Chapter 144 Zhai Heng wants a divorce

Fu Shiliu, who had just returned from the hospital in France early yesterday morning, had her chest tied with gauze due to burns. She was not as weak as Liu Fufeng when she walked.

Zhai Heng's Bentley was parked at the door, and the old lady was also at home. She quietly returned to the room and found an extra document on the table.

After putting away the large and small items she bought, she picked up the documents on the table and opened them. Her legs went weak and she almost fell over.

The four big characters that came into view on the white paper were the divorce agreement.

Zhai Heng wants to divorce her!
For a moment, she didn't know whether it was panic or relief. She immediately called home and hurried back.

"You said that your son-in-law wants to divorce you?" Mother Fu was shocked for a moment, "Does the old lady agree to this?"

"I don't know, but this is an opportunity, Mom." Fu Shiliu's eyes were red, a little scared and a little excited, "You don't even know what kind of life I lived there. If I can get a divorce, if I can come back to Ting Yan "

When that big shot was down and out, he came to his door and hoped that his elders would not rush to marry off their daughter and give him some time. But how did they trample and humiliate him at that time?
Whether to sign or not, the experienced mother Fu looked hesitant, "Will Gu Tingyan marry a divorced woman? With his current status, are you sure that the other party will want you? Do you know what happened before?"

They had dismantled this pair of capable couples with their own hands. But at that time, they were unable to save themselves, so it was useless to marry into a wealthy and down-to-earth family.

Fu Shiliu choked. She had once confidently believed that this man, including his brother who she had fallen in love with during college, would be firmly in her hands.

But now.
On the sofa next to her, her father slammed a teacup at her feet and said in a cold voice: "Please wake up, but don't forget that our family has been able to survive to this day because the Zhai family holds all the property in their hands. You have the ability to ask Gu Tingyan to offend Zhai Heng for you, and then come and divorce me, otherwise, don’t even think about it!"

When Gu Tingyan was in despair, his family stepped on him, and the Zhai family helped him.

Would he go against the Zhai family for a woman who had abandoned him?Dad Fu thought it was impossible. Businessmen are very particular.

"I'll call Gu Tingyan, he will definitely help me." Fu Shiliu shrank back in fright, and hurriedly picked up her cell phone to call the man.

That familiar number is always busy no matter how many times I call it.

Fu's mother frowned: "He blocked you?"

This is not a good sign.

Fu Shiliu's heart sank, a chill rose from the soles of her feet, and she hurriedly explained, "No, no, I must be busy."

She called Assistant Li again, and Assistant Li was scared when he saw her name.

Thinking of the two-year bonus she had lost, she felt extremely heartbroken. She did not directly tell her that the president was watering two pots of cacti in the office. Jiang Nuannuan, who was working at home two days ago, bought them from the flower shop and placed them there. It is said that The office is too boring and needs some green plants.

He stood by the door and asked: "Boss, Miss Fu's call came to the secretary's office. Do you want me to transfer it to you?"

If they didn't just call their boss directly when something happened, why would they keep calling him? Assistant Li was getting tired just thinking about it.

Gu Tingyan held the kettle and said without looking back: "I'm busy."

Busy watering the cactus.

Li Assistant looked at the green plant that was about to drown. Before going out, he couldn't help but remind him, "Water the cactus once a month is enough. If you water it too much, the roots will rot."

Gu Tingyan glanced at him sideways, "Did I water a lot?"

Li Zhu: "You watered once each time on your way to and from get off work these two days, and you watered as much as others did for more than half a year."

Upon receiving the cold look from his boss, Li Zhu shrank his neck, quickly closed the door and called Fu Shiliu back.Fu Shiliu here didn't know what happened, so he breathed a sigh of relief, "I'll just say that he's busy and we'll talk about it later. I didn't think twice about it. I'll go back first."

Fu's mother sent her to the door, "If you leave Zhai Heng now, we will have nothing. Gu Tingyan is no longer something we can look down upon."

She patted Fu Shiliu's hand and whispered: "With the death of your sister and Zhai Lin facing you, you will not be sad in the Zhai family. Unless there is really a way to completely separate them from the family, otherwise just stay peacefully." Come on, don't make Mrs. Zhai unhappy, go and beg Zhai Heng to be gentle, it's also for your brother."

Fu Shiliu looked stiffly at his mother's belly, eyes filled with turmoil.

"What did you say?!"

Jiang Nuannuan walked to the garden, where two Doberman pinschers chained to a tree trunk howled.

She took out the dog snacks and dog Frisbees she bought at the pet store she just passed by, squatted down and touched their heads, "Luca, Habi, good morning."

I met her once. Two dogs with docked tails barked happily. They immediately raised their paws to shake hands with her and asked for snacks.

"Go and ask Zhai Lin to come down." While feeding, Jiang Nuannuan turned back to Uncle Wang and said, "Be careful, he is walking down. If he doesn't want to wear the prosthesis, it will be like last time."

Zhai Heng was sitting in the study, just in time to see the garden lawn downstairs, where a girl and two dogs were playing Frisbee. He sat sideways, pointing his fingers on the table, and the coldness in his eyes broke away, revealing softness.

Mrs. Zhai knocked on the table, trying to get his eyes back, "I don't agree with Shiliu divorcing you. Although I married her without your consent, you have reached the point of no return, and the matter of happiness has already been resolved." It’s done, now you kick people out without any reason, what will happen to their condition?”

He was obviously a Buddhist, but he became increasingly superstitious because of his grandson's illness.

Zhai Heng glanced at Fu Shiliu, who was kneeling behind the table and crying, and said warmly: "Okay, grandma, I don't live long. The doctor didn't say it would be two years at most. If she wants to live on her own, just live on her own."

Mrs. Zhai sighed and left the study.

After staring at the girl playing Frisbee for a long time, Zhai Heng was finally willing to turn his chair completely around. In the hot summer, the smile on his face became colder for no reason.

"Why did you go to France to track her down?"

Hearing his gentle voice like the spring breeze, Fu Shiliu was very frightened. He hesitated for a long time and only said, "It was just a coincidence. I didn't do anything."

Zhai Heng's face with the sun behind him was covered with a layer of haze, making it difficult to see his expression, but it was definitely not as gentle as it appeared.

He sighed, "What you've done lately always makes me very embarrassed, Shiliu."

Fu Shiliu looked at him, his body on his knees couldn't stop trembling, "I really don't understand. You have only met each other more than five times. Why are you so indulgent to a mistress? She is also a mistress similar to me."

Zhai Heng stood up with a faint look in his eyes, "Similar to you? Are you worthy?"

The person he had been waiting for on the top of his heart for several years came back again, but he didn't have a good heart to love her. How sad.

Zhai Lin walked down the steps with his prosthetic leg, and there was no less resentment in his eyes. But when he saw Jiang Nuannuan playing Frisbee with the dogs on the lawn, he looked dazed for a moment, and seemed to pull him over.

System 66: "Alipay has received 100 million, and Zhai Lin's favorability is 2%. It's a coincidence. Fu Ying seemed to like playing Frisbee with dogs when she was alive."

Jiang Nuannuan turned her face, and Zhai Lin, who was lost in memories, was instantly pulled back. He became angry and stood outside the lawn and said to a gardener: "Go and turn on the sprinkler."

Jiang Nuannuan, who was still waiting for the dog to get the Frisbee back, didn't even react. The sprinkler on the ground started running, and it instantly cooled her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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