Chapter 136 She is not stupid
Gu Shizhou looked at Fan Jiang and said, "Close the door."

He took the newly opened bottle of wine and put it in front of her, "Come on, those of you who have toasted you with wine should go back now."

Lu Jin, who was almost drunk next to him, stared blankly at this scene. Didn't he say that the actor and the boss had nothing to do with each other?

Yin Hui, who was the first to bear the brunt, smiled awkwardly and said: "We are just gathering to discuss some business, brother Shizhou, isn't that the case?"

"Just a little more wine."

Gu Shizhou picked up Jiang Nuannuan's filled glass and took a sip. Thinking that she had been pressed down in the private room and drank a lot before her face turned red like this, he put down his hand and pressed the glass heavily in front of Yin Hui.

The glass broke instantly with a crisp sound, and the red wine in the glass leaked from the slender hand, all of it spilling onto Yin Hui's body.

She screamed and tried to stand up, but Gu Shizhou pushed her back, raised his eyelids, and looked at the men in front of him with anger, "What are you doing? You don't want to give me face?"

Mr. Lin was a little angry, "Mr. Gu is so messy, does Mr. Gu know if he is angry?"

"We all said we were going to have a glass of wine." Gu Shizhou glanced at Jiang Nuannuan's face and chuckled, "Why did it turn into chaos?"

She raised her head to look at him, her eyes filled with water, and she cried out in grievance, "Gu Shizhou."

Gu Shizhou felt so good looking at this look.

"Whatever they did to you, just do it back."

Just what she was waiting for, Jiang Nuannuan stood up decisively, picked up the wine bottle, put it directly into Yin Hui's mouth, and let her drink the whole bottle.

Yin Hui was pressed on the chair and struggled, the wine she had choked flowed out of her nose. She shook her head in embarrassment and tried to avoid it, tears streaming down her face, and her beautiful face was completely ruined.

The few celebrities who came next to her were frightened. They were afraid of being slapped on the head by Jiang Nuannuan in retaliation, so they backed away and said that they had not given her wine.

Yin Hui finished her drink, fell off the chair, and fell limply to the ground.

Jiang Nuannuan picked up the bottle again and walked straight to Mr. Lin. When he realized something was wrong, he smashed a bottle on his head.


The glass shards shattered on the ground, and the braised egg's head was bleeding.

Jiang Nuannuan swayed unsteadily twice and threw away half the broken wine bottle in his hand. "I hate being drunk, but you should also be glad that it's Gu Shizhou who is here tonight." It's not him, Gu Tingyan. .

She turned around and said to Lu Jin, who was stunned, "Do you still want to stay here?"

Lu Jin hurriedly picked up his bag and staggered out with her.

Gu Shizhou walked to the door and left the temporarily hired bodyguard there, "I'll pay the bill today, and you drink with the guests until dawn."


Several people stood up in shock and were about to walk out of the private room. A strong bodyguard closed the door and locked everyone inside.

Looking at this group of middle-aged old men and beauties, the bodyguards smiled and showed their white teeth.

"The boss said it's still early, let's have another drink together."

It was still raining outside, and the wet rain hitting my face made me feel a little more awake.

Jiang Nuannuan turned around and looked at Lu Jin, "Have you ever thought about the consequences of no one coming to the rescue today?"

Lu Jin lowered his head and said nothing.

Jiang Nuannuan: "You didn't fully understand each artist's situation about the spokesperson. You didn't tell me about tonight's dinner until I landed on the plane in the morning. You didn't even understand the most basic information." "I did it for work. room." Lu Jin raised his head with red eyes, "I'm worried, what if we can't choose a spokesperson because of you and no one else comes?"

"You shouldn't make your own decisions, or even come to me after you've made a conclusion." Jiang Nuannuan looked at her expressionlessly, "I'm your boss, and I pay you your salary. I make the decision, not panic." Do you understand that I came here in a hurry to wipe your butt?"

This was the first time she got angry at her assistant. Lu Jin was stunned for a moment after being scolded, gritted his teeth and lowered his head, "I'm sorry."

"The bonus will be deducted this time." Jiang Nuannuan rubbed her temples, "It's very late. Let's go back early today. We will go to the airport to pick up our spokesperson tomorrow."

Lu Jin looked up and said in surprise: "Have you decided?"

"I just made a reservation this morning. I'll come tomorrow." Jiang Nuannuan softened her tone.

Lu Jin didn't know whether he was ashamed or embarrassed. He nodded and glanced behind her, then ran into the rain and hitched a ride away.

Gu Shizhou took Jiang Nuannuan's wrist, turned him to face him, leaned over and asked, "I came all the way to be your spokesperson, but you found another dog?"

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes were a little shaky, and she saw that he was almost ghosted, so she blinked hard, "You come to be my spokesperson? The result of giving you jewelry before was not very good, I thought you wouldn't consider such a thing .”

"Because you gave me the Milky Way as your own, I changed my mind." Gu Shizhou looked at her dizzy, and raised the corners of his lips slightly, "I've helped you twice."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and said, "Thank you for your help tonight, but you have to come for the interview tomorrow."

Gu Shizhou pinched her red drunken face and frowned, "I want to have an interview? Jiang Nuannuan, take a closer look at who I am."

Jiang Nuannuan was about to answer when her throat suddenly surged and she immediately pushed him away and turned around to vomit.

Gu Shizhou's expression turned cold, and he quickly returned to the restaurant and took out a pack of tissues. He walked over and patted her on the back, "Did you only drink wine tonight?"

There were tears in Jiang Nuannuan's eyes. After spitting out, she took the paper from him and wiped her mouth. She said in a hoarse voice, "Yes."

She just arrived here in the morning. After finding Hang Panxia as the substitute spokesperson, she fell asleep so sleepily that she didn't have any room to eat at night. There was no normal person at the dinner organized by Lu Jin.

Gu Shizhou hugged the person into his arms, took Fan Jiang's umbrella and opened it, with a hint of concern in his eyes, "Where will you stay? I'll take you there."

After arriving at the hotel, Jiang Nuannuan lay down on the bed and didn't want to move.

Gu Shizhou accepted his fate and helped her take off her shoes, raised the indoor temperature, and ordered a room package.

He walked to the bed and saw her face buried in the pillow. He turned her over and poked her soft face, "I came here specifically to be your nanny?"

Jiang Nuannuan grabbed his hand and pressed it on her head, "I have a headache. Press it."

"Heh." Gu Shizhou pulled his lower lip and said, "I don't know how to massage."

She opened her eyes and glanced at him with disgust.

"Jiang Nuannuan." Gu Shizhou pinched her nose, forcing her to open her lips and glare at her angrily, "Have you thought about the consequences of my not coming today?"

Of course she had thought about it. Gu Tingyan was the first choice on the list of rescuers. It could be solved with a phone call. Who made Gu Shizhou come to France suddenly? She couldn't make any calls and could only wait for someone to come.

"I never thought about it, aren't you here? I believe you." Jiang Nuannuan pushed his hand away and hummed softly.

"You're so stupid." His voice softened unconsciously, and he said seductively: "Look, if you stay with me, you can save a lot of trouble."

Jiang Nuannuan drank too much, but she was not sober. She held his lowered face with both hands and rubbed it vigorously. "Have you never thought that you are the one who caused the trouble? You say this to offend your conscience. Is it over?"

(End of this chapter)

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