Chapter 128 This dog thing
Fei Jinzhao put down the book and walked to the spotlight on the stage with everyone watching.

Seeing her up close, his back subconsciously tensed up.

Fei Jinzhao soon calmed down and her breathing became lighter, "You spent 1000 million for the school just to say the following words?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "Really?"

Fei Jinzhao: "I said I don't care."

What was she thinking about such a large sum of money?Seeing the complicated look in his eyes, Jiang Nuannuan took the initiative to walk over and get close to him, and gave him a hug generously. She pressed the side of her face against his old white shirt, and her heart was clearly trembling violently under her warm chest.

She said softly: "This happened because of me, not to mention that we are building for the flowers of our motherland. We can spend any amount of money."

That money is not just a donation, but also a way to win people's hearts.

"Fei Jinzhao." She looked up at him, with a gentle and gentle light in her eyes, "Now that the matter is resolved, we won't be sad, okay? You smile at me?"

Fei Jinzhao's unimpressed eyes finally showed a huge wave, and his heart was beating very fast. Even when he took the initiative to raise his hand to hug her, he didn't realize what he had done.

A soft voice sighed in her ear: "You are a fool and you have a lot of money."

System 66: "Alipay received 5000 million, Fei Jinzhao's favorability is 30%."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled, "Yeah, just take it as such."

There are many people in the auditorium, so hugging someone for too long can cause problems.

She quickly let go of Fei Jinzhao and handed him the banner with the words "Be brave for justice". The two of them each grabbed one end and stood on the stage to take a group photo.

In the photo, Fei Jinzhao was not looking at the camera. He looked at Jiang Nuannuan with a clear side face and a faint smile on his lips.

After the speech in the auditorium, all the scholarships for 500 students recorded in the school were doubled. Among them, the first-prize scholarship doubled from the original 5 yuan to 1 yuan. Its owner is Fei Jinzhao, who has always occupied the No. [-] age position. .

In addition, all students on campus forums who illegally spread rumors about Fei Jinzhao and had a negative impact were found out and punished without exception. In addition, each student was given a [-]-word self-criticism and a face-to-face apology to Fei Jinzhao.

All the campus forum posts were deleted by the school, and an announcement of the police investigation into the Fei Jinzhao incident was attached.

The truth was revealed, and all the sarcastic looks on the road turned into sympathy in the afternoon.

"Let me tell you, Senior Fei definitely can't do this."

"Ms. Jiang is so pretty too. She used to hang out with our student union, so she kept her dress low-key."

"Ah ah ah, I also want to hang out with my beautiful sister."

Listening to the speeches of those student idiots, Yu Tai put his arm around Fei Jinzhao's shoulders and said, "Fortunately you didn't hack the forum yesterday, otherwise you would have had to swallow this bad breath by yourself. Look at the punishment the principal said later. It's simply It’s so cool.”

Fei Jinzhao pursed her lower lip, pushed him away and called Jiang Nuannuan.

At this moment, she was busy driving to the venue and going to her next home to give Zhai Lin a psychological counseling class.

Fei Jin called her and asked, "Did you come up with the scholarship?"

Jiang Nuannuan listened to the clear voice in the earphones, "No, I just casually mentioned the issue of their treatment of good students. It's not just you who increased the scholarship."

Although he did have the most money, she told the principal that no matter what big or small prize he won, she would find new ways to give him money.

You can't hand him money blatantly, you can only do this in a roundabout way.

Fei Jinzhao was silent for a while, then licked her fingers and said, "Well, do you want to have dinner together tonight?"

Jiang Nuannuan curled her lips and politely declined, "How about next time? I have to work overtime in the studio tonight."

Fei Jinzhao: "Just next time, you decide the time."

Before Jiang Nuannuan was about to hang up the phone, Fei Jinzhao called her again.

"Jiang Nuannuan."

"Huh?" "If you need help in the future, you tell me." He thought that no matter what it was, he would try his best to help her within his ability.

Jiang Nuannuan rolled her eyes and smiled, "Okay."

