Chapter 140
Jiang Nuannuan looked at his figure running back in a hurry, and said softly, "Waiting for you, you are a ghost."

She turned around and left while holding the medicine.

Lu Jin was a little confused next to him, "You were fine in the morning, but now you're upset with me?"

"I just look down on him for coming to someone's house to work as a mistress and flirting with little girls in the name of being passionate."

After Jiang Nuannuan finished mocking, she got into the car and put an ice pack on her waist, breathing a long sigh of relief.

"Take me back to the hotel, and you can choose one of the bags in the car to take back."

Lu Jin glanced at the back seat, which was full of luxury goods. She swallowed, "How is this good?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "I don't come here often. You still need to take care of the studio, and it's rare to give you something."

Lu Jin was silent for a while, and while waiting for the traffic light to turn green, he solemnly apologized to her, "I also had a bad attitude yesterday. It was because I didn't conduct thorough research on the domestic market, and I made a mistake. There will be no next time."

The beating is in place and the sweet dates are in place. This person should have a long memory.

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and said she didn't care.

Gu Shizhou went downstairs while the doctor was giving Fu Shiliu medicine. He looked unhappy when he saw the empty hall.

He returned to the ward. The weak woman on the bed had tears in her eyes and asked, "What is your relationship with Jiang Nuannuan?"

"Friend." He walked over, pulled out a chair, sat down, and said quietly: "Zhai Heng didn't come with you?"

Fu Shiliu shook his head and smiled bitterly, "I married him, but he never looked at me."

The old lady used her connections to send a stranger to get even a marriage certificate with her. How ridiculous.

Gu Shizhou looked at her, "Why are you following me?"

Fu Shiliu bit his lower lip, his moist eyes were almost exactly the same as Jiang Nuannuan's, which made him distracted for a moment.

"I thought Gu Tingyan was with her."

Gu Shizhou leaned back in his chair, narrowed his eyes, and laughed, "You still want to be a bitch after you get married, right?"

He was not polite. Fu Shiliu's face turned pale, her nails dug into the quilt, and tears fell from her eyes again, "How can you say that to me? You know I never have any choice."

"Why are you crying? Isn't that what you said when you dumped me and Gu Tingyan?" Gu Shizhou stood up, put his hands in his pockets, and turned to leave with cold eyes.

Fu Shiliu grabbed the corner of his clothes and said tremblingly, "Can you please stop leaving? How long has it been since we last talked to each other?"

He looked sarcastic and seemed unmoved. Fu Shiliu gritted her teeth and said, "At least I don't want you to be hurt by Jiang Nuannuan, she became Gu Tingyan's lover."

Gu Shizhou suddenly lowered his eyes and his expression turned completely cold.

Jiang Nuannuan returned to the hotel carrying large and small bags. On the way, Lu Jin also handed her a necklace from the Galaxy series, "The damaged one has been repaired."

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at it and said disgustedly: "Leave it in the store, there is no need to return it for the time being."

She booked a flight for the next morning, made all subsequent arrangements, and was ready to return to Linggang.

When he came out of the hotel in the morning, he met Fan Jiang. Jiang Nuannuan asked casually, "Gu Shizhou didn't come back from the hospital last night?"

Fan Jiang nodded, with a strange look on his face, "How do you know."

His ancestor spent the night in the hospital with Young Master Zhai's wife, and the day before yesterday he bought a small blue box to tell his ancestor and Jiang Nuannuan to take it easy.

He can hardly understand this chaotic relationship. Do rich people always spend money like this?


Jiang Nuannuan carried her suitcase, walked around him in a daze, and got into the car.

When arriving at the airport, Gu Tingyan sent a message: When will you come back?
She took a photo of the ticket date and sent it to him, then picked up her luggage and prepared to board the plane.

Gu Tingyan, who was sitting in the office, glanced at the time and said quietly: "Change the afternoon meeting to online video and drive to the airport at 2 o'clock."

Li Assistant nodded beside him, guessing in his heart that Jiang Nuannuan must be back.

