Chapter 127 Help him

"I forgot, let's go to class first." Fei Jinzhao picked up the book and went out.

"Forgot? You can forget such an important thing?!"

Yu Tai followed him with a shocked look on his face, "Do you know where the latest floor was painted? Do you remember our high school classmates? Not only did they show photos of you when you were a child, they said you had been in jail, they also said your mother."

Yu Tai looked at his calm profile and suddenly couldn't speak any more. Every time he mentioned the past, he wanted to feel sorry for this brother.

He and Fei Jinzhao, who had been roommates for several years from high school to college, clearly understood the real reason why Rongzhao was refused by his parents to associate with him. In addition to poverty, his mother was said to have been a mistress and gave birth to him. In the end, he died in childbirth. He was raised by his grandmother alone.

Such a dark life was exposed once in high school. Although Fei Jinzhao deleted the post that time, he suffered from everyone's strange eyes. Now the university's campus forum has been moved out by people with sinister intentions. The Flower of the Gaoling No matter how lofty he is, the gap will be huge.

Fei Jinzhao deliberately didn't delete it. Apart from the fact that those past events would save him a lot of trouble in his school life, he was more thinking about what Jiang Nuannuan would do last night.

She promised him, so he didn't hack the forum at that time.

But it was wrong to start with expectations from her.

Fei Jinzhao hooked Yu Tai's shoulder and said quietly: "I understand that you care about me. I will delete it this afternoon."

People on campus looked at him in various ways. He walked into the classroom calmly and didn't seem to be affected at all.

Until get out of class ended at noon, Fei Jinzhao and Yu Tai went to the cafeteria to eat.

Several boys walked by him arm-in-arm, sarcastically saying, "Yan Yi, the man you like is a prostitute. He really is a prostitute. I've written you a lot of love letters, but you just can't see. Is it uncomfortable now? Do you want to accept my pursuit? "

"Don't talk nonsense. Senior Fei came out of the police station so early. If anything happens, it's all a misunderstanding."

Yan Yi, who was named, immediately escorted Fei Jinzhao, drove away the people, and smiled at him: "I'll treat you to dinner, Senior Fei."

She wanted to hold his hand, but Fei Jinzhao avoided her gently, "Thank you, but no need."

When Yan Yi saw that he was avoiding her like the plague, the boys turned their mocking eyes on her.

She suddenly lost her dignity and said angrily: "It's been two years, Fei Jinzhao. I'm willing to tolerate you in all the past on the forum. I can even give you money if you are short of money. Why don't you look back at me?"

Fei Jinzhao walked past her indifferently. He had never seen her at all, and this unnecessary emotion disgusted him.

At this time, the cafeteria broadcast announced: "Attention all students, attention to all students, everyone will gather in the auditorium at one o'clock after dinner. Please call Fei Jin to be there."

As long as Fei Jinzhao could be seen in the cafeteria, almost all the students would turn their attention to him.

Yu Tai stood next to him and swallowed hard, "Here, yesterday's matter was not handled well. Does the school want to report and criticize you?"

Fei Jinzhao lowered his eyes, "I don't know, let's eat first."

Many students were whispering behind their backs.

"It looks like Senior Fei will definitely be criticized. In serious cases, he may be expelled."

"He probably didn't buy love illegally. Even if he did, he might as well find me. Isn't this just a matter of mutual consent?"

"You think beautiful."

"But his personality has finally collapsed. He is a flower of the high mountains that is so cold and can't descend from the mortal world. Alas, he is covered in paint." "Miss Jiang, thank you for your generous donation." The principal smiled with Jiang Nuannuan He shook hands and said, "I will comply with your request regarding the scholarship."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and said, "Thank you for listening to my advice."

When the auditorium gradually filled up, the principal came to the stage in person to speak some high-sounding words, and then announced an exciting piece of news.

"Ms. Jiang, the founder of Qiao Lin Jewelry Studio in France, made a special trip to donate 1000 million yuan for the beautiful construction of our school. Now I will invite her to give a speech."

Fei Jinzhao, who was sitting in his seat, lowered his eyes and looked through the code book in his hand. When he heard this sentence, his pupils shrank and he suddenly looked up.

As the venue burst into loud applause, he saw the woman appearing in the audience.

Jiang Nuannuan stepped on black high heels and walked onto the stage. She wore a black slit haute couture dress today. When she walked, her slender and straight legs were exposed, and they were dazzlingly white under the spotlight.

Her appearance combines all the characteristics that a beauty should have. The whole set of expensive pearl jewelry is placed on her snow-white skin. Her temperament is outstanding and her appearance is exquisite and charming, no less than that of a first-line star.

Yu Tai was stunned and murmured to himself, "It's Sister Nuannuan. I always knew she was beautiful, but now she looks simply unattainable."

He looked at Fei Jinzhao and said, "What else did I hear just now? She donated 1000 million yuan to our school."

1000 million can be a casual donation from rich people, but for ordinary students like them, it takes a long time to pay for a room of 2 yuan a night.

Yu Tai felt a little uncomfortable. It seemed that he really couldn't catch up with others. Rich families like little puppies, but they wouldn't like him being so dusty.

Fei Jinzhao didn't answer, staring closely at the woman on the stage who was talking about jewelry and glowing with confidence.

She is very talented, and all her classmates who talk about her are amazed.

When Jiang Nuannuan spent a lot of effort to find him in the dense crowd, her dull almond eyes burst into bright color, like swirling in spring water, and the folds were shining.

The smile on her lips unconsciously grew wider, "I'm here today not only to talk about my entrepreneurial experience, but also to clarify something for a student and thank him for his courage to help."

She unreservedly told a series of incidents including leaving a wealthy family, renting a cheap house, being installed with cameras, and then being attacked by two aunts.

There was an uproar below.

It turned out that it was Fei Jinzhao who protected Jiang Nuannuan from harm and was maliciously reported to the police as a false alarm, but his silence gave everyone the opportunity to attack him.

Some people feel guilty about this, and some people shrink their necks and dare not look up in embarrassment.

All the hustle and bustle was far away from Fei Jin, and his ears suddenly became silent. He could see nothing but the charming woman on the stage. His heart was beating rapidly in his chest, and his boiling blood was rushing through his body.

He pursed his lower lip hard and tightened his grip on the book.

Jiang Nuannuan said with a smile: "I specially prepared a banner and sent it to the school. Can Fei Jinzhao in the crowd come on stage?"

Yu Tai grabbed Fei Jinzhao's arm and forced him to raise his hands, "Come on! Come on now!"

"Hurry up! Sister Nuannuan is here to clear your name!" Yu Tai pushed his stiff body like a stone, speaking excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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