The principal received a call from an old friend in the evening. Hearing that the other party also asked about Fei Jinzhao, he said with a smile: "This good student is actually a misunderstanding. Yes, the other party is a famous jewelry maker. Come to us and donate 1000 million to solve the problem."

Zhai Heng went to the hospital tonight and has not come back yet. Fu Shiliu also went shopping with her good sisters. Only Zhai Lin and Mrs. Zhai were left at home.

However, the old woman was reading scriptures in the Zen room, and Jiang Nuannuan did not go to say hello. She only said to Uncle Wang: "Today's lecture will be held outdoors. I pushed the young master to the soft lawn outside and asked him to put on the prosthesis."

Uncle Wang was a little hesitant, "I'm afraid not. Ever since he wore a prosthetic leg on the street once, he was no longer happy to wear it when he came back. He would become particularly irritable every time he wore it."

Jiang Nuannuan looked at him and said, "I know, but you have to understand that he will always stand up. He only has one leg that is disabled, not paralyzed."

"What if the second young master refuses?" Uncle Wang naturally understands this, that is, no one can bear this mania attack, and may be injured to some extent.

"Tear down his wheelchair and let him choose between crawling or standing outside. Anyway, Mrs. Zhai believes in me, right? So there's nothing to hesitate about."

Jiang Nuannuan said very decisively. The main reason why these psychological teachers did not work in the past was that they did not dare to offend people and only dared to persuade them verbally.

Uncle Wang was impressed by her amazing words and courage, "When I first told the young master about you, I thought you were a playboy who didn't learn well, Miss Jiang. I didn't expect you to be very courageous."

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyebrows, "What does Zhai Heng think of me?"

"Well, the young master admires you very much." Uncle Wang said it euphemistically. It was not so much appreciation as it was that he had other thoughts about her.

The two arrived at Zhai Heng's bedroom together, and Uncle Wang opened the door for her.

The lights inside were very dim, and I could vaguely see a man sitting on the carpet beside the bed, with a small drawing board resting on his legs together, and a pair of gray trouser legs that were empty down to his calf.

Jiang Nuannuan walked in and said, "Mr. Zhai Lin, our third class begins tonight."

He paused his drawing hand, turned his head, and said with a sharp smile, "I've been waiting for you all day, and you're finally here."

Zhai Lin turned his eyes, looked into the darkness, and growled, "Bite her."

Only then did Jiang Nuannuan realize that there was something else in the room.

In the darkness without lights, two strong adult dogs stood up slowly, their faint green eyes frightening.


A low, menacing roar of an animal.

Uncle Wang reacted and pulled her to retreat. He said in horror: "It's a dog brought back from the Fu family. How come it was raised in the house!"

One of the dogs was not restrained by a chain. He obeyed Zhai Lin's command, ran out of the darkness with his body completely black, and pounced majestically towards Jiang Nuannuan.

It was a German Doberman. She reacted quickly and pushed Uncle Wang out of the room. The moment the dog pounced on him, she bent down and punched him in the nose.

The nose is a sensitive area for dogs. A dog that is beaten immediately shakes its head and takes two steps back, whining in pain.


Jiang Nuannuan waved her hand, took the opportunity to pick up the dog leash around its neck, and pressed the dog to the ground, "Okay, Uncle Wang, come in."

When Uncle Wang came in, he saw her calmly pressing the vicious dog to the ground. He was speechless for three seconds in shock, and then quickly helped muzzle the dog and tie it up.

Jiang Nuannuan was almost panicking in her heart, and her hands were still shaking a little. They were all subconscious actions just now.

Fortunately, I stayed up late last night and listened to the video class, so I learned some real dog training knowledge.

Uncle Wang scolded the second young master in his heart, and asked with a worried look on his face: "Are you injured? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Jiang Nuannuan looked at Zhai Lin, who looked ugly, and sneered, "I didn't, but someone is going to be hurt soon."

This golden retriever just needs training!
(End of this chapter)

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