Chapter 125 The Past
A long shadow covered her body from behind. Seeing her put her hand in front of her again, he wanted to reach out to hold her hand and then silently took it back, "There are ice cubes at home, let's go."

The shadow covering her retreated, Jiang Nuannuan turned around, and Fei Jinzhao, who was carrying a shoulder bag, turned to look at her, "Won't you follow?"

"Here we come." She raised her foot and followed.

The two entered the house one after the other.

Fei Jinzhao put down her things, turned on the unused air conditioner, and went to take out the ice cube box from the old-fashioned small refrigerator. A bag of ice cubes wrapped in a towel was placed on Jiang Nuannuan's palm.

He lowered his eyes and looked at her palms, "Both hands were hit?"

"Yeah." Jiang Nuannuan nodded without changing her expression. It couldn't be said that her hand was swollen from being slapped. It would ruin her image.

Fei Jinzhao poured her a glass of water without asking any more questions, "When are you planning to change your house?"

The ice cube was a bit cold. Jiang Nuannuan changed the holder with his left and right hands. Hearing this, he replied: "Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I will change it after I finish work."

Fei Jinzhao: "Yeah."

Jiang Nuannuan was used to him not saying much. She leaned on the sofa and looked at the old house, rolling her eyes.

"Fei Jinzhao." She turned around and said softly to him, "Did you care about me just now?"

He paused as he took out his notebook, "I just don't want to get into trouble like today again."

"I'm not right about this." Jiang Nuannuan added, "Then when I find a new house, you can help me move. I can't do it alone."

Fei Jinzhao raised his eyes and his eyes fell on her opening and closing lips, "Okay."

She immediately smiled, her eyes bright, and there was no trace of the embarrassment or unfamiliarity after the kiss last night, as if she had completely forgotten about it.

Forget is best.

Fei Jinzhao gathered her thoughts and turned on the computer, typed a few lines on the keyboard with her fingers, and clicked on the school forum.

His heavy eyes swept over line by line, his face neither sad nor happy.

Jiang Nuannuan leaned over and saw a lot of dark history about him on the forum, as well as photos that she had not seen in the afternoon.

Photos of Fei Jinzhao distributing flyers, selling high-priced toilet paper under an overpass, delivering food, and photos of her earlier high school days as a waiter in a restaurant were all dug up and posted on the school forum.

There is even an old photo of him working at the construction site. The young and immature boy is holding a bowl of noodles, covered in dust, squatting at the door of the workshop and eating.

After reading the comments carefully, Jiang Nuannuan discovered that when he was in junior high school, he was reported by local news because of his poverty.

Fei Jinzhao has been working as a low-level worker for most of his life, and all of his past has been analyzed online.

Jiang Nuannuan wanted to say something, but Fei Jinzhao shut the computer shut, not wanting her to look at her gloomy past that was no longer nutritious.

"Go back if your hand doesn't hurt."

She looked up at his frozen face, knowing that the words of those peers had hurt him.

Jiang Nuannuan raised her hand and pinched his face, "Fei Jinzhao, I rarely see you smile."

He leaned back and grabbed her wrist, "Well, let's go back."

"I'll take care of things at school," she assured him.

Jiang Nuannuan decided to spend half the day with Zhai Lin tomorrow and go to class with him in the evening.

"I will clean up these rumors myself." Fei Jinzhao stood up and saw that the ice cube in her palm had almost melted, so she took away the wet towel.Jiang Nuannuan walked out, and he followed her. He turned on his mobile phone to illuminate the road ahead, and escorted her to the car with street lights.

"Drive slowly," he said.

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and said, "See you tomorrow."

Before Fei Jinzhao could figure out what this meant, the Audi car had disappeared.

He stood there for a while and answered the video call that vibrated twice.

Rong Zhao on the other end had a youthful and cute face, and looked very nervous: "Why did Jinzhao hit you twice before answering? I heard about what happened at your school. Are you okay?"

Fei Jinzhao was stunned, "It's okay."

Rong Zhao breathed a sigh of relief, and then said nervously: "How can it be okay? You never tell me bad things. Don't worry. I have a friend's relative who knows your principal. I'll call them and tell them. , you can’t be that kind of person.”

Fei Jin called: "No need."

Rongrao looked aggrieved and said, "Don't be so cold. I really want to come back to you, but my parents won't let me. How about you wait for me? I'll come back to you during the summer vacation."

There was a voice from her female roommate on the other end calling her to go to class. Fei Jinzhao was silent and said, "I'm going to take a rest. You go to class."

He hung up the phone and walked back into the dark alley.

In the middle of the night, the president of Linggang University was about to sleep with his wife in his arms when a strange phone call came in, saying that he would donate 1000 million for school construction and subsidies for poor students.

With the money falling from the sky, the principal was so excited that he almost rolled off the bed. He responded to everything the excited person on the phone said.

"Okay, okay! Just do as you say, Miss Jiang, for this little trivial matter. We'll see you tomorrow, okay."

The donation of 1000 million yuan was a lot of money for Jiang Nuannuan, but there was also a donor father behind her, so she didn't feel burdened by the money she spent.

Driving the car into the Sunshine Courtyard, the luxurious Maybach was parked in the parking space, and the lights in the living room were on.

Gu Tingyan hasn't gone to bed yet, so it seems that he bought a double late-night snack.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at the mirror in the car, went over what happened today in her mind, made sure there were no omissions, and walked in briskly with her bag in hand.

Aunt Mei had left, and there was only a man in casual pajamas left in the living room. He had a pair of glasses on his tall nose and sat there reading documents with a cigarette hanging sideways in his mouth. His elegant scum temperament was vividly interpreted by him.

Hearing a noise coming from the door, he turned around and said, "Is the matter settled?"

When Jiang Nuannuan asked Assistant Li to hire a lawyer, she expected that Gu Tingyan would know about it.

She put the bag on the table, sat down next to him, and said angrily: "Yes, those two aunts are annoying to death."

He put down the document and looked at her, "Why are you renting there? I told you to live here."

If it weren't for the combination lock being Fu Shiliu's birthday, she almost believed him.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't show any emotion on her face and pursed her lips, "Don't expose the relationship between us. Sunshine Huating is in your name. It can't appear in the show. I rented a house outside."

Gu Tingyan: "The money I gave you is not enough for you to rent a good room?"

"Money should be spent on sharp blades." Jiang Nuannuan came over and took off the cigarette from his lips. "Smoking less, I bought a midnight snack to eat together."

She wiped her lips with her fingertips. Gu Tingyan's Adam's apple moved but did not stop her behavior. "You spent all your money on sharp blades?"

(End of this chapter)

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