During the 6-hour flight, she turned off her mobile phone, and Gu Shizhou couldn't get through when she called her. After Fan Jiang came to the hospital, she found out that Jiang Nuannuan had left with her luggage in the morning.He pushed the tip of his tongue against his cheek and kicked the hospital bench.

This feeling of being the king of the sea and being cheated made him particularly unhappy. The fact that the target was his brother also aroused his desire for competition.

The first reason I was interested in Jiang Nuannuan was because of this.

"Go, go home."

When Fu Shiliu woke up and asked the nurse where he was, she only received a message that all her ward fees had been paid, and the other party left first.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the plane arrived at Linggang Airport on time. As soon as Jiang Nuannuan turned on the phone, her phone received a message from Gu Tingyan 5 minutes ago: Exit A ground parking lot.

She raised a smile, ignored several messages from Master Gu on WeChat, and walked out dragging her suitcase.

The Maybach looked very awkward among the other cars. The rear window was open, which caused many people to look sideways, wanting to see what kind of person was sitting inside.

Li Assistant was the first to notice the person, turned around and said, "Miss Jiang is here."

Gu Tingyan raised his eyes and looked out the window. A girl wearing a goose-yellow woolen T-shirt and a denim skirt was walking towards the car. She had a simple ponytail on her head and her almond-shaped eyes curled up with a smile, like a bright little sun.

He subconsciously took down the cigarette from his lips and pressed it into the ashtray next to him.

Assistant Li got out of the car, opened the door for her thoughtfully, and was responsible for putting her luggage in the car.

Several people passing by couldn't help but look through the wide open car door. The man in the car was wearing a black shirt and suit pants, with his legs crossed and his face sharply angular. His restrained temperament was calm and dignified, which was different from ordinary people. The momentum is so overwhelming that people can't take their eyes away.

Jiang Nuannuan bent over and got into the car, put her bag next to her, and sat down.

Gu Tingyan closed the window for ventilation and turned to look at her, "Is everything done?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, took the initiative to hold his hand on his lap, and muttered unhappily, "Because of the things on Weibo, many celebrities refused to come. I went to find Hang Panxia in person before settling on the spokesperson. .”

Gu Tingyan held her hand, squeezed it, and said quietly: "The scandal with Gu Shizhou?"

He must know this kind of thing, so he has to explain it.

"Well, I was framed." Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "I don't know if it has been resolved now."

Gu Tingyan stopped her hand, let go of her and took out her phone, "I'll let someone handle it."

Jiang Nuannuan did not refuse, firstly to show that she had not cuckolded him, and secondly because she preferred the speed of the person in front of her compared to the efficiency of Gu Shizhou being entangled by Fu Shiliu.

After he finished his instructions, he put down the phone and put his slender hands on his legs.

Jiang Nuannuan understood, grabbed it again and shook hands with it. She also kissed the handsome side face and said sweetly: "Thank you."

Gu Tingyan's fingers trembled, and he raised his eyes to meet Li Zhu's gaze in front of him through the rearview mirror.

Assistant Li was startled. He held the steering wheel with one hand and touched a certain button with the other hand.

Gu Tingyan's cold eyes were blocked by the rising partition, and he breathed a sigh of relief.


Gu Tingyan turned his head, with a hint of hidden desire in his eyes.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't seem to notice, she still held his face ambiguously with her hand, and gently rubbed her eyes with her thumb, "Have you stayed up late at work again in the past two days? The dark circles under your eyes are so heavy."

Most people have dark circles under their eyes, especially those who are older. However, Gu Tingyan's face looked like a gloomy and cold handsome man.

No matter how hard you try on this face, it will never be ugly.

Her fingers were soft, the body she leaned against felt fragrant, and a small portion of her porcelain white collarbone was exposed at the collar.

Gu Tingyan felt that her preference for peach-flavored perfume seemed intentional, as sweetness was always very attractive.

He tightened his jaw, put one hand around her waist and pressed her to his chest. His eyes were dark, as if a wild beast was about to rush out.

"Gu Shizhou's trip is in France recently. I heard that he went to see you."

(End of this chapter)

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