Chapter 126 Relief
Jiang Nuannuan took out the milk tea and buns and replied: "That's right."

"for example."

"Buy bags."

The people next to him were silent. Jiang Nuannuan raised her lower lip and looked back at him, "Well, I spent all my money on buying bags before, but then I decided to focus on my career and charity. I just decided to donate a sum of money to the school. Woolen cloth."

"Because of that male student?"

Gu Tingyan heard from Assistant Li what happened at Linghua University. The student who sent the drunken Jiang Nuannuan to the hotel was rumored to be a prostitute. The target was herself, but that night she slept in his bed and also lay in his. In arms.

"Assistant Li told you." Jiang Nuannuan inserted the milk tea into the tube and handed it to him, "After all, everyone was wronged in this matter, so we can't ruin his reputation."

Gu Tingyan had no objection, "You can handle it yourself."

He took a sip of the milk tea and chewed the black pearls uncomfortably, then frowned slightly, "What did you buy?"

"Milk tea." Jiang Nuannuan took out her own and took a deep sip, showing an expression of squinting enjoyment, "Isn't it delicious?"

Gu Tingyan reluctantly tasted the taste of milk on the tip of his tongue. Young people's food always tastes strange, but he didn't want to disgrace the little girl, so he responded lightly, "It's okay."

Jiang Nuannuan took out two more boxes of buns, "There's meat floss inside, it's salty, you can try it."

The man was holding a cup of milk tea with a cartoon panda logo printed on it in one hand, holding a piece of bread in the other and taking a bite. He felt that junk food was not that bad after all.

Jiang Nuannuan sat cross-legged next to his arm, drinking milk tea and saw an open notebook on the table, "Are you looking at the stock market?"

Gu Tingyan ate the bread and wiped his hands, "Bring the computer over and have a look."

Jiang Nuannuan held up the computer as she was told and found that Kaixing Venture Capital's stock had turned green and fell off a cliff.

She patted his strong thigh, pointed at the computer screen, and said in shock: "Isn't this the stock that I said I would cooperate with when I had dinner with Ji Yansen and the others last time? It has fallen!"

The little girl couldn't hide her excitement in her tone, and she was smiling brightly. Gu Tingyan hugged her over naturally, put his fingers on her shoulders, and looked at the screen, "Well, that's the one."

"You didn't invest any money, right?" Jiang Nuannuan turned her head and brushed her lips against his ear. The sudden approach of her head made her unable to react and her face turned slightly red.

Gu Tingyan didn't look at her. There was a hint of smile in his eyes under the lenses, "It's impressive."

"Invested?" Jiang Nuannuan was startled and tapped the screen with her finger, "How much did you invest? The market value has evaporated by [-] million."

He turned his head and shouted, "Will it make you lose money?"

How did she end up losing money?

Jiang Nuannuan was confused, "Isn't it a loss?"

Her silly almond-shaped eyes and pretty red lips looked quite cute in Gu Tingyan's eyes.

He leaned back, his whole body was loose, and he subconsciously wanted to touch a cigarette, but he still had a cup of milk tea in his hand, so he thought about it and decided not to do it.

"I had someone sit in as a banker and invest a lot of money. After the stock price went up, I sold it without losing any money. I made a huge profit and made it back."

"Don't you want the investment money you lost in Ji Yansen's hands?" Gu Tingyan looked at her and said, "This money will be in your account tomorrow."

So he let someone go in and play tricks on her, and he got back all the money she had lost.

Jiang Nuannuan half-opened her lips, looking stunned by the surprise, "You gave it to me."

Gu Tingyan was a little funny, "I promised to give it to you before, and I will give it to you."

So after she spends 1000 million tonight, she will become a super rich woman tomorrow.

that's nice!

Jiang Nuannuan excitedly threw her arms around his neck and told him arrogantly, "I am willing to follow you forever!"

Gu Tingyan hugged her with one hand, and the corners of his lips rose in pleasure.The little girl has always been very clear about her position, and it doesn't hurt to pamper her a little more.

"Go to bed."

Jiang Nuannuan let go of him, "You go first, I still have to pack things for Zhai Lin's psychology class tomorrow."

Gu Tingyan leaned back slightly, a little surprised, "You weren't bullied there, and Zhai Lin even let you go to class?"

He knew that Jiang Nuannuan had no relevant professional qualifications, and the reason why he went was just an invitation from Mrs. Zhai, and he could not refuse her kindness.

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "Well, I have thought of a method, and I have to learn it tonight."

Gu Tingyan said nothing more, got up and went upstairs.

Just after trying the feeling of sleeping with someone in my arms, today's night became extra long.

The memory of that soft and fragrant body still lingers on last night.

In the middle of the night, Gu Tingyan was a little insomniac. He entered her room wearing slippers. It was dark and no one was there. He turned and went downstairs.

As expected, the light in the living room was still on. He stopped at the top of the stairs and looked at Jiang Nuannuan, who was holding his computer and watching videos on the sofa. He also held a small notebook in his hand, with a serious face.

She attended psychology classes all night for Zhai Lin?

Gu Tingyan frowned slightly and walked over, and the voice in the video became clearer and clearer.

"If a dog bites, you must immediately reprimand it seriously, hold its chin and make loud noises to intimidate it. If it makes progress, pat its head and praise it. You can also go to the hospital to buy Li Qiang brand anti-licking and biting agent."

His footsteps paused behind the sofa.

So what she thought of giving Zhai Lin psychological lessons was based on her experience in dog training classes?
After receiving this result, the corners of Gu Tingyan's lips rose sharply, and finally he couldn't hold back a laugh.

System 66: "Alipay received 500 million, Gu Tingyan's favorability is 28%."

Jiang Nuannuan was so absorbed in listening to the video that she didn't notice anyone behind her. The 66 prompt made her react and asked in her mind: "How did it go up?"

System 66: "It seems that he is so cute when you watch the dog training video. He is laughing behind you. Why don't you look back."

Jiang Nuannuan: "No, for the sake of money, I won't argue with him."

She watched the class until midnight, and she didn't wake up until around nine in the morning. Gu Tingyan had already left for work.

She sent a message to Zhai Heng, telling him that today's class would be moved to the evening, and then she took a shower and put on makeup.

Wearing the most expensive clothes and the most expensive bag, Aunt Mei was shocked when she saw her dressing up for a trip, "Miss, where are you going to look so beautiful today?"

"Aunt Mei is so sweet. I'm going to attend an event at school."

She ate some breakfast with a smile and drove her little Audi straight to Linggang University.

In the dormitory, Yu Tai took the thermos cup and medicine box that Fei Jin had summoned back, with a depressed look on his face, "She didn't even drink a sip."

Fei Jinzhao flipped through the book she was going to use for class later, her voice emotionless, "The hotel suite she lives in costs 2 per night, and it is equipped with a butler. You made it yourself, and someone has already prepared it for her."

For students like them, 2 yuan can be spent by working part-time for half a year without eating or drinking, but for wealthy families, it is only the cost of one night of extreme service.

Yu Tai poured out the cold hangover soup, feeling depressed, "I didn't expect it. I'll try another way next time."

Fei Jinzhao frowned, "Yeah."

"What about you?" Yu Tai cheered up and asked him: "You haven't deleted the things on the school forum yet? It's easy with your skills. Why don't you delete them?"

(End of this chapter)

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