let them move any further."

Not knowing what Jiang Nuannuan was going to do, the police officers kept the mentality of not offending others and held down the aunt who was constantly struggling.

Seeing this attitude, the two aunts suddenly panicked, "What do you want to do! I'll tell you! If you dare to mess around, I'll sue you to death!"

"Well, I'll beat you first and then sue you. Things have to be done one by one." Jiang Nuannuan turned her wrist and smiled at them. Then without any hesitation, she raised her hand and faced one of them. The old face waved.


A crisp slap followed by a harsh scream, "Ah!! You stinky cousin, how dare you hit me!"

Jiang Nuannuan was not angry, and slapped her away one after another.

After only a few slaps, they couldn't bear it anymore and screamed in pain, "Ouch! Stop! Stop!"

Jiang Nuannuan pretended not to hear anything. When her left hand hurt, she switched to the other hand and continued beating. She watched coldly as the faces of the two aunts quickly became red and swollen.

"Ouch! Oh my god! Is there any more law? The police station is going to kill someone!"


"Keep your voice down, Auntie, it's late at night and you're disturbing the public." She said gently and slapped her again.

The two police officers were confused by the fierce side she showed, but no one stopped her because this scene was so exciting. God knows how long they had been tormented by this unnecessary thing in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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