Chapter 131 Zhai Lin’s past
Zhai Lin glanced at him and his temper improved a lot, "The biscuits are a bit hard, so let them not add anything on their own next time."


It’s okay if you don’t like eating it. Uncle Wang felt a cold sweat that didn’t exist.

It was raining heavily, and the Bentley slowly drove into the garage.

"Young Master, we're here."

Zhai Heng, who was sitting in the back row, opened his eyes. The side door opened, and the bodyguard stretched his hand in and asked him to help him get out of the car.

A ladies' Audi car was next to the car. Zhai Heng's eyes paused on the car and his steps quickened.

The first thing the servant standing at the door heard from him was, "Miss Jiang hasn't come home yet?"

The servant answered with ginger tea: "Yes, it's raining heavily outside. The old lady was afraid that it wouldn't be safe for her to drive down the mountain alone, so she let her stay here today."

Zhai Heng glanced at the ginger tea in her hand, "Did she get caught in the rain?"

Servant: "Well, tonight Miss Jiang's psychology class was held outdoors, and she got caught in the rain with the Second Young Master."

Zhai Heng nodded, "Put the things down and I'll send them over later."

The servant looked up at him in surprise, then quickly lowered his head and said, "Then I'll put it back in the kitchen to warm it up."

When Uncle Wang heard that he was back, he followed him to the study and reported to him what happened tonight.

The computer in Zhai Heng's study room was connected to the surveillance video of the entire manor. He sat down behind the table and tapped his white fingers on the table.

As Uncle Wang reported, Junyi's face was gradually covered by frost and snow.

"You said that Zhai Lin almost bit Miss Jiang with Fu Ying's two dogs?"

Uncle Wang had been following the young master to take care of him. Recently, because Miss Jiang had to come to class frequently, he temporarily took over the role of housekeeper and always paid attention to her movements.

He hesitated and said, "Probably because of Qiao Lin's jewelry, the second young master has always been a little hostile to Miss Jiang, but she seems to know how to train dogs, and the two Dobermans didn't hurt her."

Zhai Heng watched in silence the scene of Zhai Lin struggling to move forward under the heavy rain in the courtyard, then stood up and left the study.

In the bedroom, Zhai Lin, with wet hair, was sitting on the end of the bed enjoying a professional massage from the masseur. When he saw him coming, he lazily called "Brother."

Zhai Heng loosened one button on his cuffs and slapped him in the face with the back of his hand.

With a sound, Zhai Lin's face turned to one side, and a blood streak opened on his cheek.

He was stunned.

Zhai Heng touched the ring on his middle finger and wiped away the blood on it. His gentle face showed a ruthless coldness, "You can continue to be a waste in this house and enjoy everyone's tolerance."

"But you hurt the psychological counselor." He lowered his eyes and said indifferently: "There is no next time, this time is a warning."

Before he went out, Zhai Lin asked coldly, "Why have I never seen you care about this kind of thing before?"

Zhai Heng only left him with a slender figure. He looked angry, grabbed the soft pillow next to him, threw it to the ground, and roared.

The masseuse's hands shook and he met a pair of angry eyes.


He quickly put away his things and ran out of the bedroom in a panic, fearing that he would be pressed to the ground and beaten if he waited a second.

The guest rooms in the Zhai family were all super comfortable. Jiang Nuannuan even sent a message to Gu Tingyan while taking a bath. Talking to him every day to report her itinerary became a must-do for her.

She hummed a song and put on the nightgown prepared by the maid. She walked to the bedroom covered with moisture, and there was a knock on the door.

Thinking that the maid had brought ginger tea, Jiang Nuannuan walked over and opened the door without thinking.

The person outside was beyond her expectation, "Zhai Heng?"

Zhai Heng smiled at her with a surprised face, "Would you like to have tea together?"

She quickly stepped aside and let him walk in, "Please come in, I heard the maid said you are in the hospital, why did you come back in such a heavy rain." "The beds in the hospital are not so comfortable." Zhai Heng put the tray in the small On the table, two cups of steaming ginger tea were poured.

Seeing that he looked good, Jiang Nuannuan lifted the round neckline of her nightgown and walked to him to sit down.

"I heard Uncle Wang said that Zhai Lin bullied you today?" He pushed the poured tea in front of her.

"No, I was just a little frightened." Jiang Nuannuan took the tea cup and held it warm in her hands.

Zhai Heng looked at her white fingers holding the tea cup, and thought of the two dogs that almost bit her, his expression darkened, "I'll ask someone to deal with those two dogs tomorrow."

It's a dead thing in the first place. If it learns to hurt people, it will always find a way to break its neck and throw it out and bury it.

Jiang Nuannuan heard that he wanted to deal with it, and quickly explained: "They got along very well with me tonight. Today was just an accident, so there is no need to deal with it."

After all, it was Fu Ying's pet, which meant a lot to Zhai Lin. She didn't want the progress she had made through training to come to an abrupt end.

Zhai Heng saw that she was almost waving her hands. He thought she really liked it, so he said, "Then keep it. If you don't like it anymore, throw it away."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't know how to answer the call.

That is his future sister-in-law's inheritance, his brother's thoughts, why can she just throw it away if she doesn't like it!

She strategically took a sip of ginger tea, moistened her throat and changed the topic: "Can I ask you why Zhai Lin became like this? Except for Fu Ying's part of the reason."

Zhai Lin hates wearing prosthetics and going out. There must be other reasons.

Zhai Heng gently stroked the soft-colored ring and told a cruel fact, "Shortly after Fu Ying's death, Zhai Lin, who had recovered and been discharged from the hospital, returned to school. At that time, he was bullied abroad."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't expect it to be related to this. She held the cup and asked softly, "Is it because of the broken leg?"

Zhai Heng: "Yeah."

"He once tried to stand up and walk out, but he failed." Zhai Heng put down the cup and straightened the sleeves he had just loosened, "I have some personal information of Zhai Lin in the safe in the bedroom. Are you interested? Go and have a look?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "Of course." Her curiosity was aroused.

Zhai Heng smiled and glanced at her pure white cotton nightgown, "Let's go then."

She followed, and the servant passing by in the corridor was holding a bag of ice cubes and walking in a hurry.

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at the other party and walked into Zhai Heng's room.

A thick stack of notebooks and a small USB flash drive.

She sat down on the sofa, and Zhai Heng sat next to her and put the notebook on her lap. "Zhai Lin's psychological records after losing his leg are all here. You can read them slowly."

In it, a series of major deeds are recorded, from Zhai Lin's recovery in the hospital to his return to school, to suspension from school, being kidnapped, and partying and injuring others.

As early as that time, a psychiatrist was interfering with Zhai Lin, which resulted in the formation of such a thick record book.

Jiang Nuannuan looked through it bit by bit, her face gradually becoming serious.

Fu Ying's death can only be said to be the trigger that drove Zhai Lin crazy. The physical mutilation caused by the car accident, the strange looks from others, and the bullying he suffered under unfair treatment were the root causes of his madness.

It took Jiang Nuannuan a long time to read through the records, and her temples began to ache.

Zhai Lin was as miserable as Fei Jinzhao.

It’s hard to imagine what it feels like for a teenager wearing prosthetics to be bullied and forced to pee in a corner.

The kidnappers only kidnapped him because of his disabled legs, making him the easiest celebrity to catch.

And at a wealthy party, he almost stabbed a celebrity to death, but the other person whispered behind his back that he was a poor cripple.

In the next major incident, at a party, he went crazy and hit four men on the head with a wine bottle. He was almost beaten to death because the other party bullied a venue cleaner who also had a mutilated leg.

(End of this chapter)

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