Chapter 143

More than a dozen security vehicles came from two directions.

Reinforcements arrived and blocked those who tried to escape.

In the commotion, the man in front of him stood tall and straight, his chin was dripping with water, there was blood on the corners of his lips, and his narrow black eyes were cold and cruel.

Jiang Nuannuan threw away the steel rod and walked over to hold his cheek, "Gu Tingyan?"

Was he beaten stupid?What she was doing was dazed, and her favorability didn't increase. God knows how bold she was when she just made the decision. She couldn't help her in vain, could she?

The man clenched his fists, his black shirt clinging to his body, his muscles smooth, his eyes fixed on her, "What are you doing here?"

The girl was soaked all over, with a pair of watery almond eyes open, and her bright red lips opening and closing, she said matter-of-factly: "You will be beaten if I don't come out. Doesn't your arm hurt? I just saw you get beaten several times." Down."

Although Gu Tingyan was very skilled, he still received a lot of beatings. People cannot be made of steel, and it would definitely be painful.

As soon as he finished speaking, the ambulance he just called also arrived at the scene. Jiang Nuannuan heard the sound and looked over, her eyes lit up, "Let's go over and ask the doctor to take care of you."

She only took two steps out when she was pulled back by the people behind her.

In the heavy rain, Li Zhu's shouts could not be heard clearly. The man pulled her into his arms. Jiang Nuannuan leaned against the door of a van, with the glass window and the coolness soaked in the rain behind her. In front of her, his hot chest pressed against hers. The palm of his hand conveys warmth.

She raised her face in confusion, and a hand strangled her neck. Gu Tingyan lowered his head.

Moist lips touched each other in a passionate kiss. Jiang Nuannuan suddenly opened her eyes wide. In her ears was the shout of System 66, "Alipay has received 1 million, Gu Tingyan's favorability is 34%, an increase of five points, he has made a lot of money." !!!”

After Li Zhu yelled twice and was stopped, his eyes fell behind a car and saw clearly that his boss was pressing his lover on the car to kiss him. He immediately turned around and vomited blood from his mouth.

This scene is really unlucky for him, an older single man!
I was worried that you were comforting me, but you were kissing me like no one else was around!
Jiang Nuannuan couldn't open her eyes soon, her lips were biting and numb, her curled eyelashes were pressed down by the rain, and the world became hazy. She hummed softly and forced out the words between her teeth, " Gu Tingyan, you are bleeding."

There was a taste of rust in her mouth, and she really didn't want to taste it.

The man's fingers inserted into the wet hair on the back of her head, and he kissed her deeply.

Almost out of breath, Jiang Nuannuan couldn't hold it in anymore and grabbed his chest twice, picking up the folds of his wet shirt. Only then did the other party slowly let go of her, and rubbed away the heavy rain on her eyelids with her thumbs. He said: "Why are you so good?"

Of course that means taking people's money and doing things as they are asked.

That [-] million was actually more worthy of her being slapped on his behalf, and just a kiss on the lips was a bit uneasy.

Jiang Nuannuan concealed her thoughts, blushed, tightened her hands into fists on his chest, and said with numb lips, "Let's go."

Gu Tingyan led her back to the car, took out an umbrella from the car door, opened it and handed it to her, then put the suit jacket that had been left in the car on her body, and then the two of them went to the ambulance.

Jiang Nuannuan was not injured and watched Gu Tingyan inspecting him throughout the process. He only had some bruises from the blow, and the wound on his lip was a bit of bleeding from the mouth, which was nothing serious.

Li Zhu was not seriously injured, but his finger was dislocated, and he was put back on the spot. He looked at the two of them with a bit of resentment and jealousy in their eyes.

It's so hard to be a good assistant.

Only now did Jiang Nuannuan find out that this assistant's predecessor was really a special soldier. He had a very high IQ, but was not very good at emotional intelligence.

She returned to the car and waited.

Gu Tingyan walked up to the controlled Gu Songke, and under the other's horrified gaze, she kicked him in the face. At that time, his nose was crooked.

Immediately, the man picked up another steel rod from the side. He had been hit several times before and returned it without missing a beat.

The entire highway was filled with Gu Songke's screams.Jiang Nuannuan was speechless as she sat in the car and watched. Gu Shizhou also had a tendency to hit people. It was all inherited, but his brother hid it better.

Gu Tingyan swung the stick, squatted on the ground and looked at the half-dead Gu Songke, and said calmly: "I used to give you face for mom's sake, but now you don't want it."

Gu Songke only made a whining sound. The security personnel beat all these people to death before calling the police to clean up the mess and block all news.

On the way back, Jiang Nuannuan sent a message to Aunt Mei, and when the two got home, she prepared a hot meal.

After washing and having dinner, she watched the dog training class alone in the living room. Gu Tingyan, who had gone upstairs to finish his work, came down again.

"Aren't you sleeping yet?"

Now this was a signal to sleep with him. Jiang Nuannuan put down the computer as instructed, walked to the stairs and held his hand, "Sleep, but your wound doesn't matter? It will hurt if you hug me."

"Not that fragile." He led her into the bedroom.

As Gu Tingyan said, the injury to his arm did not prevent him from sleeping with her in his arms. The smell of her body was like putting soothing incense in the bedroom, which could help him sleep peacefully.

Jiang Nuannuan was not asleep, and the man with his chin on the top of her hair was breathing long and evenly.

She felt like a pillow, rubbing his big chest muscles with peace of mind, and fell asleep after a while.

When I woke up from bed in the morning, there was no one around me.

After going downstairs for breakfast, Jiang Nuannuan learned that Gu Tingyan had a morning meeting and went out at dawn.

He is so injured and still goes to work, he is really a workaholic.

She was eating coffee bags and milk and scrolling through Weibo. The scandal about her and Gu Shizhou in the past two days was updated.

Gu Tingyan sent people to do things very quickly, but he did it all in one night, and public opinion turned around.

An underground girlfriend in Lanshan who has been in love for five years personally broke the news. Every time he appeared on a show, he would seduce a woman to become his resource. Even on the most recent anniversary, he didn’t even call to greet her. He was busy seducing Jiang Nuannuan. .

This was discovered by Gu Shizhou, so he was beaten at the airport.

His girlfriend also exposed numerous photos of Zhang Lanshan’s secret meetings with lovers, and roped in a bunch of second- and third-tier starlets.

For those who behaved badly, there was a lot of scolding on Weibo. His entertainment company terminated his contract on the spot and insisted on demanding compensation of 500 million yuan in damages.

As soon as the statement came out, Qiao Lin's studio followed suit, and the matter came to light. The one-sided scolding war between Gu Shizhou fans ended, and Yishui's apology came out.

Jiang Nuannuan is used to the behavior of fans who just ignore her. As long as her own brand is not affected, everything else doesn't matter.

In a while, Qiao Lin's spokesperson will be online, and a batch of new jewelry will be launched. She has been very busy these two days.

On the way, some starlets changed their minds and came to ask about her position as spokesperson, but Lu Jin blocked them all.

Fan Jiang found out that someone had solved the problem, and got the news that it was Mr. Gu who did it. When he told Gu Shizhou about the matter, the other person became angry on the spot and kicked the table over.

He sent many WeChat messages to Jiang Nuannuan, but nothing happened, which made him more and more anxious.

She sent the design draft that she had drawn at home for several days to Lu Jin. Jiang Nuannuan only had time to look at her phone. Master Gu's messages all turned into red dots. She directly erased them and prepared to go to the Zhai family's old house today. Zhai Lin, who had been dry for a few days, gave dog lessons.

(End of this chapter)

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