Chapter 135 Bullied you?

It rained a little on the road, and the streets were foggy and very humid.

Jiang Nuannuan walked to the door of the restaurant, her phone vibrated, and she picked it up.

"Where is it?" The voice was as light as ever, and there was the vague rumble of the aircraft engine.

She raised her umbrella and subconsciously glanced at the name of the restaurant, "France, what's wrong?"

"I'll tell you the specific location." Gu Shizhou put on his sunglasses, walked out of the airport and got into a taxi.

Jiang Nuannuan responded, "Have you come to France? Have you had dinner?"

She just asked him to handle the Weibo issue related to their reputation, but she didn't ask him to take a special flight over.

Gu Shizhou: "I haven't eaten yet. I will come to you as soon as I get off the plane."

Lu Jin opened the door and came out, gesturing with her hand, "What are you doing here? Come in quickly, I'm going to leave you alone."

Originally, Jiang Nuannuan planned to contact Gu Tingyan to solve the problem for tonight's dinner. This connection would not be wasted, but now that Gu Shizhou is coming, he can directly solve her trouble.

She sent him the location of the restaurant and walked in.

Lu Jin whispered: "There are still our regular customers inside."

On the way to the private room, she introduced several people to Jiang Nuannuan tonight, including the person in charge of a domestic luxury goods area, a business boss, and a VIP user of her own jewelry.

There are also several female celebrities who are willing to compete for the position of the jewelry spokesperson, just for the sake of their bosses.

The so-called clean and clear history is just for private enjoyment only.

Jiang Nuannuan sent another message to Gu Shizhou, asking him to come over as soon as possible, and then followed Lu Jin into the box.

The overall color scheme of French food is soft and warm, and the crystal lamp on the top exudes light.

She saw a few unfamiliar faces, as well as several actresses who appeared in the information, including the one who stepped on her white shoes last time. She seemed to be named Yin Hui.

Out of politeness, she walked over and handed each other her business cards one by one, "I am Jiang Nuannuan, the person in charge of Qiaolin Jewelry."

Several people said they didn't care about her tardiness, but the domestic drinking culture is applicable everywhere.

Several men looked at her with smiles, "I didn't know that Qiao Lin Jewelry was owned by Miss Jiang."

"Penalize yourself with three cups. If you want to sign the contract, you must be sincere."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't show any pretense, she picked up the cup and drank three cups in a row, and the atmosphere became lively.

She walked to the empty seat next to Yin Hui and sat down. The other party handed her a wine glass again, "It's rare to see a wealthy daughter and I at the same table. There was an audition not long ago. I heard Director Chen said that you were also there. It's really fate."

Jiang Nuannuan looked at the filled wine glass and smiled, "I can't drink too much, those three glasses are the limit."

As soon as the words came out, Lu Jin quickly winked at her suggestively. If the dinner party went bad tonight, they would lose several customers.

Yin Hui felt that she had been humiliated, "Do you think you don't like the wine I poured for you? Then why do you ask me to come?"

Lu Jin stood up immediately and took the wine glass in front of Jiang Nuannuan, "Our boss is not very good at drinking, I will do it."

She raised her head, and a full glass of red wine fell from her lips, soaking her collar.

Jiang Nuannuan frowned, and Mr. Lin opposite looked at her and said, "I am also willing to bring Yin Hui over to be your jewelry spokesperson. Is the sincerity and face enough? Miss Jiang is not willing to drink a glass of wine?" Jiang Nuannuan motioned Lu Jin to sit down, "Actually, the spokesperson still needs to be selected, and I haven't said 100% who will be selected."

Yin Hui's face darkened, and she glanced at the opposite person in aggrieved tone, "I'm sitting here today, but I've been presiding over a few scenes."

Another actress who came with the drink stood up with a smile and placed the half-full wine glass in front of Jiang Nuannuan again, "Ms. Jiang, who won't die after drinking two glasses of wine, where can you find someone to be your spokesperson now? The scandal with Gu Shizhou is flying all over the world, and no one in the industry knows that he changes women like he changes clothes. If you expect him to help, you are wrong."

In their opinion, it was already a huge honor to come and have dinner with Jiang Nuannuan at Lu Jin's request. She should stop being so ungrateful.

Lu Jin also grabbed the back of her hand anxiously, "I'll tell you the situation when your flight arrives in the morning. We don't have a choice."

And it was because of this, that she hurriedly organized a bureau without authorization and invited these people over, which made Jiang Nuannuan fall into passivity.

Her assistant had good intentions but did bad things.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at her lightly and said, "I said yes."

Lu Jin was stunned by her eyes, and a fire arose in his heart, "You can figure it out yourself."

"You Miss Jiang don't like it, so let me do it." Mr. Lin stood up personally, came over with a glass of wine, and poured it into her half-full glass, "Drink two glasses, this spokesperson belongs to you, you are not a wealthy family. Now, since you have something to ask for, don’t pretend to be aloof in front of me, okay?”

Jiang Nuannuan stood up and said seriously: "My assistant and I didn't get along well with each other about the spokesperson, and tonight's dinner was unexpected. I'm sorry for wasting everyone's time. I'll pay for today's meal, and everyone will eat well."

She left as soon as she wanted. People like Mr. Lin were not good people. He pushed her shoulders and pushed her back into the chair. "I let you drink now to give you face. Do you understand?"

Yin Hui held her arm and smiled contemptuously, "You still look down on me? It's hard for me to be a good person like you, Miss Jiang."

Restaurant door.

Fan Jiang watched his ancestor get out of the car and walk in aggressively with others, and quickly chased him forward, "I said, why are you walking so fast, and you suddenly called a bodyguard."

The waiter led Gu Shizhou all the way to the door of the box. As soon as he opened the door for him, he kicked forward with his long legs, and the door panel hit the wall of the box with a loud noise.

The few people sitting there all turned their heads to look at the door, and the originally lively atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

There was still a glass of wine close to Jiang Nuannuan's lips, and it was Yin Hui next to her who slapped it on her face.

Her eyes were always quiet, but when she saw Gu Shizhou, there was a little more smile in her eyes.

Okay, the time is just right.

Gu Shizhou took off the hood of his hoodie and took off his sunglasses. Under the astonished eyes of everyone, one corner of his lips raised, "I'm late."

Several local French bodyguards filed in, blocking the door tightly with their strong bodies.

Everyone knew about the second prince of the Gu family. Yin Hui was swept away by his peach blossom eyes and subconsciously put down the wine glass and sat back in the chair honestly.

Fan Jiang ran in and saw Jiang Nuannuan surrounded like a little chicken. He finally understood why his ancestor left so quickly.

"Second Master Gu is also here for dinner?" Mr. Lin raised a smile and looked a little more restrained.

Gu Shizhou walked in, walked half a circle around the table, and went straight to Jiang Nuannuan.

He bent down and wiped the wine stains from her lips with an ambiguous movement, "Did they bully you?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded. He had just been given a few more drinks, and his face was now a little red down to his neck.

(End of this chapter)

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