Chapter 133 Accident
The person named Meiyan sat back next to her and whispered in disappointment, "Oh, I have to fight for a small role. I have traveled all the way in vain today."

Jiang Nuannuan looked sideways at her, turned off her phone and asked, "Is this movie a big production?"

Listening to her talk, Meiyan was very curious as to how she could ask such an ignorant question, and she kindly answered her, "Director Chen's movie is expected to be released during the Spring Festival next year after filming. The character of the enchantress has no lines, but she does show her face. Lots of shots.”

As she spoke, Meiyan sighed, "It's no wonder that Yin Hui came to audition. Her career is not that popular. She just needs a better movie to appear on the screen."

Jiang Nuannuan said thank you, and the actress named Yin Hui came out of the audition. The sunglasses were put on her face again, and she left the waiting area supported by several assistants.

She lowered her head and glanced at her white shoes, which had a few shoe marks left on them, and let out a light tut.

Lu Jin people can't figure out everything in France.

She really had to choose the spokesperson herself.

Meiyan came out within two minutes of entering. When passing by Jiang Nuannuan, she reminded her, "Let's leave early. They have already decided."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, then reported her number and walked in.

There were four men sitting behind the table. She took off her baseball cap, revealing a fair and delicate face with impeccable facial features. When she smiled and said hello, the ends of her eyes were slightly raised, and her simple almond eyes were a little more feminine.

These people all know her. Even if they don't know her, they have seen her entertainment news on Weibo. She is the well-deserved king of hot searches.

Director Chen pushed a piece of paper to her and said, "Here are the lines. Start when you are ready."

Jiang Nuannuan took it over and took a look at it. There were only three sentences. She thought she had already made up her mind. She read the three lines casually and emotionlessly, then stood up and returned the script book.

When he looked at her up close, Director Chen seemed to see an innocent but extremely enchanting fox on the high wall.

After she left, people around her immediately started discussing.

The assistant director said excitedly: "Is this the person Meng Lan introduced? That down-and-out wealthy lady is very topical. Her face perfectly embodies the word enchantress."

Another assistant director said: "Don't think about it. This role must go to Yin Hui. It was just designated by our investors and cannot be changed."

Director Chen frowned and said: "This Jiang Nuannuan is beautiful, but she has no acting skills. When she said her lines, she was dry and emotionless. Doesn't she still sell jewelry now? Is she suspected of being a celebrity?"

He really felt that the face was shocking, but after the excitement passed, as the chief director, he did not allow people who wanted to gain popularity and promote unknown small brands to appear in his movies.

"You mean Qiao Lin jewelry? It's indeed a small brand in France. Recently, Gu Shizhou wore it on a show, so it's a bit famous."

The assistant director also reacted and said immediately: "It is better to decide on Yin Hui according to the investors' requirements. A down-and-out wealthy family does not deserve our attention. I will go to Deng Menglan and tell her that they introduced us to her with good intentions."

"Okay, it's settled."

That night, Jiang Nuannuan received an apology message from Deng Menglan in the kitchen. She didn't know why this respected senior spoke so politely to her, and also mocked the director for his lack of vision.

Originally, she had no intention of entering the entertainment industry, so she responded with a thank you emoticon.

After serving the cooked soup, she thought about it and sent the information about Qiao Lin Jewelry to Deng Menglan.

She had never come into contact with any of the celebrities that Lu Jin had sent her. She thought Deng Menglan was a good person, at least he gave her a good feeling when he appeared on the show.

If she's interested in becoming a spokesperson for her brand, she can guarantee it's a win-win.

"The audition was rejected?" Gu Tingyan leaned against the kitchen door at some point and startled her when he spoke.

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "Well, I didn't originally want to enter the entertainment industry, so this is just right." Aunt Mei helped take the soup out. Today, both the husband and the lady are at home, so she has become a helper in the kitchen.

The two sat next to each other to eat, and Jiang Nuannuan even took the initiative to serve him a bowl of soup. To Aunt Mei in the kitchen, they looked like a newlywed couple who were in good relationship.

But when she was hired, she knew that this beautiful and lovely lady was not even worthy of being a girlfriend.

She turned around and went into the kitchen to wash the kitchen utensils, and for some reason she let out a sigh.

After dinner, Gu Tingyan came down from the shower and saw Jiang Nuannuan sitting on the sofa looking at air tickets, and asked casually: "Going to France?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "Yes, Qiao Lin Jewelry needs to choose a celebrity spokesperson. I have to go and check it."

Gu Tingyan will not interfere with her work matters, "When are you leaving? I'll ask Li Zhu to book a flight for you."

"It's okay. I can just do it myself so I don't bother him." She put down her phone, raised her head and asked him, "Are you going to sleep?"

"Well, we have a meeting tomorrow morning." He lowered his eyes, his dark and deep eyes looking at her quietly, as if waiting for something.

Jiang Nuannuan realized that he came downstairs specifically to invite her, so she reached out to him, "Would you like to sleep together? I see that you haven't slept well alone recently, and you have dark circles under your eyes."

The corners of Gu Tingyan's lips curled up, and his well-jointed hands grasped her wrist bones and pulled her up, "Well, let's sleep together."

System 66: "Alipay received 500 million, Gu Tingyan's favorability is 29%."

Because he was going to France, Jiang Nuannuan didn't have time to buy furniture in Bishuiwan, nor did he have time to contact Fei Jin to move together, but he took the initiative to send her a message.

Regarding the school's scholarships and awards for various projects, the fees received have doubled, and he suspected that she did it.

This man was really smart, but Jiang Nuannuan only replied, asking him to save money and take her out for the holidays.

The Zhai family asked for leave from the psychology class, and she boarded the flight to France alone.

There were big reports in the financial news this morning.

The stocks of Kaixing Venture Capital, led by Ji Yansen, fell to the limit for more than a dozen times in a row. Every time the market opened, tens of millions of shares were sold at the price, and three-quarters of the market value was wiped out.

Jiang Nuannuan was sitting in the first class cabin, enjoying the bartending service provided by the stewardess, while watching the news reports happily.

That bitch man never succeeded in his investment. This will be fine. The loss of the family fortune is not enough to compensate. It is estimated that a small wealthy family will also fall like this. The Jiang family should be glad that Jiang Meng's marriage did not happen.

She admired Gu Tingyan very much in this aspect when he tried to mess with someone, always to death.

"Damn it, my brother Gu's house collapsed!" The girl sitting next to him suddenly let out a desperate cry.

At the same time, new entertainment news popped up on Jiang Nuannuan's mobile phone interface.

She took a closer look, put on her sunglasses silently, and was speechless.

Very good, she once again topped the list of hot searches.

The suspected underground relationship between Gu Shizhou and Jiang Nuannuan was exposed, and Gu Shizhou acted like a big name to be jealous and bully the newcomers. Both titles were followed by the word "explosive".

(End of this chapter)

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