Chapter 134 A lot of trouble

Even popular celebrities are not as diligent in searching for hot topics as she is, and they only come once every three days.

The whistleblower on Weibo is a big V, and he has pictures and evidence.

Jiang Nuannuan clicked in and took a look. It was a dynamic picture of Gu Shizhou pouring her coffee on the Blue Mountain at the airport after the island life was over.

There are also pictures of her being injured and being carried to the hospital by Gu Shizhou. In addition, the Galaxy she sent to Gu Shizhou was called unique by the official account, and it was also said to be a token of love.

Although Gu Shizhou is not an idol and is relatively relaxed about relationships, he can't help but there are always a group of top girlfriend fans.

This incident broke out at this time, not only causing an uproar in the country, but her studio was also affected at the same time.

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't answer calls on the plane, and her WeChat messages on her mobile phone that had Internet access exploded with messages from Lu Jin.

That's the bad thing about being in a relationship with a celebrity. Some of the top fans who came to buy jewelry for Gu Shizhou will return it.

Jiang Nuannuan was still calm and only asked Lu Jin to follow the rules. Except for the return of defective jewelry, he would not accept anything else.

Immediately, she sent a WeChat message to Gu Shizhou, and posted a new message on Weibo, which is a rare place in ten thousand years.

[False, don’t spread rumors if you don’t believe them. 】

She didn't bother to read the polarizing comment section, adjusted the sunglasses on her face, and took a nap first.

Gu Shizhou was still filming on the set when he received the news from her.

Fan Jiang came over to him in a hurry, "Why did you throw that Blue Mountain in front of everyone? You also took Jiang Nuannuan's coffee cup, and it became a hot search again."

"She was angry because of this." Gu Shizhou looked at the WeChat messages on his phone and smiled, "Arrange a trip to go to France."

Fan Jiang almost collapsed, "What did you say?! Ancestor! Why are you going to France now?"

Gu Shizhou: "Jewelry endorsement."

Fan Jiang immediately had an ominous premonition in his heart, "Did you listen to what I just said to you? Are you going to accept the jewelry endorsement at this time? You don't want to accept the jewelry endorsement from Qiao Lin, right?"

Seeing the smile on Gu Shizhou's face, Fan Jiang realized that it was true. He immediately showed him the tablet and shouted: "No! Absolutely not! Now you are not only scandal-exploded, but also suspected of bullying juniors! Everyone in Lanshan is shocked. Bo has accused you, do you still want to hang out!? If you don’t want to hang out, just go home and inherit the family business!"

"Why are you cursing me?"

Gu Shizhou threw the script book into his arms, took the tablet and sat down on the chair. After reading Lan Shan's Weibo, he sneered, "You can pretend to be pitiful, even better than Lu Ling."

He put down the tablet and calmly said to Fan Jiang: "Let the private detective find the dirty information in Lanshan. He has an underground partner who he has been in love with for many years. He is also pursuing Jiang Nuannuan on the surface. I suspect he has done this more than once. .”

Fan Jiang was stunned and calmed down while holding his script book, "Did you hit Lan Shan because he wanted to chase Jiang Nuannuan?"

Gu Shizhou narrowed his peach blossom eyes and looked at him like a fool, "Did you hear the point of what I said?"

What he looked down on even more was that this man was even worse than him, he was still stretching his chopsticks into the pot while eating from the bowl.

Fan Jiang had no choice but to ask the public relations department to do urgent public relations first, and then go find detectives to investigate.

After he had arranged everything, Gu Shizhou had booked his own flight tickets, and even ten cows couldn't pull him back from what he had to do.

Helpless Fan Jiang could only book the same flight and keep an eye on the ancestor to prevent him from going too far.

Things were going crazy every day. If the money hadn't been in place, he would have given up.

It was morning when Jiang Nuannuan arrived in France, and Lu Jin drove a commercial vehicle to pick her up.

"Since the incident happened, several of the celebrities we originally agreed on have not come." Lu Jin handed her the breakfast prepared in advance, "You can eat some and go to the hotel to sleep. We will have a dinner later."

Jiang Nuannuan flipped through the information about the remaining celebrities who would come and asked, "What kind of dinner party?" Lu Jin was silent for a moment and said to her, "The reason why I was able to attract these celebrities is that I spent a lot of effort to build relationships. of."

Jiang Nuannuan understood.

She closed the document and said, "This is inevitable. After all, we are just starting out and want to develop the domestic market. You did the right thing."

Lu Jin breathed a sigh of relief, "As long as you don't mind this matter. In the past, you were worried that your friends in China would know about it, but I didn't even dare to mention it to you."

Jiang Nuannuan took a sip of hot coffee and said, "There is always a process of moving forward. I think about it now. There is no need to struggle with money."

Lu Jin asked again: "Tell me the truth. I see that you interacted well with Movie Emperor Gu on the show. How much of the revelations on Weibo are true? We can make some preparations in advance then, no? It will be as chaotic as it is now.”

Jiang Nuannuan calmly replied: "Everything on the Internet is fake. He and I have no relationship. Don't worry about this. Gu Shizhou usually doesn't hit people in public. I have already told him about this matter and he will definitely solve it. , we just need to do our own thing step by step."

If she was so sure, Lu Jin would feel relieved.

After checking into the hotel, Jiang Nuannuan glanced at Deng Menglan's talk box after taking a shower.

That day she solemnly hoped that the other party would consider setting up her own jewelry studio, but just now, she and her team refused.

Not only because of the revelations on Weibo, but also because the jewelry did not match her status, she could not accept it.

It was a pity, but Jiang Nuannuan could understand her doing this.

She finally called Hang Panxia. There was a time difference and she was still sleeping in bed. Everyone was confused when she answered the phone.

"Nuan Nuan? What's wrong?"

Jiang Nuannuan said softly: "Sorry to disturb you, I sent you a piece of information about Qiao Lin's jewelry. I hope you can consider becoming a spokesperson."

Hang Panxia woke up after hearing this and got up from Bai Liang's arms, "Qiao Lin Jewelry? Well, I understand. I will discuss it with my team. Well, it's okay. Goodbye."

She hung up the phone, but people still didn't react.

"Whose phone number?" A deep, sleepy male voice beside her asked her.

"It's Jiang Nuannuan. She hopes that I can consider becoming her jewelry spokesperson." Hang Panxia was undecided. She also noticed the news on Weibo yesterday, but when she thought of Jiang Nuannuan's identity, she was a little hesitant.

She pushed Bo Liang's arm, "You and Gu Shizhou are good brothers. Do you think I should take the risk?"

Bai Liang finally opened his eyes and looked at her, and said lazily: "Your entertainment company is controlled by the Gu family, what do you think?"

When Hang Panxia was mentioned in this way, he thought about the indescribable relationship between Jiang Nuannuan and Gu Tingyan, and immediately decided to take a gamble.

Her career is currently on a very narrow path, and she urgently needs to develop upwards.

She didn't even contact her team, so she responded unilaterally to Jiang Nuannuan, telling her that she would buy a plane ticket and go there soon.

Jiang Nuannuan's jewelry was indeed stunning, and she thought maybe she could be the first to eat the cake.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't expect that Hang Panxia would agree so quickly after the phone call, and she felt slightly relieved.

Lu Jin spent some time finding these artists, but after reading all the information, she didn't really agree with these actresses who relied on big bosses to gain connections.

The relationship is too complicated, and it will be a headache to deal with it when the time comes.

Without Deng Menglan, Hang Panxia is her only remaining choice.

In the evening, Jiang Nuannuan attended the big boss dinner that Lu Jin said as promised.

(End of this chapter)

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