Chapter 141
Jiang Nuannuan pressed his strong legs with her elbows, and her heart froze when she touched the cold belt buckle.

Immediately, she raised her head and moved up to press his lips, but kept a little distance from him before kissing him.

Staring into those dark and calm eyes, she smiled, "He felt guilty about me about what happened on Weibo. He wanted to be Qiao Lin's spokesperson, but I refused. Now, he should take care of Fu Shiliu in the hospital, because She stalked me and got burned.”

When he heard that his ex-girlfriend had been burned, Gu Tingyan didn't even move his eyebrows and seemed not to be interested at all.

This situation was beyond Jiang Nuannuan's expectation.

He has such a good moral sense.

"Why is she following you?" He had enough time to push the ashtray away from him and put her in his arms.

Jiang Nuannuan thought for a moment and gave him a look that made me understand, "I don't know, maybe it just makes me unhappy."

Gu Tingyan said quietly: "I will warn Gu Shizhou to be careful. He has been spoiled over the years."

Why doesn't this follow the script?

According to the opening scene, Gao Gao should have given her the whole "You are not worthy of mentioning Fu Shiliu's name" and so on.

Jiang Nuannuan was silent for a few seconds. Fortunately, she separated herself from Gu Shizhou and diverted the trouble. She put her hand back to hold down the big hand that was moving on her waist, and said aggrievedly: "Your brother He hit me because of someone else’s wife, and my waist turned green.”

Gu Tingyan raised his eyebrows and said, "Let me take a look?"

This was what he asked, but he didn't give her any room to refuse. Jiang Nuannuan was grabbed by the back of his neck and pressed into his lap.

She didn't know how to describe this position. Anyway, the interior of the Maybach was very spacious. Her upper body was lying on his lap, her head couldn't reach the door, and her chest felt as if there was a piece of iron, which was so hard.

The tight-fitting T-shirt with woolen hooks was pulled up by Gu Tingyan, and it was stuck under her chest. If he hadn't been lying on her lap, Jiang Nuannuan would really feel ashamed.

The expression of the man sitting upright did not change, but the lust in his eyes faded.

On that piece of snow-white skin, the purple bruises were extremely conspicuous and hideous.

He raised his head and ordered coldly to Li Zhu on the other side of the partition, "Go to the hospital."

"Hey, no, I don't have to go because I have the blood-removing ointment. Let's find a place to eat. The airplane food is terrible." Jiang Nuannuan stopped her quickly, and her slightly warm palm touched the wound, making her tremble. For a moment.

Gu Tingyan's movements were very gentle, and he touched the skin with his rough fingertips before pulling down her clothes, and then pinched the back of her neck like hair, "I will contact Zhai Heng to handle this matter."

Jiang Nuannuan: "???"

From teaching him a lesson to contacting Zhai Heng, how could she hear from his tone that he wanted to take care of his wife?
Li Zhu looked at the schedule and asked, "Storm Company will have a banquet later, will you still attend?"

After the acquisition of this game company, there was a big change in the middle and senior management, and all of them were their people. Today, the personnel are gathered together, and everyone knows each other and is familiar with each other, so that they can carry out work easily.

Gu Tingyan wanted to reject it altogether, but Jiang Nuannuan said, "We can go there to have a meal."

The words of rejection were changed by Gu Tingyan to participation.

The upper-class people wear suits and leather shoes everywhere, and women also wear uniform skirts or formal skirts. The moment Jiang Nuannuan entered the venue with the tourist people, in order not to embarrass Gu Tingyan, she quietly stayed away from him, "You go Work, I’ll go eat.”

Li Assistant whispered from the side: "Miss Jiang is such a dedicated lover."

The two of them had an underground relationship, so it was right to do so, but Gu Tingyan saw her sneaking away quickly, and there was a bit of contemplation in her eyes.

Even if the people here have never met Jiang Nuannuan in person, they still know her glorious deeds and her appearance on the show, and most of them have good intentions towards her.

She took a glass of champagne and a small cake, walked to the corner, sat down and ate slowly, but after a while she saw two people standing in front of the stern and imposing Gu Tingyan.After taking a closer look, the young figure standing as tall as a green pine looked so familiar. System 66 kindly reminded her, "That's Fei Jinzhao."

Suddenly, Jiang Nuannuan's hand holding the cake fork froze.

In other words, how could Fei Jin, who had been summoned so well, appear here?
Probably sensing that her gaze was too hot, the two men seemed to realize it and turned their heads to look over.

Jiang Nuannuan froze and didn't know what to do. She subconsciously put on a bright smile and raised the champagne glass in her hand, her heart beating like thunder.

Then, she received two smiles at the same time.

sting, irritate
Jiang Nuannuan thought about whether she should run away first. She silently picked up the plate in her hand and planned to sit in a more private position first.

In the greeting here, the professor who was summoned with Fei Jin also saw the girl on the sofa and said with a smile: "That Miss Jiang also came to our school to make donations. She is a very good person."

It was probably because those who praised him were also praised. The smile on Gu Tingyan's calm face did not fall. Although Fei Jinzhao's expression was cold, it also revealed a gentleness that was not easy to detect.

The professor said: "My students helped me design this game program. Sumirezhao and I are very grateful to your company for helping us publish it."

Gu Tingyan shook hands with him and said, "GameStorm Company has done a lot, but your innovation in using props and traps is very good and worth investing in."

He turned to look at Fei Jinzhao, and at the same time stretched out his hand, "My classmate will graduate soon, right?"

Fei Jinzhao shook hands with him and said, "Next year."

Gu Tingyan handed him a business card and said, "If you are interested, you can consider this place."

He nodded and suddenly there was a commotion behind him. One person pushed the professor away, and Fei Jinzhao immediately stabilized the person.

Jiang Nuannuan also heard the movement over there. She turned around and saw that Ji Yansen had broken into the venue and knelt down in front of Gu Tingyan with a plop.

He used to be so high-spirited just to be with Jiang Meng, but now he is so pitiful.

Jiang Nuannuan had a smile on her face.

There was a lot of fun to be had during the meal.

"Why are you here?" Fei Jin asked him to sit down.

She suddenly turned around and was startled when she saw a pair of clear and cold eyes. She subconsciously replied: "My family had some dealings with Mr. Gu before, so I came to see the world."

He lowered his gaze and glanced at her casual clothes, "Really?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded seriously, "Well, what are you doing here again."

Fei Jin recalled: "The small game I made with the professor won an award, and it was noticed by this company. The professor thought it could be published."

Jiang Nuannuan remembered that this was the case.

She hesitated for a while, "Then you will often deal with that, uh, Mr. Gu in the future?"

"No need." Fei Jinzhao shook his head, "The rest of the matter is not up to me."

Jiang Nuannuan breathed a sigh of relief and said congratulations to him again.

(End of this chapter)

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