Chapter 130 Zhai Lin is awesome
Mrs. Zhai came out of the Zen room and heard the servant tell her about Zhai Lin in the heavy rain. Holding a string of Buddhist beads in her hand, she walked to a floor-to-ceiling window that could see the manor's lawn.

Looking at her grandson walking slowly in the heavy rain, Mrs. Zhai stopped turning her beads and asked in surprise: "Is he willing to walk?"

"Ms. Jiang forced me to do this. Are you going to help the second young master back now?" the servant asked.

Mrs. Zhai soon discovered a black umbrella hiding inconspicuously in the dark, and sighed softly, "No, that girl is kind. I haven't seen him stand up for a long time, so I let him go."

The stump of his limb hurt from the grinding, but no one would help him. Zhai Lin gritted his teeth and persisted.

He successfully walked onto the hard concrete pavement, his chest heaving violently as he panted.

The steps up make it more difficult.

The stump had to bear the entire weight of the person as soon as he climbed a step, and the severed part ached. Even if he grabbed the handrail next to him in time, he could not stop his body from falling forward.

Seeing that Zhai Lin was about to fall on the stairs, Jiang Nuannuan, who was quietly following him, had no choice but to throw away her umbrella and rush up to him two steps at a time, opening her hands to catch him.

She was pushed down and sat on the ground, feeling so painful that her buttocks were about to burst.

Plunging into the soft body, Zhai Lin looked up for a moment, and a pair of mist-filled almond eyes came into view.

His expression suddenly dropped, and he stood up again with his hands on the ground, "Have you been watching me make a fool of myself from behind?"

Rain dripped into her eyes. Jiang Nuannuan blinked her eyes, held back the tears in her eyes because of the pain, and got up.

"What's the embarrassment?" She wiped her rain-wet face with a calm voice, "I will not laugh at a person who works hard to learn to walk, nor will I laugh at a person's physical disability."

Zhai Lin said in disgust: "That's what everyone said."

"That's right." She stood on the steps, glanced at his prosthetic limb, picked up the umbrella and stretched out her hand to him, "You probably didn't put it on properly. I'll help you up and the class will be over."

"Go away."

Zhai Lin slapped her hand away and said coldly: "I owe this appearance to you."

Covered in mud and stumbling like a waste, he has lost most of his patience. He knows better than ever that his gloomy and bleak life with a disabled person is destined to not live like a normal person.

Jiang Nuannuan retracted her hand and took a step back, "Then you can go alone."

Without her help, she really just picked up the umbrella and watched from the side. There were a few strands of hair stuck to her face under the umbrella, and her eyes were clear and calm.

Zhai Lin glanced at her, looked away, pressed his hands on the handrail of the stairs leading to the room, and walked up two steps at a time.

Jiang Nuannuan always kept a distance of three steps from him, turning sideways and staring at him all the time. After all, she was responsible for falling down the steps.

Mrs. Zhai was so worried as she looked behind the window that her little grandson's legs were shaking. He managed to hold on without falling again when climbing the steps, and walked into the house precariously.

Her heart suddenly relaxed, and she looked at the young girl who put down her umbrella and revealed her face, and praised: "The little girl next to Ting Yan is really nice. Shi Liu can introduce people here generously, so she is thoughtful."

The people behind him echoed and said yes.

Jiang Nuannuan pushed open the glass door, and Zhai Lin moved into the room little by little. His blond hair was wet and hanging down, revealing his smooth forehead. Water was dripping from the ends of his hair, and he was breathing heavily. .

She took the towel that Uncle Wang had prepared, and before Zhai Lin was about to curse, she unfolded the towel with both hands and threw it on his head. She rubbed it several times on tiptoe.Her weird and gentle voice was a little encouraging, "Zhai Lin was great today. Let's keep up the good work in the next class."

Zhai Lin, who was still standing, took two steps back, grabbed her hand and pulled off the towel. Just as he was about to scold her for being weird, his gaze inadvertently fell on her chest and stopped.

The transparent short sleeves were close to Jiang Nuannuan's milky white and delicate skin, and the white sports bra of the same color was looming underneath, exposing her perfect body curve in front of him.

What he wanted to say suddenly got stuck in his throat. Zhai Lin quickly looked away and said harshly: "Stay away from me."

Jiang Nuannuan asked Uncle Wang to push the wheelchair behind him, pushed his shoulders and asked him to sit down, and touched his chin with his hand, "It's a little hard to promise you. After all, we still have a long time to go." Get along together.”

The soft fingertips rubbed against her chin, which was akin to teasing. Zhai Lin almost raised his foot to kick her, and his delicate facial features were distorted for a moment.

Today I trained the golden retriever and gave him the comfort of petting the dog’s head.

Jiang Nuannuan expressed satisfaction with the training results. She asked Uncle Wang to take the dog down, and warned: "Use a hot towel to wipe his legs and massage them. I just saw that the prosthesis was not put on correctly when he came. It must be worn." The skin is broken, please check if there is any problem with the prosthetic limb at night, don't let it hurt when he wears it."

Uncle Wang found that she was very attentive. Although she didn't have any certification as a psychological counselor, she was able to observe and pay attention to the second young master. He was a little touched, "Okay, Miss Jiang."

Zhai Lin turned his head like a bad-tempered man, "Who wants you to pretend to be kind?"

System 66: "Alipay has received 100 million, and Zhai Lin's favorability is 1%. It is finally open."

Jiang Nuannuan raised her lips and smiled, "You can say it's a fake kindness. I've prepared a piece of strawberry cake for you in the bedroom. You can go to bed early after eating."

Zhai Lin was sent back to the room. She wiped her hair, took a look at the late hour, and prepared to leave.

A thunder flashed in the dark sky outside the manor, and the rainstorm became more intense.

The maid walked up to Jiang Nuannuan and said: "Our old lady said that the road down the mountain is difficult to walk in heavy rain. Miss Jiang will stay in the guest room tonight. We have prepared ginger tea just because of the rain."

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at the rain that was beating fiercely on the floor-to-ceiling windows. Thinking that it was indeed a bit dangerous, she nodded and said, "I'll trouble you."

"Follow me." The maid smiled and respectfully led the way.

Zhai Lin's leg was just as Jiang Nuannuan said. The damaged part was in direct contact with the hard-shell prosthetic limb without any protective measures, and the fragile skin was worn and swollen.

His legs were covered with a hot towel, and a professional squatted beside him to massage him.

Uncle Wang brought over the piece of strawberry cake with the dog biscuit inserted in it, "Would you like to have some, Young Master?"

Zhai Lin: "It's lost."

Uncle Wang sighed and was about to take it away. As soon as he reached the door, the difficult young master with unpredictable temper behind him said again: "Take it back."

He brought the cake back and handed it to him.

There was half a thin biscuit in the shape of a dog bone inserted next to the strawberry. Zhai Lin thought it was a new trick made by the pastry chef, picked up a spoon, dug it out, mixed it with cream and ate it in his mouth.

Uncle Wang didn't dare to breathe. He just asked cautiously, "How does it taste? Do you want the kitchen to make another one?"

(End of this chapter)

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