Chapter 124 Take Him Home
"Stop hitting, stop hitting! You're going to die!" The aunts were almost speechless. They were slapped in turn, causing tears of pain to flow down their cheeks.

Jiang Nuannuan's hand hurt from the beating, and she finally exhaled and shook her hand to restrain herself, "Are you going to talk to me properly? Auntie?"

"I can speak now, I can speak now, no, don't hit me, please, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, took out a piece of paper to wipe her hands, and said in a pleased tone, "I'm much more sincere now. If you could have talked to me so well, how could I have made you cry here, right?"

The two aunts had bruises and swollen faces, their shoulders curled up and they cried, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Jiang Nuannuan looked at them, with anger hidden in her beautiful almond eyes, and snorted softly, "Now you know I'm sorry? We Sumire Zhao is such a good student with so much self-respect. If you don't come to me when you have something to do, why do you come to find him at home? What else are you doing? In the name of whoring?"

Now that their lives are being threatened, the two aunts are so frightened that they sob and say:
"Not going, never going again."

"Oh oh oh let us go, I won't sue, I want to go home! I want to go to the hospital!"

The two police officers let go and said to Jiang Nuannuan, "We will handle today's matter."

The implication is that if she hits someone, they will help deal with it.

"Knock knock."

The closed door was opened from the outside, and the policewoman led a middle-aged man in a suit and leather suit carrying a briefcase. She said, "Ms. Jiang, the lawyer you invited has arrived."

He walked straight to Jiang Nuannuan and bent slightly, "Leave the rest of the matter to me."

Jiang Nuannuan handed him a piece of paper covered with red handprints and said indifferently:
"This is evidence that two aunts joined forces with a group of friends to spread rumors about me and student Fei Jinzhao. The personal attacks he suffered on the campus forum must not be dismissed like this. Whether it is a crime of infringement of honor or a crime of obstructing official business, you They are the best lawyers in Quanlinggang, and I want to see them receive the severest sanctions."

Lawyer: "No problem, Miss Jiang."

Jiang Nuannuan turned around and smiled, "Auntie, try to meet the whole family in prison."

After she calmed down and left, the fear of being beaten was slightly dissipated. The two aunts, whose faces were swollen and red, were still a little confused and said inarticulately: "Obviously we were the ones suing her, but she hit us. Why did she do it the other way around?" , I want to expose you officials who practice favoritism and malpractice."

The lawyer smiled and said: "Police officers, please provide the identity information of the two of them, as well as the evidence of the frame-up that occurred today, so that I can prepare an indictment later."

After that, he looked at the two aunts again, "There are also all the people who put their fingerprints on the paper and spread the rumors. Please go to every house and find them all. I will also need to appeal. Those who should be jailed should be held accountable. Hold accountable.”

It was originally just a matter of two people, but in the end it became an entire aunt dance troupe.

Hearing that this matter was really big, the two aunts still didn't react, "No, how can you go to them! What does it have to do with them! You have arrested the wrong person!"

Thinking of being embarrassed in the dance troupe, the aunts were panicked and excited, and then they realized that they might have really misunderstood, "Is she really a celebrity and a rich person? But I clearly see her getting picked up in a luxury car every day."

The police officer immediately sneered at them, "Rich people also have various hobbies. It's nothing to pretend to be poor. Miss Jiang Nuannuan Jiang is the only one in Yunkun Community who looks like this. She is worth tens of millions. This afternoon I I warned you not to make a mistake, and it will end badly for everyone."

"It's fine now." The police officer shook his head helplessly, feeling happy in his heart, "How many of these wealthy and aristocratic families have no friends? You talk nonsense when you open your mouth, and you just offended Miss Jiang. Today, you will be temporarily detained for obstructing official duties. ”

Jiang Nuannuan paid the money and confirmed that Fei Jinzhao would not leave any records when he entered the police station today, and then went to find him.

He was already sitting on the bench at the door of the hall, his head half bowed, his broken hair scattered in front of his forehead, and his expression could not be seen clearly. Even this cold look made several policewomen turn back to look at him frequently.

Jiang Nuannuan walked over and called him softly, "Fei Jinzhao."

The boy raised his head, and a pair of thick black eyes broke into her face. He quickly turned around without any expression, put the schoolbag next to him on his back, got up and walked out.

Jiang Nuannuan quickly followed him, "I will help you sort it out in school, so don't feel bad."

He paused, stopped, turned around and asked, "What are you sad about?" She was stunned for a moment, "It's about the forum."

One afternoon, the news about him being caught on suspicion of prostitution was posted on the forum for hundreds of pages. They were all talking about the flower of the high mountain falling from the altar. She couldn't finish reading some of the ugly and sarcastic words, and she felt uncomfortable having to bear the blame on him, who was innocent. These.

Fei Jinzhao pursed her lips and turned back, "I don't care."

The rumors about him have never stopped, he has done too many humiliating things, and he has become accustomed to staying in the dark.

"Then I'll see you off." Jiang Nuannuan followed him, "Are you going to school or going home?"

Fei Jin called: "Go home."

There was such a big fuss at school, so it was really best for him to rest at home.

She walked to the car and opened the passenger door diligently. Fei Jinzhao glanced at her. Jiang Nuannuan stood up subconsciously, looking obedient and blinking at him, "Aren't you going to sit in?"

He withdrew his gaze, bent down and sat in.

There was a thermos cup and a box of medicine placed in the groove of the front seat. Fei Jinzhao glanced at them with a cold expression.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't notice anything strange about him, started the car and drove out of the police station.

About half an hour after she left, two delivery guys took out the barbecue piled in the lunch box and delivered it to the police station.

"Miss Jiang's kebabs have arrived!"

Several policemen looked at each other. Are the methods of buying people from wealthy families so similar now?

The car couldn't drive directly to the door of Fei Jinzhao's house. Jiang Nuannuan stopped the car on the side of the road. He just said softly and walked slowly, put on his bag and closed the car door without looking at her. The shadow under the street light was drawn. There is a long hair, and the back is lonely and indifferent.

Jiang Nuannuan bit her lower lip. When her eyes touched the thermos cup and medicine box in the car, she had an idea. She quickly picked up the things, opened the door and chased out.

"Fei Jinzhao!"

He stopped under a streetlight, turned around, and looked seriously.

She rushed to him, panted slightly, stretched out her hand, and handed him the thermos cup and medicine box, "You have to rush to class tomorrow, please take this back and give it to Yu Tai."

The boy stood upright under the light, his long eyelashes cast a shadow on his eyelids, his fingers tightened slightly, "Why don't you return it yourself."

"It's inconvenient. I have work tomorrow." She said calmly. Fei Jinzhao could only raise his hand to pick it up. The weight in his hand made him look slightly startled, "You didn't drink the hangover soup?"

The thermos cup was very heavy, and the medicine box showed no signs of being opened. The palms of the two little hands stretched out in front of me to hand things over were still red and seemed to be swollen.

He raised his eyelids and looked at her.

Jiang Nuannuan quickly put her hands behind her back and said calmly: "In the hotel suite where I live, the housekeeper bought me medicine and hangover soup in the morning. I didn't know that Yu Tai would suddenly give me this, and I wouldn't need it. , please return the things to him."

The coldness between Fei Jinzhao's eyebrows seemed to have melted a little, and he asked her again: "What's wrong with the hand?"

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips and glanced wildly, "I accidentally hit the table. You should go back. It's time for me to go home."

The keen Fei Jinzhao knew that she had lied. When he saw her turning around and leaving, he said quietly: "Stop."

(End of this chapter)

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